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New Member
Mar 18, 2005
I think all of you that are under the age 18 and think the government affects you should shut the **** up it doesn't affect you what so ever!!!!!! :mad:
Rot_in_hell_American_scum said:
can't even eat a pretzel without chocking

Lol I forgot about that. Anyways, not all of us voted for Bush it was a very close race. Even so, a lot of the promises that he made during is campaigns have been "changed" to adapt to the times. (Which is understandable given 9/11)
the_intimidator said:
Even so, a lot of the promises that he made during is campaigns have been "changed" to adapt to the times. (Which is understandable given 9/11)

"Change"? Nice word choice! Yes, I'm sure without 9/11 Bush would have turned out as the most charming, most human and especially most intelligent president you ever had!
He would have helped stop worldwide starving, wars of other countries, and all Americans would have been with jobs today. But hey, he hd to "change" some little details and now he's the most stupid idiot son of an asshole this world has seen in a long time.
One collapsing building as a justification for recently 2 wars? Imagine they destoyed Manhattan, this solar system would now be ****ed :)
The government affects everyone. That's load of bullshit.."If you're under 18 the government doesn't affect you." It may not effect you at this particular moment, but everything the government is doing now will effect you when you're older and absolutely DOES effect your way of life now. :mad:
Oppenheimer said:
"Change"? Nice word choice! Yes, I'm sure without 9/11 Bush would have turned out as the most charming, most human and especially most intelligent president you ever had!
He would have helped stop worldwide starving, wars of other countries, and all Americans would have been with jobs today. But hey, he hd to "change" some little details and now he's the most stupid idiot son of an asshole this world has seen in a long time.
One collapsing building as a justification for recently 2 wars? Imagine they destoyed Manhattan, this solar system would now be ****ed :)

Shaddup Kraut! Yeah, it was just a few building... some of our citizens... our economy.. It was not, let's say, getting ahead by hard work! which the jews where clearly guilty of that led to YOUR ****ing retard putting 6 million of them in ovens! You deal with your retards, let us deal with ours! You ****ing Euro fags are gonna figure it out one of these days!

And might I add if it weren't for the overwhelming ****ing generosity of the Marshal plan, you people would still be licking pudding cans for nutrition... So don't tell us about generosity!

You guys got just as big an asshole for a leader as we got... But OUR asshole is willing to defend us! Your asshole wouldn't defend you people if UBL personally came and **** in his lobster bisque! What's the matter with Schreoder... this war not on a grand enough scale for the germans? You people have gone limp! I know why too... It was all that stupid **** we told you guys after WWII to keep you in check... well guess what... It was all bull ****... we know on this side of the pond that sometimes you HAVE TO FIGHT! It's about time you people got your heads out of your asses and realize that the US is NOT you enemy... If the **** went down tommorrow, we would be fighting with you people as quick as the English...


Das ist nicht zer gut!
Chas said:
I think all of you that are under the age 18 and think the government affects you should shut the **** up it doesn't affect you what so ever!!!!!! :mad:

Oh trust me, the gov't affects you in more ways than one. From the time we are a fetus to we are old, the gov't has some sort of influence on your life whether you know it or not. Laws are a good example...they are made by the gov't aren't they? Taxes...hmmm there's another one. The property you live on...influenced by gov't one way or another. The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the computer you are typing on....need I say more?

It is pure ignorance like what you have displayed which is what makes our society today as ****ed up as ever.
Chas said:
I think all of you that are under the age 18 and think the government affects you should shut the **** up it doesn't affect you what so ever!!!!!! :mad:

You're totally right. That thing called education? Yeah, we don't have that in's too cold. Snow..ruins our lives.
Chas said:
I think all of you that are under the age 18 and think the government affects you should shut the **** up it doesn't affect you what so ever!!!!!! :mad:

Actually I think it is fantastic to see young people speaking their mind. Come on now. I was gen X and we were the apathetic generation at least these kids are speaking out. Sure they are full of idealistic bullshit but what young person isn't? I sure as hell was!!! These are the kids who will be voting in the next election and as the under twenty fivers become a larger and larger percentage of teh voting population I kind of like seeing where they are headed with their views on politics. And if you think it doesn't effect them you are crazy!!!!!!! They are about to head out into the world, many of them are probably about to start college with all the loans, credit scams, and corporate bullshit that goes along with it. They have as much right as anyone to speak their mind. I wish more would!! You just have to learn to chalk some of it up to Idealistic Youth.
Come on, everyone, go easy on Chas. Since the idiot clearly never went to school, he indeed has not been affected by the government.
I'm not even going to get into the main conversation, because I would waste time with inane arguments that I'm sure everyone has heard before...

But what the **** is up for jumping down Oppenheimer's throat for being German? Fullato- If he had used nationality in his argument, yours would have been valid... but as it is, it sounds juvenile and ridiculous to go off on a tangent about Hitler and the Marshall plan because someone disapproves of the leader of another country. Think about it. I'm sure you couldn't count all the leaders/countries you disliked on your fingers AND toes. And to talk you out of it, "Yeah, but Clinton was a slut" just isn't going to do the trick, and would sound stupid to boot.

Just saying.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Come on, everyone, go easy on Chas. Since the idiot clearly never went to school, he indeed has not been affected by the government.

LOL! I agree. What an ignorant ****.