Fear Comes Full Circle


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
I'm talking about the Ring 2! I saw the movie last night because i did the whole preview/screening (whatever you call it) thing.

I loved the movie, just like i loved the first one. THey're both equally scary.
The difference is that in the Ring, they didnt have many parts where they make you jump alot, it was more like "mess with your mind" scary. And the Ring 2 contained less "mind control" and dished out quite a few surprises and jump parts. I love it.

If i were to rate both movies...
The Ring: 9.7/10
The Ring 2: 9.7/10

Did not disappoint.
I cant watch those type of movies. If I would I wouldn't be able to sleep for like 2 months. The scariest movie I watched was the Texas Chainsaw Massacure. That one wasn't too scary because I know it's very unlikely that that could happen...again. But I do live in that same state that Ed Gein lived in...scary.
U are lucky SB!!!!I wanna see the Ring 2 but it hasn´t come out yet on cinemas in here,but for what I have seen on the preview of the movie it seems to be a good one.
The 1st time I saw the Ring,it wast at my house with my friends(it was my bday)and we were all screaming like crazy girls,and my mum was woah why the screaming??hahaha but it was all good.
Then when I saw it for the 2nd time I wasn´t really scared tho,and imo is still a good one,although I have been told that The Grunge was more scarier than the Ring 2 but when I saw The Grunge I wasn´t scared at all,cuz I went with m cousin who had already seen it and then when we were on the cinema he was telling me some parts of the movie and I was like:Shut up!U are going to ruin me the movie lol:p.
The Grunge was a great movie,but I still wanna see the Ring 2:p
I think i'll have to wait till it comes out on DVD to see it. The only chance I have to see it is with my sister, and she says that even though the first one didn't scare her, she felt sick and her heart started pounding and she doesn't want to go through that again....

can't wait to see it though
I really want to see The Ring 2. I loved The Ring, but I didn't think it was too scarey. I remember when I saw The Ring 2 trailer. I can't wait to see it!
The first Ring wasn't very scary. It was pretty creepy, but not that scary. So consequently, I'm not exactly aching to see the sequel. I think it seems odd that they got rid of the videotape, since that was pretty much the biggest thing that made the movie so special...it had enough tech noir in it to jive everyone.
I'll see it if a bunch of people invite me, but other then that I'm not really excited.
i saw that movie last night. it kicked. i loved it. i love the part where she goes "im not your f***ing mommy!" thats was like, the best. Samara is a creepy little girl..listen to her voice hah!
Id give that movie and 9/10 probably ^_^
THAT PART WAS SO AWESOME. the adrenaline rush was so incredible when she was climbing up the well i was freaking out. yeah everyone did clap. on the 'I found you part' i SCREAMED. i KNEW something was going to happen...then it didnt. but then it did. crazy.
Lol, I wanna watch it but I'm too scared actually ¬.¬ The 1st ring scared me so bad when I watched it at the cinema. I was hiding half the time, Samara scared the **** out of me lol. I got a nose bleed the day after watching it, and I haven't had a nose bleed for 5 years till then ¬.¬ Freaky stuff. Definatly messes with your mind.

The Ring 2 hasn't come out here yet, but I saw the trailer when I was last in the cinema watching Constantine. The trailer alone scared me and I found myself grabbing my friends arm and screaming lol. I'm such a wimp. I hope to watch it though. Sounds good.
i love the 1st, it wasnt scary, but i felt sorry for the little girl cuz she got push into a well(i kno i weird) its not her fault she was born with a bad gift, cant wait for the 2nd one, YAY!! it will be so good..
Good news to hear.. I have been excited to see this movie, but was waiting for reviews from people who have. "The Ring" was one of the scariest movies I have seen.. but nothing has yet topped "The Exorcist"...
I saw that movie on Saturday. I loved that part when she says "Im not your ****ing mommy" LMAO! The people behind us where saying all this funny stuff that made us laugh so the movie was kinda funny and scary.