First Amendment vs. Princepals


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005

Filters don't stop kids from accessing harmful information. Granted, it makes them more enterprising, but school filters don't make sense. Let's just say that "Bob" has an assignment to do. So Bob, wanting to use the internet for something, logs onto a computer, and gets onto the internet. So he searches for "rape of nanking". What can he access?

A. Valuable Information

B. A Minute amount of information

C. A very, very minute amount of information

D. An amount of information so minute that the internet is not a resource, it's a useless pain in the ass.

You get an A+ if you answered "D". So, Bob has to do all of the work at home although he is given an hour in class each day.

But who gets hurt? EVERYBODY!!! Wait, the school doesn't care. The students are pissy. Oh well, **** happens. So, the student tries to circumvent the blocks. Can he get all of the information now afforded to him by the internet? No, because now he is suspended for trying to actually get information from the internet.

So now, the school says that "Bob" is a problem child. "Bob" now has a spot on his record because he tried to get work done.

What can you do about it? Pretty much nothing. The school can block anything that they want to block because it is their internet that they paid for, nevermind the fact that they only have it because they get government money to house Bob and all of his friends in this building so that they can learn something...

They claim that this is why, but I think that they are bullshiting us...

Mainly, they think that they can screw with us.

    • `(7) LOCAL DETERMINATION OF MATERIAL TO BE FILTERED- For purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3), the determination of what material is to be deemed harmful to minors shall be made by the school, school board, library or other authority responsible for making the required certification. No agency or instrumentality of the United States Government may--
      • `(A) establish criteria for making that determination;

So, they determine the criteria(ion?) for blocked material? So this bill essentially gives a gigantic group of morons the ability to make the internet a huge waste of time.

So, they get government money to buy an internet connection. Then, they get money to stop us from using the internet. Anyone else see a problem?
I for one am glad their doing it but it will be a never ending struggle because everytime they find something to block access some smart ass snot nosed little **** will find another way to brake the rules and pull up something he shouldn't.

If parents want to turn their back and let their children do whatever they want on the computer then that of course is their affair, however schools have the responsibility to restrict access.

I think the way they punished that kid by getting him to help them defeat other students was a good idea.

Maybe these kids who think its cool should be allowed to see the destructive side of the internet, the internet stalkers, people who steal identities etc. Maybe a nice ass raping will make them realize that the adults in their life might know more about it then they do...
The proper resources should be provided for students regarding their assignments...

If a student has an assignment to do about "rape of nanking" than let their be "rape of nanking" resources. It's simple. If you want the kid to conform, you have to conform to the kids needs too!
All I have to say on this topic, is school internet filters are the worst idea I've ever heard of in my life. These filters are terrible. They filter things that make no damn sense to be filtered, yet, at my school, you can get on Myspace and other sites like that, access porn to a certain degree, and look up information on bombs and drugs. Trust me, I've tried everything possible to try to show them how stupid these filters are..
The First Ammendment superceeds any local, county, city, and state law. If we can't honor the base of the Constitution in our communities, then we should scrap it and admit defeat to that inbred monarch across the Pond.