Finally some of my brothers are waking up!

Lethalfind said:
And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.

most likely he would become a terrorist since it seems that jihad is a disease that is very contagious for muslims :p
Lethalfind said:
And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.
If you knew your relatives were going to bomb Disneyland you would side with them?
Lethalfind said:
And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.
See....I highly doubt that. He doesn't really give a rat's ass what his family does or thinks. He doesn't automatically agree with them because they're his family.
He was supposed to go back to Yemen after school and marry some broad his family had chosen for him. But, alas, he met a girl here in the states and fell madly in love. So he is choosing NOT to do what his family thinks is best, and has told me he doesn't care if he EVER gets their approval. It makes HIM happy and that's what counts. So no, I don't think he's your 'radical' Muslim type. He's got a mind of his own.
scout said:
If you knew your relatives were going to bomb Disneyland you would side with them?

If I knew ANYONE was going to bomb anyplace I would report them so fast their heads would spin...

That goes for my family, my child, my spouse (if I had one), my best friend.

I can't believe you would even ask such a question, does this mean you would not???

Right and wrong are not decided by who is doing the action, at least not for me. If someone in my family is going to do something so terrible and my reporting them gets them put in jail then they are responsible for ultimately ending up in jail, not me.

I am not the person to confide in if your planning something illegal because I'll drop the dime on you so fast your head will spin.
Skaterdude409 said:
i dont see any other group in the world getting as pissed off about some cartoons as the muslims. its not like only a few have protested, the majority of them have. then they use this as an excuse to lash out at everything including the us which was not involved. the same clerics that so passionatrly preach "peace" now call out for the death of those responsible. i dont see christians or jews getting this bent out of shape over a drawing. this is just one of the many things that proves islam is not fit for this world
:mad: Get your tiny little head out of your ass and realize it's the extremists that go on with this **** and true to form your gobbling it all up. They want you to think out of your ass and your doing a fine job. They want to keep things stirred up. Where is it your getting your information? From another dick wad that understood three words out of a headline? Ignorant asshole!:mad:
Lethalfind said:
If I knew ANYONE was going to bomb anyplace I would report them so fast their heads would spin...

That goes for my family, my child, my spouse (if I had one), my best friend.

I can't believe you would even ask such a question, does this mean you would not???

Right and wrong are not decided by who is doing the action, at least not for me. If someone in my family is going to do something so terrible and my reporting them gets them put in jail then they are responsible for ultimately ending up in jail, not me.

I am not the person to confide in if your planning something illegal because I'll drop the dime on you so fast your head will spin.

Originally Posted by Lethalfind
And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.

scout said:
:mad: Get your tiny little head out of your ass and realize it's the extremists that go on with this **** and true to form your gobbling it all up. They want you to think out of your ass and your doing a fine job. They want to keep things stirred up. Where is it your getting your information? From another dick wad that understood three words out of a headline? Ignorant asshole!:mad:

how ****ing dumb are you? do you not see how many muslims are protesting? are you so dumb that you would turn a blind eye to this? your ignorance is making you spew **** that doesnt even make sense. if its only the extremists that are doing this **** then their sure are a whole ****ing lot of them.
All of you are sounding so naive. The world is not black and white. You can never put everybody in the same box. Sure there are Muslims that don
scout said:

Maybe we're reading two different things but let me explain since you apparently don't understand English...

I don't believe that a Muslim would turn in a member of his own family if he knew this family member was going to do something illegal.

I on the other hand would in a heart beat...

That is the differance you non reading ****...

Your blind if you think you can trust a Muslim...
Lethalfind said:
Your blind if you think you can trust a Muslim...

When people say thing like this I really makes you feel good about not being one of them.

Thanks for the booster ;)
Lethalfind said:
And you believe that if his brother or some other family member became involved in terrorism, he would turn them in...he would side with non Muslims if he was put in that position?
I just don't think they would.

You don't know that for sure....

What if your most beloved person to you did such a henious crime?

Anyways, the chances of his family having the same views are high... More Muslims are begining to realise a lot of things in the western world.
Lethalfind said:
Maybe we're reading two different things but let me explain since you apparently don't understand English...

I don't believe that a Muslim would turn in a member of his own family if he knew this family member was going to do something illegal.

I on the other hand would in a heart beat...

That is the differance you non reading ****...

Your blind if you think you can trust a Muslim...

I am what Snafu said... I am trusted by more non-muslims than I am by some other Muslims... Probobly because I know more non-muslims... But anways, if I knew ANYONE, that was planning to even hurt any human, I would stop them at any costs.
Hamza123 said:
I am what Snafu said... I am trusted by more non-muslims than I am by some other Muslims... Probobly because I know more non-muslims... But anways, if I knew ANYONE, that was planning to even hurt any human, I would stop them at any costs.

Well that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Let's all drop trow and suck each other off.
Hamza123 said:
You don't know that for sure....

What if your most beloved person to you did such a henious crime?

Anyways, the chances of his family having the same views are high... More Muslims are begining to realise a lot of things in the western world.

If my own child (the person I am closest to in the world) was going to do something heinous like we are speaking, I would stop her, I would report it to the police.
My conscious would not allow me to close my eyes to it.
Lethalfind said:
If my own child (the person I am closest to in the world) was going to do something heinous like we are speaking, I would stop her, I would report it to the police.
My conscious would not allow me to close my eyes to it.

How heinous are we talking here? Like she commited grand theft? or "it rubs the lotion on it skin or it gets the hose again" ,heinous?
Lethalfind said:
Maybe we're reading two different things but let me explain since you apparently don't understand English...

I don't believe that a Muslim would turn in a member of his own family if he knew this family member was going to do something illegal.

I on the other hand would in a heart beat...

That is the differance you non reading ****...

Your blind if you think you can trust a Muslim...

Once again - What makes the Muslim person any different than you? If your capable of deciding against something your family may do that you thought was wrong, why couldn't the Muslim person do the same? Tell me what that difference is.
well islam which has filled them full of ****. and dont forget that the koran tells them that they should kill the infidels. so why would they turn their family members in for following islam?
scout said:
Once again - What makes the Muslim person any different than you? If your capable of deciding against something your family may do that you thought was wrong, why couldn't the Muslim person do the same? Tell me what that difference is.
I like you scout. LOL,,, points for having balls and being a chick....