Fav Memory?

Mine is going to seem so cheezy and retarded. But I'd have to say just sitting there, talking and just hanging out with Jolynne.

God, I'm so lame sometimes.. lol.
lolz ss1.
Mine is when i was 6 or 7 and i slipped on the stairs at someone's house. those were like reaally long stairs and my parents were behind me screaming "Ayesha Ayesha" and then i wasl ike "whoa that was fun, lets od that again" andi attempted anohter fall for the second time and that really hurt.
I ususally think about it and laugh at my idioticness.
My favourite memory are all of those that are in the past which I can actually recall. I have too many good ones to name one specifically, but I like reflecting back on the stupid idiotic things I use to do =D Really really REALLY stupid things >.< But amusing all the same.

This sounds bad but I called the police when I was about 8 or 9. Umm... My mum and dad were teaching me about my home phone number, making sure I knew it off by heart, and also my relatives and next door neighbours numbers. They also told me that if I was ever in trouble and needed the police, just dial "999". Being a stupid naive kid I thought it was a fake number, after all... my own telephone number was 7 digits long lmao. So uhh... me and my little sister betted that it was fake, and I called it o_0 An a voice was on the other side! A police officer came to our house and told us the dangers of it and stuff lol. It wasn't too bad because the station wasn't too far from our house but still... I laugh when I think about it =) Very stupid I know =) Don't laugh lol.
I have a memory i never forget because it scared me that day..

It was my birthday and i think i was turning 11 and my cousin was doing something that he wasnt suppose to do, like he was going to break something real important i dont remember what. But i told him to stop and he didn't so i called "911" the police station but then just hung up, and during my birthday party i see a police car at my house and i just hide under the table and start crying because i got scared. lol

At the end they handcuffed my cousin for fun which was awesome!!! But i bet he was scared... lol And they sang happy birthday for me.... pretty weird..
mine was probably all the good and funny times with my class when i was younger. one most significant one was when my science teacher who was teaching abt the human body,was drawing two vertical lines, which curved inwards at the end. it was a drawing of the direction of how food and air go down yr gullet and windpipe. after she had done drawing she asked the class what was the drawing abt, and one boy shouted " p**is!". the whole class burst out laughing, including the teacher herself.
I have wayyy too many to list but here's a few...

- my 8th grade year
- going to Poland for vacay
- any time spent with my american Polaks
- the papa roach concert
- my graduation (unfortunatly)