For those of you who thought 9/11 was an inside job!!!


New member
9/11 was an inside's how it went down:

Bush was actually good friends with Bin Laden. They went to a party one night, and Bin Laden got some embarrasing photo's of him:

So, Bin Laden blackmailed G. W. into letting him perpatrate(sp?) an act of terrorism.

So Bin Laden caused the 9/11 attacks.

Then Bush got mad because he would look bad otherwise.






New member
In Islam women and men do not wear a wedding ring as this is an innovation, it has nothing to do with anything, a ring does not bind two people together...
I heard from my husband that a former Christian preacher (now Muslim)

said the wedding ring comes from the nuns who marry christ (may Allah guide them).

The first finger represents is the father

the second finger represents the son

the third finger (wedding finger) represents the spirit...

And that is why the ring is now worn by everyone, but I do not obviously know whether this is reason, but I guess he would know...

Wedding rings are not from Islam so therefore we do not have them.

On the authority of Aishah, who said : The messenger of Allah said:

"He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected." ( narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
The ring represents continuing love and devotion. Never ending.



New member
Hey i wear a gold ring :( anyway check out this video maybe 9/11 was a conspiracy I like to think so, becase then something is exciting :cool:
Bin Laden admitted that his organization carried out the terrorist attack. The only conspiracy was that of a collection of fake islam-believing terrorist ball-jugglers who attacked civilians.

I hope they all get radioactive **** herpes or some such noxious disease.




New member
Hey i wear a gold ring :( anyway check out this video maybe 9/11 was a conspiracy I like to think so, becase then something is exciting :cool:
Don't get me started on this again. This is my biggest beef. It was not a conspiracy. There were way to many people involved for it to be a conspiracy. You would have to be a complete moron to believe that it was a conspiracy. Fact! It was a terrorsist attack! No one but total idiots still believe in the cospiracy theroies. :mad:



New member
:mad: :mad: dam calling me an idiot we dont need the personel attacks

I said I like to believe in it, cuz I like to think the gov't covers up a lot of things... sorry for posting my opinion (what I'm suppose to do ;) ) and that movie was cool even if you dont think its true or not... I dont kno if its true or not.. i wasnt there ^^ peeace (oh yeah not really sorry either lol)



New member
:mad: :mad: dam calling me an idiot we dont need the personel attacks I said I like to believe in it, cuz I like to think the gov't covers up a lot of things... sorry for posting my opinion (what I'm suppose to do ;) ) and that movie was cool even if you dont think its true or not... I dont kno if its true or not.. i wasnt there ^^ peeace (oh yeah not really sorry either lol)
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