First LP Video/Song

The first song I heard was carousel on the EP, I bought one of the originl release ones back in 1999.
The first video was one step closer.
First video: Crawling (I didn't know it was them until the second one which was In the end, video also and I took a liking to them since)
the first song i saw was one step closer, my best frineds brother was watching it, at the time i didnt know what it was but now its one of my favourites
my first vid was numb, the first song was one step closer.
and i went: wow!
and started looking round the music stores for their albums!
first video i saw-OSC, though i didnt really know who these guys were, fate directed me to the Meteora cd, and since i liked the name "linkin park"m bought it and the rest is history
First video and audio was One Step Closer for me. I remembering thinking that it was unusual for me be liking it 'coz it wasn't my sort of music back then (and this was when OSC first came out). But I haven't stopped listening to them ever since <3