Feel Like Crying, pop a pill you'll feel better..


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2006
I had my weekly doctor's appointment today. Having uncontrolled diabetes and being insulin dependent requires this.. I meet up with my endocrinologist usually on Thursday mornings.. Pretty much, I am his guinea pig. I try all new meds at his discretion. Some work wonderfully, and well others just make me terribly ill.
It has always been a collaborative work effort. Kind of like a team.. He (my endo dr) and my primary work together to get me the newest and best medicines on the market.

I went in this morning, my bloodwork was done immediately. As I am sitting there waiting on him.. I began to think just how different my life would be, if I didn't have this disease.. No more needles, no more finger sticks, no more weekly blood work, no more invasive testing.. None of it.. The thought immediately brings me to tears.. Why? Probably because I am tired, and a little overwhelmed by a test that he suggested I have, on the phone the day before. He walks in and sees my emotional state. Instead of asking me what is wrong. He says, "Kathy, maybe its time I suggest some zoloft or maybe even some Xanax." At this point, all was lost, the tears were gone and I was furious. How dare he even assume that those meds are what I needed. What if my tears were caused by a physical injury? He didn't even bother to ask. I am not about to pop a pill to make to make me feel better. I deal with my diabetes everyday, in every aspect of my life..Funny part is he cant control my blood sugars, but how simple it was to come up with a medicine that could control my tears. **** you.. Was all I could muster.. A line of utter drivel then spewed from his mouth.. "Kathy its nothing to be ashamed of, lots of mom's are on it."

I am not an advocate for the use of medicines that prohibit the brains normal thought patterns..

Unless of course its completely warranted in cases of psychosis or other mental atrophies such as post partem conditions.. I believe these women should be on medications at the first signs of a sprouting condition..

BUT FOR ME? Ohhh **** no.. A pill is not going to help make me a happy little homemaker.. My life sucks (medically) and I deal with it.. And if crying at times is how I deal, then so be it.. And screw you for wanting me to take a pill to dry my eyes..

Anyhow, I got home and called my primary, who agreed entirely with me. She promised to call my endo doctor and rectify this situation..

Since when has Zoloft and Xanax become mother's little helper? It seems that any time you talk to a mom these days they are on all sorts of medications. Just to deal with everyday things? When did it become a necessity that mothers need meds to function with everyday parental crisis'?

Again I am not referring to those actually in need of such things.. I just think its all to easy to write a prescription, rather than having the woman actually deal with the **** in her life..

What are you thoughts on this?

Should drugs as the ones I listed above be given out at random the way they are?
Save this post to Word just in case the GF Nazi is having a bad day.

As for your question, I do not believe such drugs should be handed out like candy. They might be great for some people who truly need them... but social anxiety drugs for a diabetic? huh?
Phantom said:
Save this post to Word just in case the GF Nazi is having a bad day.

As for your question, I do not believe such drugs should be handed out like candy. They might be great for some people who truly need them... but social anxiety drugs for a diabetic? huh?

Saving it in word will also help with your spelling :p
Should drugs as the ones I listed above be given out at random the way they are?
It's not all that random. Doctors work in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies. Not always for your best interest. Prescription meds are a product before they are a medicine.
I went to see my NEW general practitioner about a month ago. My insurance requires that I get a referral from him before I see a specialist. I told him I was having problems sleeping because of an old back problem and that I wanted to see an orthopedist because I had read there were new things they could do to help the problem I have.

He would not give me the referral and suggested I try taking narcotics AND sleeping pills instead...

I declined his offer. I told him I prefer to take medications that are actually theraputic such as a non steriodal anti-inflammatory drug that will decrease the swelling in the area rather then a drug that will cause me to be dependent and only mask the problem that I have...
Posted by Lethalfind:
He would not give me the referral and suggested I try taking narcotics AND sleeping pills instead...
Why the hell can't I find a doctor like that when I need one. I went to a medical clinic about 3 years ago because I had a wisdom tooth infection flare up at about eleven PM. My jaw was very obviously swollen and it hurt soooo bad. When the doctor came in he looked at it said "yep its infected", and told me I needed to see a dentist the next day. In my mind I'm thinkin 'no **** Sherlock'. I explained to him how bad it hurt and requested some anti-biotics and something for the pain to hold me over until the following day. He left the room and some Asian fella comes in and explains these exact words, "We don't just hand out Vicodin to every person that comes in off the street, we can give you some Tylenol 3 and a few anti-biotics". Ohhh man did I get mad. First off I never asked for "Vicodin" per say, and secondly...WTF! Tylenol 3? That **** isn't gonna help me when it feels like my bones are crunching together in brutal waves of horror.

