For Anyone That Thinks War In Iraq Isn't Necessary

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This is for all you people out there that think it was a bad idea for the United States to invade Iraq and take Saddam Hussein out of power.

I know all of you are going to say "President Bush said they had weapons of mass destruction". We did find a weapon of mass destruction on December 13, 2003. He was hidden in a small underground pit on a farm near the town of Tikrit. His name was Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq from 1979 until 2003. He was a weapon of mass destruction which ordered the killing of over 400,000 innocent civilians in Iraq. They were beaten and torchered, then they were taken to mass grave sites where they were shot to death and buried. He ordered a chemical attack on the town of Halabjah, Iraq which killed over 5,000 people.

Oh wait what about the Liberals saying "Iraq was not a terrorist haven before the invasion. Iraq was not even close to the center of the War on Terror before the president invaded it." - Senator John Kerry. BULLSHIT!

How's this for terrorism - Saddam Hussein supported terrorism by paying "bonuses" of up to $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers in Israel, deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz confirmed this. At an Iraqi military base in Nasariyah a mural that celebrated the destruction of the Twin Towers was found. Abu Musab al Zarqawi was treated at the Olympic Hospital owned by Uday Hussein sometime after the US deployed to Afghanistan. Zarqawi then opened an Ansar al-Islam terrorist training camp in northern Iraq which included hijacking and kidnapping of airplanes, trains, public buses, and planting explosives in cities, and preparation for suicide bombings. There is abundant and undeniable evidence that Saddam Hussein provided money, diplomatic services, shelter, medical care, and training to terrorists of every stripe, including those complicit in the 1993 WTC bombing and



New member
well said, but no matter how intelligently you say it, or how much proof you present, the **** one track minded liberals will refuse to believe you, why? because there like religious extremists, they are there own ***, and what you say contradicts what they say/think, so in there mind it must not be true, its a battle you cant win, all we can do is keep them at bay, and try to do enough good so that it will take them longer to destroy the world with there bad, hold fast to your guns and freedom, that is what they want to remove


New member
Thatis true.

Here is something else I had written on this subject in a thread that has since been retired:

This conflict with Saddam has continued since the early nineties. UN inspectors were allowed access to Iraq following the Gulf War to insure that Iraq destroyed all Weapons of Mass Destruction and missiles with a range of more than 100 miles. The Weapons were supposed to be destroyed in the presence of UN inspector per Resolution 687. Instead Saddam claimed that he had already destroyed them all on his own. Saddam became increasingly difficult and uncooperative during the nineties. From



New member
Aaaah, we got some war-mongers here? Congratulations. Get your collective arses over there for your worthy dose of depleted uranium.

Don't be couch potatoes now. Get yourselves down to the enlistment booth, and sign your lives away to a slow (or not so slow) death from radiation poisoning, just like all the "surviving" troops who make it home to die a slow and agonising and totally pointless death.

Oh, they'll die "heroes" alright, unlike those who died from agent orange after that other failed conflict.

Full marks to you supporters of agonising death for your own troops. Why aren't you over there now, you ******* *******?



New member
It is possible to support those who chose to do a job without signing up yourself. I also support police and firemen, but I am not down there signing up to be either of those. I support teachers, but lord knows I don't have the patience for that job. My Hubby is a disabled vet who wishes everyday that he could reenlist and fight. Every man that goes over there signed up to do that job with no illusions about the risks. We all choose our own path in live and when you choose to join a military you had better be prepared to fight, after all that is your job.

I believe this thread is about our reasoning for war. I don't think you have enough information to participate.



New member
Your hubbie is lucky, Tori. Every serviceman and woman there now is being irradiated to death. You'd be happy to send your loved ones to certain death?

He'd be lucky to be shot or bombed or hit by "friendly fire" rather than the lingering death of DU contamination. Time will tell if I'm talking bullshit or not, but you can search google just as easily as I can.

You want to pretend I have no idea what's happening there? Your loss.



New member
Your hubbie is lucky, Tori. Every serviceman and woman there now is being irradiated to death. You'd be happy to send your loved ones to certain death?
He'd be lucky to be shot or bombed or hit by "friendly fire" rather than the lingering death of DU contamination. Time will tell if I'm talking bullshit or not, but you can search google just as easily as I can.

You want to pretend I have no idea what's happening there? Your loss.
UD contamination is not a large threat. The biggest threat is to children, and that is if they eat contaminated soil or play with spent shell casings. Prolonged exposure may cause cancer in adults, kind of like smoking. However, most of the contaminated areas are being cleaned up and some are being avoided completely. It really isn't 'certain death', but I'm sure the media will portray it as such, after all who would watch a story about a minimal risk that may or may not cause cancer. I get a kick out of our media over hear and their advertisements for programs. "Seven safety tips that will save your children



New member
Your gov would love for you all to believe that DU is not the real threat that it is. You are like mushrooms to the rest of the English-speaking world. Meaning "kept in the dark and fed on ****".

Read. I believe you have the same search abilities as us, unlike the Chinese.

