FBI agents shoot each dead other during Arrest..reminds us of WACO

On Apr 9, 8:55 pm, "Leftwinghank" <rightwingh...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 9, 8:32 pm, "lubow" <l...@lubow-industries.com> wrote:
> > > No one has to "get you"...you are 65 years old...black...

> > If I were 75 I would do to you what what good citizen would do with a pile
> > of dogshit on the street.

> > First you threaten to tie me to your station wagon, then kill me... then, as
> > everyone had predicted, you chickened-out just like a typical Nazi piece of
> > ****.

> > Now everyone on earth knows that Dogshit hank is a cowardly *****. Nothing
> > more than a dainty little girl that resembles dog manure.

> > Now the clincher...
> > You tell us you're a "white Roman" That alone is a joke because your only
> > knowledge of Romans comes from watching milk white English actors portray
> > Romans on TV.

> > FYI
> > (1) Rome was so pluralistic, that most Romans, as you have claimed to be,
> > were at least 1/4 black, and

> > (2) Your obvious cowardice doesn't even make you a man. You are nothing more
> > than a little girl disguised as dogshit. A sniveling dainty little *****
> > afraid of everybody, including, as you put it, a 65 year old feeble black
> > man who can hardly walk. And I bet if a 75 year old rabbi crosses your path
> > you would start shaking in fear because you are a cowardly little *****.

> > You really disgust me and everyone else who has an IQ above 75.

> > Do everyone a favor, Dogshit hank, and get out of our faces, get de-toxed or
> > just jump off the Ben Franklin Bridge like the true coward you are because
> > living just to waste your next check on booze is not living.

> > --
> > Lubow

> You are a sick old man.
> Both in body and spirit.

I don't know about that, skank. He is making easy work of you! LOL!
You're badly outgunned in this battle of wits. Slink away, imbecile.
You can't win.
Thanks for your "vote." In a battle of wits with any breathing human,
Dogshit hank would finish no better than fourth.

> I don't know about that, skank. He is making easy work of you! LOL!
> You're badly outgunned in this battle of wits. Slink away, imbecile.
> You can't win.