Firearms: Banned or Brandished


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
I know there are two discussions going on right now in the poll area about firearms and laws. But I thought it would make a better debate than a poll.

I'll start with stating that firearms should be absolutely legal from handguns to machineguns and everthing in between.
I didn't reply in the other thread, but I am in favor of guns. The "everything in-between" thing is a bit much though. There is no reason for someone to own a rocket launcher but I have no problem with someone owning a fully automatic weapon. Here is my point on making firearms illegal... Let's suppose for a moment the type of weapon that Liu used to assasinate these two emplpyees was illegal. What is to stop him from procuring the same weapon illegally? There are many controlled substances on the streets that legislation has failed to rid our society of, so what makes the anti-gunners feel that anti-gun legislation will rid the streets of firearms? Now, if by some miracle, the hypothetical law did infact keep Mr. Liu from obtaining said weapon, what would keep him from using another weapon? Or a "legal" thing such as a tire-iron or simply running them over in his vehicle?

On the flipside of this debate, had I been in the same parking spot as the female shopper at the same time, Mr. Liu probably would have only shot one of the boys before I plugged his ass with my weapon!
We have the right to bear arms for one reason and thats to protect ourselfs from Governments and tyranny!!! Let someone like Fidel Castrol try to come in here and install a Communist Government and see just how far he gets! This is one of the reasons why Liberals want our guns taken from us, those ****ers are just as Communist as Castro, hell Castro is their hero.

Just read what Joseph Stalin said about guns! He said he wouldnt let his people have an opinion let alone guns.
TWorld PoliceA said:
We have the right to bear arms for one reason and thats to protect ourselfs from Governments and tyranny!!! Let someone like Fidel Castrol try to come in here and install a Communist Government and see just how far he gets! This is one of the reasons why Liberals want our guns taken from us, those ****ers are just as Communist as Castro, hell Castro is their hero.

Just read what Joseph Stalin said about guns! He said he wouldnt let his people have an opinion let alone guns.
Lol.Good one :D
The possession by individuals of firearms or other weapons designed to kill is an abhorrence.

There is no justification for individuals to possess a firearm. Even hunting is unacceptable.

By possessing a firearm, you contribute to the scale of violence in your community, and increase the chances of your own death by violence considerably.
I do not believe that automatic weapons, including handguns, should be readily available, and legal to possess.

I do believe that rifles and shotguns should not be limited to the constabulary.

Learning how to shoot is a part of my earlier life. I now own three weapons, but I rarely use them. I do know how to use them, safely, effectively, and decisively.

I know what they are capable of, and I am fully aware of the risks and dangers inherent in these weapons. Safe storage, and separation of the mechanism from the weapon, is paramount to the safe storage of a weapon.

Education about firearms is vital. Being able to purchase and use a firearm is not a right. It is a privelidge afforded to those who are responsible, thinking, reasonable people. Just like the priveledge to operate a motor vehicle.

There needs to be clear and concise rules and regulations regarding ownership of firearms. Break those rules, and your firearms are forfeited.

As for being able to purchase and use any and all weaponry? Join the forces, or become a drug baron. Either way, you are likely to meet an early end.
builder said:
I do not believe that automatic weapons, including handguns, should be readily available, and legal to possess.

I do believe that rifles and shotguns should not be limited to the constabulary.

Learning how to shoot is a part of my earlier life. I now own three weapons, but I rarely use them. I do know how to use them, safely, effectively, and decisively.

I know what they are capable of, and I am fully aware of the risks and dangers inherent in these weapons. Safe storage, and separation of the mechanism from the weapon, is paramount to the safe storage of a weapon.

Education about firearms is vital. Being able to purchase and use a firearm is not a right. It is a privelidge afforded to those who are responsible, thinking, reasonable people. Just like the priveledge to operate a motor vehicle.

There needs to be clear and concise rules and regulations regarding ownership of firearms. Break those rules, and your firearms are forfeited.

As for being able to purchase and use any and all weaponry? Join the forces, or become a drug baron. Either way, you are likely to meet an early end.

So enlighten us as to why we need firearms in Oz? For the canetoads?
Outlaw2747 said: the cane toads piss you off? :D

Not really. I grew up killing cane toads. There was a bounty on them, then.

Goddam RSPCA put a stop to that. Bastards. ;)

Now, I milk the poison, distill it, soak it onto paper, and sell it as trips. :D
builder said:
Not really. I grew up killing cane toads. There was a bounty on them, then.

Goddam RSPCA put a stop to that. Bastards. ;)

Now, I milk the poison, distill it, soak it onto paper, and sell it as trips. :D
So your a drug dealer ?? Ahh now it's all starting to come together.
phreakwars said:
So your a drug dealer ?? Ahh now it's all starting to come together.

Phreakwars, if you ever saw someone who is addicted to this hallucinogen, you would phreak out. My drug of choice is victoria bitter. Nothing better.


BTW, I had my last "trip" about 24 years ago. It doesn't mix well with beer. :D
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Do you think that it would be saffer to have a fully-automatic M16 paintballgun?If so then i'm definetely going to buy 1 of those.L8r