The Pentagon has always argued that


New member
Im glad yet another person thinks the war is nothing but people dying for a worthless cause. Thanks builder, you brighten my day with your positive remarks. I happen to be a soldier which has been deployed to Iraq for the second time. I have seen soldiers die. I can assure you that they didnt think it was a worthless cause. We join the Armed Services because we believe in the American way of life, not to collect a paycheck. Im really glad to think there are people in this Country that think its a pointless cause. We fight so that you can have your opinion and speak it in what ever language you want. We fight so that you can where what ever clothes you want. We fight so that you can practice what ever religion you choose. We fight for a long list of reasons. If we didnt fight, people like you wouldnt be able to speak your mind. Stop looking at small pieces of the puzzle and trying to form an opinion. Try looking at the big picture and realize what you have. Be thankful.


New member
Oh just realized you dont live in our country. My bad. Do I need to start mad mouthing your country instead?

The one thing that truelly ****** me off is that people from different countries think they have the right to talk about the U.S. as if they know what its like. I say if you dont pay taxes in the U.S. you dont have a right to complain.



New member
Im glad yet another person thinks the war is nothing but people dying for a worthless cause. Thanks builder, you brighten my day with your positive remarks. I happen to be a soldier which has been deployed to Iraq for the second time. I have seen soldiers die. I can assure you that they didnt think it was a worthless cause. We join the Armed Services because we believe in the American way of life, not to collect a paycheck. Im really glad to think there are people in this Country that think its a pointless cause. We fight so that you can have your opinion and speak it in what ever language you want. We fight so that you can where what ever clothes you want. We fight so that you can practice what ever religion you choose. We fight for a long list of reasons. If we didnt fight, people like you wouldnt be able to speak your mind. Stop looking at small pieces of the puzzle and trying to form an opinion. Try looking at the big picture and realize what you have. Be thankful.

Not quite sure how to take that post of yours 8_Ball.

If you're taking the **** outta me, well and good.

If not, let me ask you this one important question. As part of your training, pre-Iraq, were you instructed on the safe procedures for handling DU ammunition? Were you warned about entering areas and vehicles hit with DU munitions?

If not, your gov let you down in the biggest way possible. They are treating you like **** paper. Wipe once, and flush.



New member
Oh just realized you dont live in our country. My bad. Do I need to start mad mouthing your country instead? The one thing that truelly ****** me off is that people from different countries think they have the right to talk about the U.S. as if they know what its like. I say if you dont pay taxes in the U.S. you dont have a right to complain.
You can shove that where the sun don't shine. My country's troops are in there with you all. I have every ******* right to comment on this situation.



New member
Not quite sure how to take that post of yours 8_Ball. If you're taking the **** outta me, well and good.

If not, let me ask you this one important question. As part of your training, pre-Iraq, were you instructed on the safe procedures for handling DU ammunition? Were you warned about entering areas and vehicles hit with DU munitions?

If not, your gov let you down in the biggest way possible. They are treating you like **** paper. Wipe once, and flush.
Yes we were instructed on the safe procedures for handling all devices. It's rather simple. If you didnt put it there, dont pick it up. Call EOD (explosive ordnance disposal). American soldiers are trained on numerous situations, anything from convoy security to sniper threats.

Ill be right back. Ill continue this debate in a minute.



New member
Sounds pretty simplistic to me. My question was, were you drilled on the safe procedures for entering vehicles and buildings hit with DU munitions?

By the sounds of things, that would include anything hit by your weapons, including small arms fire.



New member
Sounds pretty simplistic to me. My question was, were you drilled on the safe procedures for entering vehicles and buildings hit with DU munitions?
By the sounds of things, that would include anything hit by your weapons, including small arms fire.
Yes we had numerous briefings/drills on procedures on depleted uranium. Also I would like to point out a fact to you. In war, things arent what they seem. You do what you have to do to survive. Its very hard to keep calm and think about what exactly you are doing. I have been around depleted uranium, I know the risks, but thats life. It is war. As far as your question goes, yes. We were drilled with info on depleted uranium. Thats all the gov't can do. Give us info on what to expect. They cannot teach a soldier instincts. Its not the governments fault what people do in combat situations.



New member
That's a fair call.

Instinct, or panic? Some handle the situation, and some don't.

I've trained people in basic first aid, and seen them **** themselves at the sight of blood. I have an idea what you are trying to convey.

I have this tendency to ask questions before shooting. Not all are capable of this, it seems.

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New member
Maybe i didnt catch it but where are you from builder?

And have you ever had some one you know die in the war? Have you ever have a relative get hurt defending what he/she believes in? This is so stupid. Dont you realize people have to fight for everything we have these days? We are sitting on our "ARSES" here typing away how u disagree with the war and men and women of all countries over there are in harms way to keep it like this. We dont no one coming over here flying planes into towers or bombing train stations or subways. Yeah everyone is like get BIN LADEN, you think by getting one skrawny *** lanky terrorist is gonna stop people harming other people? NO! We take each *** HOLE we can catch and STOP HIM. The more we catch closer to B.L. and whoever else likes to "mastermind" things of the sort. See war is always necessary. Its not pretty, its not suppose to be. DO you think the US would be here if we didnt go to war what we believed in. Dont you think Adolf would be running things if the US didnt kick his dictating ***! Yeah it sucks that people think we are over there for OIL, that is just a LEFT WING excuse! Once this is over, yes we will mourn every loss we had but they got us further then "we" here are doing. Except the ones who are deployed and get to come to this forum. If you dont like war dont sign up and dont act like someone ELSE CAN SEND people into war. They picked their career.....



New member
hey gray, catching bin laden would be cool and all, but we need him to stay in power for the time being, oh, and i agree, if you have no first hand knowledge on war, then don't take the **** out of it ok builder?
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