For those of you who thought 9/11 was an inside job!!!


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May 16, 2005
FOXNEWS.COM HOME > WORLD Bin Laden: Moussaoui Wasn't Sept. 11 ConspiratorTuesday, May 23, 2006


Judge Gives Sept. 11 Families Access to Moussaoui Evidence

Moussaoui Evades Death, Receives Life in Prison

Moussaoui Says He Lied on Stand About Role in Sept. 11, Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

Pakistan: Usama Bin Laden Isn't Hiding in Our Mountains

Official: Bin Laden Most Likely Hiding on Pakistan-Afghanistan Border

Bin Laden Tape: U.S. Is at War With Islam


Zacarias Moussaoui had no link to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, a voice purporting to be that of Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden said on an audiotape that surfaced on a Web site Tuesday.
The Search for International Terrorist Entities Web site reportedly has a five-minute long recording in Arabic that has bin Laden speaking of the Sept. 11 attacks and Moussaoui.
Bin Laden's alleged voice claims responsibilities to carry out the attacks were given to 19 men and Moussaoui was not one of them.
"He had no connection at all with Sept. 11," the voice said. "I am the one in charge of the 19 brothers and I never assigned brother Zacarias to be with them in that mission."
"Since Zacarias Moussaoui was still learning how to fly, he wasn't No. 20 in the group, as your government has claimed," bin Laden continued.
Bin Laden claims that Moussaoui was not a security risk for Al Qaeda, because he had no knowledge of the plot.
"Brother Moussaoui was arrested two weeks before the events (of Sept. 11, 2001), and if he had known something — even very little — about the Sept. 11 group, we would have informed the leader of the operation, Mohammad Atta, and the others ... to leave America before being discovered," he said on the tape.

Now all of you confused muslim assclowns can now apologize for your total foolishness.

Binbutthumper-ladin ADMITS IT!!!

Now, if we believe this tape, than Moussaoui is innocent and will be let go right? According the the pentagon, it's been identified to "likley" be Osama.

9/11 was an attack by terrorists, not Islam! I hate terrorism just as much as anyone who lives for a peacful life.
**** him, he made his bed, he can lie in it. If the retarded **** wants to rant on about how he was also supposed to be one to fly a plane and how he wishes everyone should ****ing die, and then on top of it plead guilty with a ****ing confession. Then his ass can lie in jail for life for being an idiot.

That would be like me bragging that I shot Reagan back in the early 80's... I would deserve life in prison for my own stupidity. **** him, I don't care if he is innocent. And for the record... I think he IS innocent and that Bin Laden was speaking the truth.
Hamza123 said:
Now, if we believe this tape, than Moussaoui is innocent and will be let go right? According the the pentagon, it's been identified to "likley" be Osama.

9/11 was an attack by terrorists, not Islam! I hate terrorism just as much as anyone who lives for a peacful life.
You are such a SACK O'****!!! You honestly believe his (Mouse Howie's) guilt or innocense hinges on testomony from that islamic dirt bag? Ham-za this is why I can't believe you are anti-terrorist; as long as you are muslim, you are one of them.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You are such a SACK O'****!!! You honestly believe his (Mouse Howie's) guilt or innocense hinges on testomony from that islamic dirt bag? Ham-za this is why I can't believe you are anti-terrorist; as long as you are muslim, you are one of them.

Than why did you belive the supposed video of Osama "admitting" to 9/11? Or did you believe Bush?

Caughtcha' ;)

In my eyes you are a terrorist. For you degrade those who are peaceful. That is a terrorist. You're a racist piece of ****. I can understand the disliking of certain people of a race, however putting a whole group in the mix is absolute bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Hamza123 said:
Than why did you belive the supposed video of Osama "admitting" to 9/11? Or did you believe Bush?

Caughtcha' ;)

In my eyes you are a terrorist. For you degrade those who are peaceful. That is a terrorist. You're a racist piece of ****. I can understand the disliking of certain people of a race, however putting a whole group in the mix is absolute bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself.

If the tape is enough to clear him he should be freed and deported from the country; However, I do not know if the tape is credible enough to be used in a court of law.

I sort of doubt that it will be enough to exhonorate him. Even if it is, he confessed and admitted his guilt. Who knows.
So the tape is credible enough in your eyes to squash a well running theory of what happened but not good enough for a court of law...... You make a convincing argument. :rolleyes:
That's the understatement of the year :)

9/11 was an inside's how it went down:


Bush was actually good friends with Bin Laden. They went to a party one night, and Bin Laden got some embarrasing photo's of him:

So, Bin Laden blackmailed G. W. into letting him perpatrate(sp?) an act of terrorism.

