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Bam!!!OK step 1Who will protect what you earn? Yourself?
Nice work Snaf, lol.
The problem is Snaf, hugo is not really a conservative so that is why 100% of his commentary must be copy/pasted from other sources.
More often than not hogo is on the side of radical liberals, not conservatives. He talks like a conservative but votes liberal, the original two faced persona.
Consider that anyone who could actually get elected into office with some conservative ideas......hugo hates. Hugo is smart enough to know people are complex and not 100% anything so getting an 80% conservative is way, way better than a 95% radical liberal like Obama and yet hugo is supportive of just about everything Obama and company does.
And the enemies of Obama and liberals are the same people hugo seems to attack.........
Yes, we need 'some' Government and in my opinion it should be 95% State Government and 5% Federal to cover things like international/state to state trade and legal issues. Wars and such, etc.
Welfare should exist, but at the local community level where the lazy are known to be lazy and not given free help they do not deserve while hard working people who are just experiencing a short term problem can get help without selling their home and car to qualify for assistence.