I walked out and refused to pay them a ****in dime. Went to another place down the street and got a bottle of 12 X-tra strength Vicodins and some stout anti-biotics.

So I understand what your saying, but there are times that some narcotic pain killers are in order.
for something like that I can understand...

My back problem is a chronic condition, I have three crushed veter brae in my back, I can't take narcotics all the time for that AND function AND while it can be fixed, it won't be a quick fix like going to the dentist. It will require outpatient surgery and time to recover etc. I refuse to live like that on narcotics. I can't function.

As for sleeping pills...doesn't it make sense to address the problem that is keeping you from sleeping rather then just taking a sleeping pill??
KathyA said:
I had a my weekly doctor's appointment today. I have uncontrolled diabetes and I am insulin dependent. So one day every week I meet up with my endocrinologist.. Pretty much, I am his guinea pig. I try all new meds at his discretion. Some work wonderfully, and well others just make me terribly ill.
It has always been a collaborative work.. He (my endo dr) and my primary work together to get me the newest and best medicines on the market.

I went in this morning, my bloodwork was done immediately. As I am sitting there waiting on him.. I began to think just how different my life would be, had I not have this disease.. No more needles, no more finger sticks, no more weekly blood work, no more invasive testing.. None of it.. The thought immediately brings me to tears.. Why? Probably because I am tired, and a little overwhelmed by a test that he suggested I have, on the phone the day before. He walks in and sees my emotional state. Instead of asking me what is wrong. He says, "Kathy, maybe its time I suggest some zoloft or maybe even some Xanax." At this point, all was lost, the tears were gone and I was furious. How dare he even assume that those meds are what I needed. What if my tears were caused by a physical injury? He didn't even bother to ask. I am not about to pop a pill to make to make me feel better. I deal with my diabetes everyday, in every aspect of my life..Funny part is he cant control my blood sugars, but how simple it was to come up with a medicine that could control my tears. **** you.. Was all I could muster.. A line of utter drivel then spewed from his mouth.. "Kathy its nothing to be ashamed of, lots of mom's are on it."

I am not an advocate for the use of medicines that prohibit the brains normal thought patterns..

Unless of course its completely warranted in cases of psychosis or other mental atrophies such as post partem conditions.. I believe these women should be on medications at the first signs of a sprouting condition..

BUT FOR ME? Ohhh **** no.. A pill is not going to help make me a happy little homemaker.. My life sucks (medically) and I deal with it.. And if crying at times is how I deal, then so be it.. And screw you for wanting me to take a pill to dry my eyes..

Anyhow, I got home and called my primary, who agreed entirely with me. She promised to call my endo doctor and rectify this situation..

Since when has Zoloft and Xanax become mother's little helper? It seems that any time you talk to a mom these days they are on all sorts of medications. Just to deal with everyday things? When did it become a necessity that mothers need meds to function with everyday parental crisis'?

Again I am not referring to those actually in need of such things.. I just think its all to easy to write a prescription, rather than having the woman actually deal with the **** in her life..

What are you thoughts on this?

Should drugs as the ones I listed above be given out at random the way they are?

You don't have to take the medicine all the time. If your emotionally strut, that's what the pill was designed for. It dosn't hurt to have help now and then.

Take the damn Xanax and relax a bit.
The problem with some medications is they cause dependence, sometimes only emotional sometimes like in the case of Vicodine, they can cause physical dependence as well.

If you have a chronic health problem, it sometimes doesn't make sense jump for those kinds of medications.

I personally don't agree with a doctor other then a psychiatrist perscribing psychiatric medications like Xanax.
Not necessarily. It doesn't take a ****ing shrink to figure out I've got anxiety disorder-well I've been told by one but she was crazier than I am and stopped going a long time ago. However, I am not medicated (anymore). I now use homeopathic treatments which are not addictive and work 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I just lock myself in the house and I'm okay after a little while.

Kathy-why the **** would he give you xanax for crying? What a dumbass he is. Hell if I was stuck at the dr getting all those tests done and trying new meds all the time I'd be crying too and I'm nowhere near "depressed". You can't take a pill to make life go away. What he should have done was suggest you talk to someone just to vent. Doctors these days, huh??
Posted by Lethal:
I personally don't agree with a doctor other then a psychiatrist prescribing psychiatric medications like Xanax.

Ya, I took 2 of them for fun as a teenager. Put three cigarettes out on my arm along with a litany of stupid ****. Xanax is for folks with serious issues if ya askin me.
angie said:
Not necessarily. It doesn't take a ****ing shrink to figure out I've got anxiety disorder-well I've been told by one but she was crazier than I am and stopped going a long time ago. However, I am not medicated (anymore). I now use homeopathic treatments which are not addictive and work 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I just lock myself in the house and I'm okay after a little while.

