Favorite Food?

lol yeah its weird i love sushi..raw fish but thats the way i am
Oh and cookie taste soooooo yummy....... man now im hungry lol you like a lot of food!!! I like a lot of food too but my favorite is sushi!!! XD
Hahah yeah. I'm a greedy bitch lol! Don't worry, I don't eat them all at once. They're all just nice! I dunno, it's just hard to decide heh =P Whilst I'm at it, I would also like to add my mums cooking to the list. And chinese food. And chocolate muffins lol. I'll be sure to try sushi *one day* =P But raw fish lol. Weird!
Glorious Pizza.
With its delicious cheese
and wonderful toppings...
It is heavenly.
Bow before it.
Pizza rules.
Oh yeah.
I like that stuff, pizza.
:D :D :p
lets see mine has to be pizza and defently anything peanut butter. and im kinda half a vegatarian. i just dont eat alot of meat. i hate the way it tastes. so i also love fruits and vegetables too. and ice cream is good too. i love ice cream.

oh and cerial wise i love lucky charms
White cheddar cheese its. They are the best thing every lol, well if you are talking about real food I like chicken and asian food...pasta and uhh rice lol.
LinkinPark33Grl said:
Mine is Sushi, I love it I cant live without eating any in a week, since there a little too expensive..lol whats yours?

Gahhh! I love sushi! Hmmm my favourite food...I have so many >< I love mangos, and spider-roll