For those who want to start a war


New Member
Nov 27, 2005
A war to end all wars
As i am one of Greediest people you will ever meet, i've come up with a plan for a perfect world.
It will be a Dictarship/Democracy.
I am 100% serious, i will die for this cause if it comes to it.
My aim is world domination and to make Roman Catholics, the supreme and only religion on earth. I dont care about a person's race or color only their beliefs!
I will spare no one, death to all jews, buddists, atheists, protestants,etc, (long list).
I will also kill those who dont share the common belief in sex.
A man is only suppose to love a woman. I will kill all homos and guys who are bi etc.
We shall begin using politics as some of many strengths for this war.But again i will keep the Prospect of marriage as holy as it ever was.
I am beginning to form a army like no other, right now i have enough loyal soilders to make two plattoons. (ha ha ha ha).
Gaia Online is one of my seven ways of recruiting.
We call ourselves the Iscariot.
Intrested in changing the world? Want to use your skills of hacking,manipulation,spying,etc for a dark and pure cause?
Join the Iscariot. Those who are loyal and will kill, steal. will recieve power, money,land,etc.
Reply or e-mail me at
I will be writing more soon to come.
In this world there are nerds, then there are the elite super nerds. Whom operate out of sleeper cells located deep in the bowls of their moms basement.
This guy illustrates my point in the thread about mental health records and gun license...
He is so manic...
Someone take the keyboard away from him before he harms himself.
I think that this may just be a sort of test being conducted by this wiener to see how many people would accually prescribe to such a ****ed up idealology.

If not then I know where an get some rocks to smash a fine hole in the side of his head.
Greed said:
A war to end all wars
As i am one of Greediest people you will ever meet, i've come up with a plan for a perfect world.
It will be a Dictarship/Democracy.
I am 100% serious, i will die for this cause if it comes to it.
My aim is world domination and to make Roman Catholics, the supreme and only religion on earth. I dont care about a person's race or color only their beliefs!
I will spare no one, death to all jews, buddists, atheists, protestants,etc, (long list).
I will also kill those who dont share the common belief in sex.
A man is only suppose to love a woman. I will kill all homos and guys who are bi etc.
We shall begin using politics as some of many strengths for this war.But again i will keep the Prospect of marriage as holy as it ever was.
I am beginning to form a army like no other, right now i have enough loyal soilders to make two plattoons. (ha ha ha ha).
Gaia Online is one of my seven ways of recruiting.
We call ourselves the Iscariot.
Intrested in changing the world? Want to use your skills of hacking,manipulation,spying,etc for a dark and pure cause?
Join the Iscariot. Those who are loyal and will kill, steal. will recieve power, money,land,etc.
Reply or e-mail me at
I will be writing more soon to come.
What will you do to those who can't spell or use good grammar? (like me :eek)
I don't know what's funnier. His post or everyone's replies.

It's scary to think that there really are people that think this way.
eisanbt said:
I think that this may just be a sort of test being conducted by this wiener to see how many people would accually prescribe to such a ****ed up idealology.

If not then I know where an get some rocks to smash a fine hole in the side of his head.

I don't know, I think he might be serious, notice he has not come back and posted anything.
Its hard to concieve that their are people out there this crazy but I can tell you from personal experience their out there...and unfortunately their not marked for easy identification.
italiano_Pride said:
Or he's just ****ing crazy, there's always that option too.

There's also this option: Perhaps WE are all crazy and our friend here is the only sane being on earth.
Greed said:
A war to end all wars
As i am one of Greediest people you will ever meet, i've come up with a plan for a perfect world.
It will be a Dictarship/Democracy.
I am 100% serious, i will die for this cause if it comes to it.
My aim is world domination and to make Roman Catholics, the supreme and only religion on earth. I dont care about a person's race or color only their beliefs!
I will spare no one, death to all jews, buddists, atheists, protestants,etc, (long list).
I will also kill those who dont share the common belief in sex.
A man is only suppose to love a woman. I will kill all homos and guys who are bi etc.
We shall begin using politics as some of many strengths for this war.But again i will keep the Prospect of marriage as holy as it ever was.
I am beginning to form a army like no other, right now i have enough loyal soilders to make two plattoons. (ha ha ha ha).
Gaia Online is one of my seven ways of recruiting.
We call ourselves the Iscariot.
Intrested in changing the world? Want to use your skills of hacking,manipulation,spying,etc for a dark and pure cause?
Join the Iscariot. Those who are loyal and will kill, steal. will recieve power, money,land,etc.
Reply or e-mail me at
I will be writing more soon to come.

Notice his writings, how it's messy, and he indents each line way too much. Also, whats with his email?? HellishDmnd??

I also don't understand how something can be dark, and pure at the same time now. :rolleyes:

I will be writing more soon to come.

Oh, I am sure we just can't wait to hear more of your cenial plots! :rolleyes: