Fort Minor Street Team is now Online-Only [ 10/13/2005 ]


New member


Fort Minor Street Team is now Online-Only [ 10/13/2005 ]

Congratulations to those Fort Minor Foot Soldiers who are now on the Official Fort Minor Offline Street Team All new members from now on (people who were ACCEPTED AFTER October 13th, 11:59pm Central Time) will be online-only members, meaning that you will not be receiving promotional materials in the mail. But don't worry - as an online-only member you will get the same exclusive online access to the Fort Minor Street Team website.

As Online members you have access the promotional tools, messageboards, surveys, and all other exclusive features. And you will be equally eligible for future contests. The only difference is that you won't receive fliers, stickers, and samplers in the mail, but there are plenty of ways to promote online as well. If there are any opportunities for you to promote offline -we'll let you know.

Please Note: Only members in the U.S. who are accepted as a Foot Soldier will be receiving promotional materials in the mail.


There is evidence that this may be incorrect.

It might be as of Oct. 12 that members are online-only, not Oct 13.

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New member
i got accepted today so that means i dont get the stuff, but im not worried since i live in aus and wasnt going to get it anyway lol.


New member
OK, I didn't think I was a member, but evidently I am lol, an Online-only though, which is also good

Don't see how that's any good though, cause I can't access any of the stuff on



New member
YES!!! Mouse, it wasn't a typo. I just received an email (about an hour ago) from the fmsupport, saying I am, in fact, a foot soldier. I was accepted 9 hours before the cutoff!! YAY!! that maeans acdc is a footsoldier too!! woohoo, good day, good day.


New member
OMG I was accepted today!! Well actually yesterday because that's the date on the email. I'm pretty sure I'm a full member because it mentions sending me stuff in the mail. Woohoo!!


New member
Did you sign up Jen? Cause I'm sure you would've made it if I did. My application was really bad and I got in. Hopefully I'm still a foot soldier because I did get my email yesterday according to the time.
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