Forum Whore

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Sure why not...But its not always such a bad thing...

She could be like Tweeker!
phreakwars said:
Does everyone else agree, tizz is a ****ing FORUM WHORE ??
I'm not sure what a FORUM Whore is? If she debates for money she owes me plenty... Does that make me a whoremonger?

I think she is very smart but she has a liberal gene that prohibits her from other views and makes her always right and refuses to base her position on facts.

She's a little condecending but I like women that are condecending if they can take it back...
I don't know if she's a whore but I think
She makes more sense that most on this forum.
And i'm grateful to her,'cause she brings us back to the topic when we let it drift.
I got it backwards I would owe her a lot of money... Yet, some whores in Korea gave it up for free and then there were those who would take monopoly money...

She just doesn't want to be confussed by facts and chooses to ignore them at her convience.
Yup that's me and you bums better pay up so I can buy my way out of the idiot box!!!!!!

My PIMP is pissed

Vortex said:
Sure why not...But its not always such a bad thing...

She could be like Tweeker!

Hey I just looked up Tweeker and i think I take offence to that comparrison!!!! :p
Crispy Critter said:
I'm not sure what a FORUM Whore is? If she debates for money she owes me plenty... Does that make me a whoremonger?

I think she is very smart but she has a liberal gene that prohibits her from other views and makes her always right and refuses to base her position on facts.

She's a little condecending but I like women that are condecending if they can take it back...
OOO OOO OOOO I am whore I am a whore !!! LMFAO

7. forum whore
The term "forum whore" is often misinterpreted to be a negative one, and incorrectly so. The very essence of a forum whore prevents it from having a negative implication. Whilst many ban happy news admins would seek to be a forum whore based on their post count and "attitude", one can only become a forum whore through having both a high post count and an attitude that prevents them from caring about the definition of a forum whore.
Not Kronix, that's for sure.
Source: Deviant, Aug 9, 2004
If TIZZ isn't freed there's gonna be some gay **** around here. Ya hear me boys??? Hmmmmm?
pjbuk said:
If TIZZ isn't freed there's gonna be some gay **** around here. Ya hear me boys??? Hmmmmm?

Don't make silly threats like that, you might piss me off, and now, you can join your buddy.
OK that was REALLY funny LOL

And let me add... Holy **** I didn't know there were 79 people around here LMFAO
God dammit that is the absolute only thing I miss from an old forum I was on, I was a mod!!!! It is good to be a mod LOL
Here tizz, I'll give ya a little room, I'll put the POLL NUMBERS back to normal.

You best be keeping your buddy PBJUK in check too, Or I'll tape his mouth shut..

I can't even train my birds!!!! And you want me to control a PJ????? HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Nobody controls the PEEJ LMAO
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