For those of you that are married or have been married, do you think age was a factor


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
I'm interested in hearing from members who are married or who have been married. What part did your age and that of your partner play in your marriage working out or ending in divorce?

I am twice divorced and I can't say that age made a difference in them. Maybe if I had been older, I would have been smarter, maybe not.

I'm curious about this because I have been thinking back to someone I was involved with in high school and college, he really was a wonderful person. He was the one that got away if you know what I mean. I have always wondered if we would have made it had we married or would our age have made that imposible. Some say when you marry young you grow up together, is there anything in that where your experiences are concerned?
Well, I was 21 when I got married. My husband is 8 years older then me. I had never been married before but this is his second marriage. I do know that his first marriage ended because they got married too young. The whole idea of marrying young and growing up together is not always true. I've known more people that got married young and grew apart as they got older.
Oh and I don't see our age difference being an issue.

I think the issues come in when you don't have chemistry or completely different interests.
babiebec3 said:
Well, I was 21 when I got married. My husband is 8 years older then me. I had never been married before but this is his second marriage. I do know that his first marriage ended because they got married too young. The whole idea of marrying young and growing up together is not always true. I've known more people that got married young and grew apart as they got older.
I think you're right. My fiancee married his high school sweetheart at 22-she was 21, and they were divorced by the time he was 27. I think there's just too much growing that people in their late teens and early 20s. I think it makes it more difficult for the relationship to last. A few years into the marriage, neither of them was the person the other had fallen in love with. It took years for them to see that.
I'll be getting married soon ,my fiancee is 20 and I'm 27. You gals are scaring the hell out of me. :(
..You know what ,to hell with you! If you don't have something good to say!... :D
I got married at 21 and he was my age. Age had nothing do with why it didn't work out. My parents got married when she was 17 and he was 21 and are celebrating their 48th anniversary this year. Marriage is hard and you either work at growing together or you don't. I don't believe it's an age fact so much as a readiness factor. Too many people expect to have that "in love" feeling for the rest of their lives when really if you asked my mother, she doesn't even like my dad on some days. She loves him always, but she works on liking him daily.
sixes said:
I'll be getting married soon ,my fiancee is 20 and I'm 27. You gals are scaring the hell out of me. :(
..You know what ,to hell with you! If you don't have something good to say!... :D

Did your blow up doll come with an age or did you just make one up for her:D :p .
manicmonday said:
Did your blow up doll come with an age or did you just make one up for her:D :p .
I would insult you back ,but I'm over my troll quota. You might be reaching yours. Its a good thing your boytoy is a MOD.:mad:
Married when I was 20, he was 32. Divorced 3 years later. Age had nothing to do with it really. Yet, during the marriage, I didn't care for the feeling I got from his family. They seemed to discount me as being very young. (It probably didn't help that I looked all of 13 and the Old Aunties would get me confused with one of the grandkids) My ex and I are best of friends.

I'm married now to someone 6 months younger, born the same year. I like it. When we discuss various years, there's this common thread of having been the same age.
skategreen said:
Married when I was 20, he was 32. Divorced 3 years later. Age had nothing to do with it really. Yet, during the marriage, I didn't care for the feeling I got from his family. They seemed to discount me as being very young. (It probably didn't help that I looked all of 13 and the Old Aunties would get me confused with one of the grandkids) My ex and I are best of friends.

I'm married now to someone 6 months younger, born the same year. I like it. When we discuss various years, there's this common thread of having been the same age.

I got married the first time when I was 21, he was 28. You would think it was me who would have the problem with leaving Mother and commiting to a marriage, it was him. I got tired quickly of having his Mother in bed between us. Maybe if I had been older I would have known how to deal with it. However when he told me he didn't consider me his family, that his Mother and Father were his real family...that kind of did it for me. I know that after we divorced he married another woman who was willing to be his Mother, he didn't work, she had a job and a nice house and was willing to take care of him. That was not the kind of life for me. Maybe if I had been older I would have seen that as a potential problem prior to us getting married.
sixes said:
I'll be getting married soon ,my fiancee is 20 and I'm 27. You gals are scaring the hell out of me. :(
..You know what ,to hell with you! If you don't have something good to say!... :D

I doubt your the one who needs to be worried, its the poor girl you have conned into thinking she wants to spend the rest of her life with you I feel sorry for.

Too bad we don't know her name so we could tell her to RUN.
With all these posts i'm wondering if Lethal's going through the "Change" early.:confused:

Read into it what you want.....Dated a girl 2 years in high school, she was a year behind be. broke up with her because, when i graduated i moved out of state for a year. Came back and she was with someone else, so i started dating another. Lived with/married her around 19/20 made it 3 years. Was thinking about divorce, when i met up with my high school sweetheart.:eek: She also was looking to get divorced, and we both did and got back together. Married 16 years and if i don't screw it up, it will be many more. Neither of us had kids from our past relationships.
tiredofwhiners said:
With all these posts i'm wondering if Lethal's going through the "Change" early.:confused:

Read into it what you want.....Dated a girl 2 years in high school, she was a year behind be. broke up with her because, when i graduated i moved out of state for a year. Came back and she was with someone else, so i started dating another. Lived with/married her around 19/20 made it 3 years. Was thinking about divorce, when i met up with my high school sweetheart.:eek: She also was looking to get divorced, and we both did and got back together. Married 16 years and if i don't screw it up, it will be many more. Neither of us had kids from our past relationships.

Sorry, no menopause for me yet...sometimes I think that might not be the worst thing in the would be nice to not worry about pregnancy and so forth.
The fact that my ex was a cheating, drug using ******* contributed to my divorce. Age was the least of our worries.

I honestly feel that no one should be married before they're 25. By that age you've hopefully experienced independent living and have sowed the majority of your wild oats.

And marrying someone under 21? BIG MISTAKE! Everyone should have the joy of drunkenly stumbling through the biggest party year of their lives free and uncumbered.
GF Admin said:
Got married the first and only time around 19 got rid of her at 26 had to get rid of her because she was an alcoholic, a total pig, money spending retard....but the sex was soooooo good, anyways, hooked up with my new girl that same year and have been with her 14 years. i would have never gotten rid of the first one if she was not an alcoholic.....So age in my case had nothing to do with anything

So you don't think if you were older you wouldn't have known she was an Alcoholic before you married her? I have always wondered if I had been older if I wouldn't have seen through my first husbands bullshit...I know alot of people of all ages don't see things like Alcoholism...