For Muslims and their sympathizers


New Member
May 17, 2005
I've perused this mildly amusing site for several months in an attempt to get a feel for it. Just like other sites where one is invited to voice his or her opinion, I note that those who pay or achieve a certain status can censor the opinions or posts of others. A Quran parody over several threads comes to mind; no, I'm not the one who posted such musings, but I do notice that the politically correct proclivities of a young moslem fellow seemingly were at the forefront of such erasures. I guess his obtuse "god" was offended; I laugh at such superstitious stupidity - ask yourself this question: why aren't the religious folks able to offer any proof that their deities exist? I venture it is because they don't exist, and those so driven by such foolishness are honor bound to defend their insanity, no matter how absurd.

Okay, let's see this young moslem fellow truthfully refute the words posted on this site and its mirror:

I shall patiently await a response, but not one filled with pitiable excuses, insults, emotional diatribes, alleged "revelations of truth", expressions of "faith", or other such nonsense, which I am sure will follow, couched in yet another inane, subjective interpretation of life.

However, I won't hold my breath, and will only respond to factual, logical replies.

Have fun trying.
It had been shown again and again on this site that the users have been MAINLY siting popular Hadith forgers and weak Hadiths. And in the few times that an actual strong Hadith, it has almost always been cut or poorly translated. And when it isn't, it's been poorly interpereted, or doesn't even support their arguement.
Master_Jaffer said:
It had been shown again and again on this site that the users have been MAINLY siting popular Hadith forgers and weak Hadiths. And in the few times that an actual strong Hadith, it has almost always been cut or poorly translated. And when it isn't, it's been poorly interpereted, or doesn't even support their arguement.
MJ, are you still sick? I expect MUCH more from you. Got any examples???
I imagine our friend Malevolent won't have to respond to this thread anytime soon, considering that MJ seems to only use doubletalk or excuses in his replies.

This undesirable trait is very typical indeed of devoted Muhammedan followers.

When Muslims can't find any facts to support their plainly untenable positions, they resort to their standard Goebbelsian rhetoric, e.g., "the verse is translated wrong", "they are the forgeries of infidels", "Islam is a religion of peace", "Muhammad was not a child molester", "Arabs love everybody", "blah, blah, blah, blah", <yawn> ad infinitum. :rolleyes:

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