Fort Minor Street Team is now Online-Only [ 10/13/2005 ]


New member
GotLinkinPark?']That's what it says. I'm not sure if that's my time or their time. But either way' date=' it would be what.....7:06 PM central?[/quote']

where do you live?


New member
GotLinkinPark?']Did you sign up Jen? Cause I'm sure you would've made it if I did. My application was really bad and I got in. Hopefully I'm still a foot soldier because I did get my email yesterday according to the time.
No I didn't sign up lol. *Probably the only one that didn't ^.^* I kinda wished that I had now, but I thought I'll be too busy and stuff. I'll still be supportive and do anything to help you guys as much as possible:D I'm glad you made it though! Well done! :thumbsup:



New member
Yep and all at last minute too!! I was so happy when I read it. I was all like shakey hands cause that's how I get when I get nervous and stuff. lol I'm gonna promote the **** out of Clemson. :D


New member
Lmao! Awww! Whoa I can't believe they made you wait till last minute to tell you haha. I've been letting people know about Fort Minor around here in my own little ways xD The cd is almost out, wo0t, I'm glad they have a nice recruit team from over here in LPF to get the word out!
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