Football V. Hurricane Katrina


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
While on my way to school this morning, I over heard the sportscaster on the radio bitching about how they dont know where the Saints are going to play. What ****ing bullshit, all the death and devistation, and they really want to bitch about where they are going to play a football game. Is our society really that ****ed up? For all i care the whole football season could be cancelled untill they clean up New Orleans. Whole apartment complexes are leveled, peoples houses are up to the roofs in water, so they are staying in the stadium and people really have the nerve to bitch about this? Rather than spending 50 bucks on a football ticket, send it to the American Red Cross they need it more than Aaron Brooks does. The NFL has announced it will donate 1 million dollars to the disaster releif, seems like they just want the people the **** out of their stadium!
True. Sportscasters are supposed to talk about sports.

BUT! You would think that if they even have an ounce of American in them they would care a little bit....Did they say anything about the hurricane victims or are you just neglecting to mention that part. :rolleyes:
Well....Like I was saying...It's the sportscasters job to talk sports...It's just that I highly doubt they didn't say anything at all regarding the victims..
sports is sports. You can't really expect some overgrown high school jock turned sports caster to be able to express his sympathies on the air like so many heartstring tuggers would. Lighten up, I'm sure he cares just as much as you do.
Haha. Yeah, I know. The funny thing is I usually don't give a **** about people..I guess it's just because I live here. I dunno. :cool:
eddo said:
well that is what sportscasters do....

they report on sports...

yes sportscasters are supposed to report on sports, but no he didnt even mention sympathy for the refugess or anything like that. The biggest problem i guess i have is that before they even started to lift a finger to help the refugees, the NFL first made sure that the saints could play at LSU, because i looks like that is their first priority, not the ppl that died, and the people that lost everything, oh and the people that dont have a place to plug in their brand new stolen 42" plasma TV.....
dshogan1 said:
yes sportscasters are supposed to report on sports, but no he didnt even mention sympathy for the refugess or anything like that. The biggest problem i guess i have is that before they even started to lift a finger to help the refugees, the NFL first made sure that the saints could play at LSU, because i looks like that is their first priority, not the ppl that died, and the people that lost everything, oh and the people that dont have a place to plug in their brand new stolen 42" plasma TV.....

I seriously doubt that the national football league should shoulder any responsibility for the issues in the big easy. Lets come back down to earth, ok. If I try real hard I can almost picture Peyton Manning throwing loafs of bread to the victims. C'mon people!!!!

In short I find your qoute of this 'sportscaster' to be flawed and inaccurate. Sportscasters talk about sports. Its their god damn job. What do you do for a living? HUH ? Did you stop doing your job in order to help the victims of hurricane steve or tina or dave or whatever ignorant ass name they stuck on it. By the looks of things in New Orleans they shoulda called it hurricane "shaquanda".
cynthiaa89 said:
Damn. That person's just an asshole then. :mad:

Yeah, this ******* sportcaster should be hung underwater by his testicles for doing his job...

Come on people, get a grip. Reality called, it said you are welcome back anytime.
college-educated said:
More like hurricane "I wish we had more honkies here to rob"

Exactly !!! The biggest disappointment to the throngs of looters was the scale of devistation. Not because they lost their goverment substidised housing or the cars they dont own. Because there were no houses left standing to loot. That is what they did after hurricane Andrew. They take their black asses straight to white town and go through your house just like we saw them raping wal-mart. I love the way the media dances around the 'race' subject so delicately. Its on the tip of their tongue. They just cant quite put the words together and form the sentence. The obvious issue with the scores of blacks who, in effect, became the number 1 problem with this hurricane. The elderly, infirmed, and the sick. Man I feel for them and they got dicked up something fierce by the authorities in charge, no one can deny this. But the thousands of ******s who simply stood around waiting for whitey to rescue them, thats ****ing pathetic.
i originally posted this thread as an outrage against the NFL, I no longer feel this way, since then i have heard that most teams are pledging money, the NFL itself is donating 1 millon dollars, and each NFL player is donating 5000 dollars
dshogan1 said:
i originally posted this thread as an outrage against the NFL, I no longer feel this way, since then i have heard that most teams are pledging money, the NFL itself is donating 1 millon dollars, and each NFL player is donating 5000 dollars

See now, THERE's something to get pissed about.

Then NFL is only donating $1 million? MLB is donating $2 million and they don't even have a team in Louisiana...

and each player donating $5,000? That's pocket change for these guys, and they play against people that live in N.O.
i understand but at least they arent bitching to get people out of their domes....they are contibuting space which equals money lost which anything is better than nothing right, (as i donate my last $100)
I'm pretty sure that no sports teams use the Astro dome anymore. Not sure where the Texan's play. (Relient Center perhaps?)
eddo said:
I'm pretty sure that no sports teams use the Astro dome anymore. Not sure where the Texan's play. (Relient Center perhaps?)

i wouldnt know, sports is not my strong suit, i just assumed that it was used by the texans.....