So Bin Laden caused the 9/11 attacks.

Then Bush got mad because he would look bad otherwise.

Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) saw a man wearing a gold ring. He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) took of the ring, flung it and said: “One of you desires the live coal of fire, thus places it in his hand” (Sahih Muslim).

Due to the above narrations, it is unlawful (haram) for men to wear any type of gold jewellery. This also includes white gold, as the ruling is for gold regardless of the colour. Gold is Haram whether it is white or yellow.

Look here good fellows.

View attachment 923

Osama 'E' wears a ring on his right hand which does not appear on other confirmed photos of Osama (e.g. Osama 'B'). Another man is seen wearing a large gold ring in the video. Since the wearing of gold rings is forbidden by Islam it shows neither he nor Osama 'E' has any devotion to this faith. Even Mr Magoo would have to say that Osama 'E' stands out like a sore thumb, and this is the man confessing on the "lucky find" tape. Between the nose and the cheeks it is clear that this man is NOT Osama.

Theres my bit of research on it, I have no opinion on who did 9/11, I refuse to believe a Government that has lied to it's own people, so I do my own investigation, however, I may have a leaning stand-point, but no solid opinion or bias.


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Hamza123 said:
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) saw a man wearing a gold ring. He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) took of the ring, flung it and said:
Lethalfind said:
Are you honestly basing a mans devotion to his religion just on him wearing a gold ring???

You sound JUST like a Seventh Day Adventist...

If he is so devoted to following ALL rules of Islam, than he would follow that one.

I would never bash a man wearing a gold ring. I don't focus my judgement on materialistic things.

I believe that there are always many sides to all stories. We never will truly know who hijacked the planes on 9/11. Only $600,000 dollars were spent on the 9/11 Investigation by the government, but $16,000,000 dollars were spent investigating Clinton's sex life.
Hamza123 said:
If he is so devoted to following ALL rules of Islam, than he would follow that one.

I would never bash a man wearing a gold ring. I don't focus my judgement on materialistic things.

I believe that there are always many sides to all stories. We never will truly know who hijacked the planes on 9/11. Only $600,000 dollars were spent on the 9/11 Investigation by the government, but $16,000,000 dollars were spent investigating Clinton's sex life.

I never understood that. I mean why would should we spend 16 million to investigate on man who got his nob slobbed by the fattest chick in the office?

It's not like he did something SERIOUSLY wrong.

What JFK did while he was the President makes Clinton look like a damn choir boy.

Hamza123 said:
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) saw a man wearing a gold ring. He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) took of the ring, flung it and said:
In Islam women and men do not wear a wedding ring as this is an innovation, it has nothing to do with anything, a ring does not bind two people together...

I heard from my husband that a former Christian preacher (now Muslim)
said the wedding ring comes from the nuns who marry christ (may Allah guide them).

The first finger represents is the father
the second finger represents the son
the third finger (wedding finger) represents the spirit...

And that is why the ring is now worn by everyone, but I do not obviously know whether this is reason, but I guess he would know...

Wedding rings are not from Islam so therefore we do not have them.

On the authority of Aishah, who said : The messenger of Allah said:
"He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected." ( narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Mariama said:
In Islam women and men do not wear a wedding ring as this is an innovation, it has nothing to do with anything, a ring does not bind two people together...

I heard from my husband that a former Christian preacher (now Muslim)
said the wedding ring comes from the nuns who marry christ (may Allah guide them).

The first finger represents is the father
the second finger represents the son
the third finger (wedding finger) represents the spirit...

And that is why the ring is now worn by everyone, but I do not obviously know whether this is reason, but I guess he would know...

Wedding rings are not from Islam so therefore we do not have them.

On the authority of Aishah, who said : The messenger of Allah said:
"He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected." ( narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

I have no problem with people deciding to NOT follow a tradition like that at all, I just think its a little harsh to say someone is not a good Muslim (or any other religion) if he chooses to wear one, you can't know what's in a mans heart and surely whats in a mans heart is more important then what is on his finger.
My step-dad actually wore a gold ring, and he is a Muslim. He co-ordinates contracts for a few NBA players in the states, particularly for the Pistons, and when they won the championship, he got a ring, he just wore it as a sign of appreciation. He still is a good muslim :).
jokersarewild said:
9/11 was an inside's how it went down:


Bush was actually good friends with Bin Laden. They went to a party one night, and Bin Laden got some embarrasing photo's of him:

So, Bin Laden blackmailed G. W. into letting him perpatrate(sp?) an act of terrorism.

So Bin Laden caused the 9/11 attacks.

Then Bush got mad because he would look bad otherwise.


