First Names


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
I know a few. some of you have posted them at one point or another. I was wondering who has and hasn't. Like your pictures before we had the thread about it and the gallery I was snatching them with names for posterity. Vortex can testify to that. As you could see why if you've checked out the Once upon a time thread :D
Also who would or would'nt divulge it on the Internet. In know Phreak doesn't care.

My full name gave me hell during my child hood. know It's not that big of a deal.
Most first names are so common I really don't think it matters if others know them. It isn
Blockhead? I have no idea. Once I find out, I know I'm going to have one of those 'Oh, yeah' moments.
Mine is the biblical name meaning 'House of God'.
Jenn I'm guessing your last name is'nt 88 :D
Tori I have your's filed on my thumb drive but I forgot it.
I always tell everybody that I'm the original Charlie Brown. He stole my name!
Please don't look me up for an unannounced visit, I'm not pleasant when surprised.

Please don't tell me how you think my first name is cool, I hate it, always have. Telling someone your name should be just that. It should not have to include an entire history of the name, German pronounciation versus American. I fantasize about changing it, always have. I thought about changing it too Lindsey but then I met someone named Lindsey and that ruined it for me.
If you all have any suggestions of what I should change my name to, please let me know. I want something simple.
Maybe I should go by one of my middle names but I'm not fond of them either. My Dad got too choose two middle names, his two favorite women in the bible, yes remember he was a minister. That is just not me...
You know....I wonder if my daughter will hate her name. Most people I know don't really like their names. Makes me wonder if 20 years from now, our kids will hate us for the names we gave them.
angie said:
You know....I wonder if my daughter will hate her name. Most people I know don't really like their names. Makes me wonder if 20 years from now, our kids will hate us for the names we gave them.

I have always hated my name, from a young age. I remember hating it in 1st grade...My Mom acted like I had tried to murder her when I told her I didn't like it and wanted to go by my middle name.

Angie, what name have you chosen?