First Names

jokersarewild said:
I call you **** because you've said that's your name. Not my fault. :p
If I remember correctly you came up with that name first; so to you that's what it is, some other's know the real one.
atlantic said:
If I remember correctly you came up with that name first; so to you that's what it is, some other's know the real one.

You said it started with a C. The only one I could find with the meanings you suggested was Caitlyn. You insisted it wasn't, so I call you **** because it's easier to spell.
jokersarewild said:
You said it started with a C. The only one I could find with the meanings you suggested was Caitlyn. You insisted it wasn't, so I call you **** because it's easier to spell.

And it starts with a C.