Finally some of my brothers are waking up!

eisanbt said:
You're a digusting human being MRIH.

I don't remember the last time an independent atheist group felt the need to murder masses innocencents. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong, but perhaps it about time we knock off all the psychopaths.

Yes it is. We'll start with you.
africas finaly showing some worth here and ****in up the muslims. and here i thought africa was a lost cuase. i say we start givin them more money.
Nigerians are some of the smartest people on the planet. I admire nigerians for their insight and resolve. Second the motion to money em' up.
mcdonalds could donate food to; 1 french fry for every muslim killed. at 100, they can trade up for a burger or a small coke and if they kill a cleric they get a happy meal and finaly if they bomb a mosque they get a big mac.
Honestly, as I can fully understand how this reaction by Christians came about, but it only brings them down to the level of the Muslim radical extremists.

I don't feel sorry for the Muslims if they were acted on in retaliation but I also can't condone the act, as hypocritical as that sounds.
I think this is the only language Muslims understand.

It wasn't too long ago that Muslims cut the head off of two small children (what could have been their offense) who were Christians, I forget what sess pool this happened in.
Lethalfind said:
I think this is the only language Muslims understand.

It wasn't too long ago that Muslims cut the head off of two small children (what could have been their offense) who were Christians, I forget what sess pool this happened in.

Good thing I rammed my butter knife into the calve of that muslim waiter, how the hell else would he know I wanted an Iced Tea :rolleyes:

And yes it was 'THE' Muslims and not 'A' Muslim that killed the kids. Just as its THE Christiens and not say, The Phineas Priesthood, who kill those of supposedly inferior races.

A Zealot is a Zealot, tough since they're so rare in ANY group they make a habit of killing the good normal people and not just the other shitheads.
Skaterdude409 said:
all muslims are shitbags

I agree with one adjustment, all Muslims are either shitbags or shitbags in training.
I honestly believe that any and all of them could burst forth a budding terrorist under the right circumstances.
You all are ignorant beyond belief! I can not even imagine where you have come by these beliefs given you actually thought about what you've said. Month by month I become more embarrassed by my fellow countrymen.
The best I could hope for here is that you would all enlist(not eisanbt) and put your asses where your mouths are. Well, actually you've done that - Oh I wish I could idiot box you three! Unbelievable!:mad:
really im ignorant. why because i say muslims are shitbags. hello dumbass theirs plenty of ****in evidence to suport it. did you know that over half the us supports the idea of limiting rights to muslims? and if you dont like it leave the damn country. we wont miss you
Your ignorant because you say ALL muslims are shitbags. Then half the US is ignorant. I don't like it and am ashamed to share the same nation with you.
scout said:
Your ignorant because you say ALL muslims are shitbags. Then half the US is ignorant. I don't like it and am ashamed to share the same nation with you.
I have to agree. One of my fiancee's good friends is muslim (he's from Yemen). He's a really great guy. Not a terrorist sympathizer by any means. He's been living in this country for nearly 10 years . He thinks what the terrorists have done is ****ed up, just like the rest of us.
i dont see any other group in the world getting as pissed off about some cartoons as the muslims. its not like only a few have protested, the majority of them have. then they use this as an excuse to lash out at everything including the us which was not involved. the same clerics that so passionatrly preach "peace" now call out for the death of those responsible. i dont see christians or jews getting this bent out of shape over a drawing. this is just one of the many things that proves islam is not fit for this world
Look you ****tards.

The real issue is not whether a person is a muslim, a christian, a jew, a republican, a democrat, a hippy, a pimp, a queer, or a dike! It's all about whether or not I can beat the **** out of the competition in Fight Night 3.
angie said:
I have to agree. One of my fiancee's good friends is muslim (he's from Yemen). He's a really great guy. Not a terrorist sympathizer by any means. He's been living in this country for nearly 10 years . He thinks what the terrorists have done is ****ed up, just like the rest of us.

And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.