Kathy-why the **** would he give you xanax for crying? What a dumbass he is. Hell if I was stuck at the dr getting all those tests done and trying new meds all the time I'd be crying too and I'm nowhere near "depressed". You can't take a pill to make life go away. What he should have done was suggest you talk to someone just to vent. Doctors these days, huh??

I don't agree with it because doctors other then psychiatrists are not adequately trained in mental health issues AND the long term effects of that kind of medication. The medical field tends to feel the same way. Some doctors will refuse to give you psychiatric medication until your evaluated by a mental health professional and they state you have that need AND then they will perscribe the medication for you so you don't have to keep going back to them. However some insurance companies pay your general practitioner MORE money IF he can keep you from seeing a specialist...so he gets MORE money if he does'nt refer you on to see a psychiatrist.
Something like Xanax can be uesed to calm somebody down. It's not hard drugs. I used it for awhile when I had anxiety attacks. I only used it when I needed it. Havn't needed in years now.
"• Xanax is habit forming. You can become physically and psychologically dependent on the medication. Do not take more than the prescribed amount of medication or take it for longer than is directed by your doctor. Withdrawal effects may occur if Xanax is stopped suddenly after several weeks of continuous use. Seizures may be a side effect of sudden discontinuation of the medication. Your doctor may recommend a gradual reduction in dose."

What is Xanax?

• Xanax is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Xanax affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.• Xanax is used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and tension associated with anxiety disorders. Xanax is also used to treat panic disorders.• Xanax may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

What should I avoid while taking Xanax?

• Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. Xanax will cause drowsiness and may cause dizziness. If you experience drowsiness or dizziness, avoid these activities.• Avoid alcohol while taking Xanax. Alcohol may increase drowsiness and dizziness caused by Xanax.• Xanax may increase the effects of other drugs that cause drowsiness, including antidepressants, alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives (used to treat insomnia), pain relievers, anxiety medicines, seizure medicines, and muscle relaxants. Tell your doctor about all medicines that you are taking, and do not take any other medicine without first talking to your doctor.http://www.drugs.com/xanax.html
Absolutely, Xanax is a helpful drug however its not a drug to be taken lightly...as the above information should show you.
My family's practitioner gave my grandmother xanax for anxiety and sleeping problems. She didn't need therapy just the meds. She refills it maybe once a year. Sometimes it really just is a matter of discretion on the physician's part. I can't see him handing out xanax to everyone who walks through his door.
angie said:
My family's practitioner gave my grandmother xanax for anxiety and sleeping problems. She didn't need therapy just the meds. She refills it maybe once a year. Sometimes it really just is a matter of discretion on the physician's part. I can't see him handing out xanax to everyone who walks through his door.

Psychiatrists rarely do therapy...by saying I think psychiatrists should be the one perscribing these meds I was not saying, in order to get them you should be in therapy. Psychiatrists normally do whats called a med check, 5-15 minutes during which they evaluate you to see if you need a certain type of med over another AND once your taking it, how its working, if the dose needs to be increased and ask about posible side effects. Those visits are normally done on a 3 month bases unless someone has been on the medication for a long time and needs less frequent monitering OR if someone is having a problem getting the dosage right.

On occasion you can find a psychiatrist that will also see you for therapy but not often. In the whole lower portion of Florida, the insurance company I worked for, only had a handful that would do both. They can make more money from the med checks alone.
I have taken Xanax before.. On a bunch of occasions actually. My doctor usually prescribes them for me to take the night before and in the morning of any procedure.. They work. They knock me completely on my ass. Which makes the whole horror of another test easier..

And again, I do know there are certain times when people actually do need these med's. I never said there wasn't. I was talking about my doctor not even giving me the chance to explain why I was crying. Instead of just pushing another pill on me.
I have taken Xanax as well but as you say I took them for a procedure, when I had a spinal tap...or an MRI.

Then again my doctor gave me only a weeks worth when my grandmother died. I specifically asked him for only a weeks worth.

That is very different then taking them on a regular basis, day in day out.
KathyA said:
I have taken Xanax before.. On a bunch of occasions actually. My doctor usually prescribes them for me to take the night before and in the morning of any procedure.. They work. They knock me completely on my ass. Which makes the whole horror of another test easier..

And again, I do know there are certain times when people actually do need these med's. I never said there wasn't. I was talking about my doctor not even giving me the chance to explain why I was crying. Instead of just pushing another pill on me.

I kinda know what your going through. My mom is a full blown diebetic. I'm boarderline. I think she takes to insulin shots a day. Plus she has to take so many pill for so many other things too.