Feel Like Crying, pop a pill you'll feel better..

snafu said:
I kinda know what your going through. My mom is a full blown diebetic. I'm boarderline. I think she takes to insulin shots a day. Plus she has to take so many pill for so many other things too.

I take about 10 pills a day. And at the very least, 2 shots daily. Sometimes more, depending on how high my sugar is. My highest ever recorded was 670. It was called diabetic ketoacidosis, it put me in the hospital for 10 days.

So yeah I am pretty careful about everything I do. And when I am not, I suffer the consequences.. Its kinda like the lesser of two evils.. Good and bad upon each shoulder. Guess which one I often find myself leaning towards? lol
snafu said:
I kinda know what your going through. My mom is a full blown diebetic. I'm boarderline. I think she takes to insulin shots a day. Plus she has to take so many pill for so many other things too.

I take about 10 pills a day. And at the very least, 2 shots daily. Sometimes more, depending on how high my sugar is. My highest ever recorded was 670. It was called diabetic ketoacidosis. I spent 10 days in the hospital after that.
KathyA said:
I take about 10 pills a day. And at the very least, 2 shots daily. Sometimes more, depending on how high my sugar is. My highest ever recorded was 670. It was called diabetic ketoacidosis, it put me in the hospital for 10 days.
...and I whine like a bitch when my back aches in the morning. Guess I should be thankful, huh?
Jhony5 said:
...and I whine like a bitch when my back aches in the morning. Guess I should be thankful, huh?

Nah.. I whine like a bitch every day.. lol Problem is, no one listens.. :D
KathyA said:
Nah.. I whine like a bitch every day.. lol Problem is, no one listens.. :D
If you whine like a bitch and no one hears it, does it really make a sound?
KathyA said:
I take about 10 pills a day. And at the very least, 2 shots daily. Sometimes more, depending on how high my sugar is. My highest ever recorded was 670. It was called diabetic ketoacidosis, it put me in the hospital for 10 days.

So yeah I am pretty careful about everything I do. And when I am not, I suffer the consequences.. Its kinda like the lesser of two evils.. Good and bad upon each shoulder. Guess which one I often find myself leaning towards? lol

Good grief women! 670? I thought the 200 hundreds where high! **** I've only hit 200 once although I don't check myself as often as I should. They told me I need to stay 75 to 140.
They say I have it only becuse of three factors.
1. I'm over 40.
2. I'm over weight (190 and only 5'4").
3. It's in my family tree.

I'll have to ask my mom but I don't believe she's ever hit past 300.
My grandmother was at 670 when she was diagnosed. The doctor almost dropped he couldn't believe it was so high.
Hearing these numbers makes me wonder why the **** the ob/gyn made me go in for extensive work after I drank the glucose and had 142. What a waste of 5 hours that was, not to mention the torment I went through.
angie said:
My grandmother was at 670 when she was diagnosed. The doctor almost dropped he couldn't believe it was so high.
Hearing these numbers makes me wonder why the **** the ob/gyn made me go in for extensive work after I drank the glucose and had 142. What a waste of 5 hours that was, not to mention the torment I went through.

Ang what do you mean by extensive work...when I did mine glucose (make me want to throw up) test when I was pregnant, mine went back down like normal and after hanging around a couple hours I went home.

I never knew what they made you go through if it didn't go down.
They (never took a pre-glucose sugar test. They gave me the bottle to take home so for my next appt. I could drink it an hour prior. They told me I could eat light that day (3 pm appt) and stupid ass that I am I ate yogurt which is loaded with sugar. Got 142 and had to go to the hospital the next Saturday at 7 am (fasting after midnight) got blood drawn, drank the glucose. 30 minutes later I couldn't see, was violently nauseous, shaking with the sweats, and couldn't stand up. Had to have blood drawn 4 times after that (standard procedure). The only time I have been that ill was after giving blood. And needless to say I looked like a junkie for a week from being stuck so many times.
Next time around I won't be eating anything before my sugar test. I do not want to go through that **** again.
That sounds like a nightmare...

All I remember is I was lucky enough to get a morning appointment.

I drank that nasty stuff which I was affraid I was going to throw up like I did ALOT of things while I was pregnant.

Mine came out normal. My adopted Father was a diabetic and he was astonished at how well I dealt with the sugar.

My Mom used to accuse me of TRYING to become a diabetic while pregnant when she would see me eat sweets...