Foxx's Poetry Corner

A Mothers’ day Poem

This is a poem I make for you
The mother who’s believed in me
The one who is always by my side
Cheering me on to go for the Best.
I know I haven’t been the perfect daughter
Back-talking, ignoring, and things of that sort
But even thought I’m not perfect
You still say, “I always love you.”
You’ve dealt with pain I can only imagine
But you still put a smile on your face.
Three kids you brought into this world
And for this I am glad.
We’ve never figured out how to show how much we care
But I guess I’ll give it a shot
Seventeen years ago I became your child
And for Seventeen years you’ve guided me
So no, I’ll show you how much I truly care
By giving you this poem
Straight from my heart.
I don’t know if my brother and sister have said this enough
But I’ll say it for myself
I love you Mom, and Always Will.
[FONT=&quot]Dedicated to My Mum, the best mom a girl can ask for[/FONT]
Revived By You

My sight is blurred
Vision denied to me
My thoughts are tainted
They aren't my own

Verse One:
When i lost sight of myself
You were there to guide me.
I broke down in Pain
Yet you comforted my soul.
If tears were in my eyes
You'd Settle all my cries.
When I'd scream for Help
You were there to answer my call

When i was down
A guiding soul helped me up
When i thought I'd die
An Angel revived my soul.
It took away my fear
Took away my doubt
And now...
I believe in myself

Verse Two:
You told me to sing my heart out
So here I am
Singing to the Angel
Who saved my soul!
Brought me back from the dark
Into the Music
Into the Light
This feels so damn right

Chorus x2

dedicated to a certian person who has been helping me through tough times
honestly i have to say that i couldnt really feel the rhythm... but besides of my 'rhythm-problems' lol I really like it!!
and you know what? this is one reason why i dont write poems/lyrics that much bc you bring out everything i would write just in a waaaaaaay better way :D:D:D
Foxx, I'm so sorry I haven't checked out your stuff here before...even though you asked me to do it...hope you're not too mad...

Anyway, I like Just One More...I think only a person going through the similar thing can really feel it...

A poem for your mother is sweet...did you give it to her? What was her response like?

Revived By You is good...but I guess I'm the only one who thinks that Just One More is better, lol...yeah, my taste is ****ed up...:D
Foxx, I'm so sorry I haven't checked out your stuff here before...even though you asked me to do it...hope you're not too mad...

Anyway, I like Just One More...I think only a person going through the similar thing can really feel it...

A poem for your mother is sweet...did you give it to her? What was her response like?

Revived By You is good...but I guess I'm the only one who thinks that Just One More is better, lol...yeah, my taste is ****ed up...:D

Awwww, i could never EVER be bad at you. You are one of the few that said Just One More is good/great. I appricate that a lot since people said it was that great.

The poem for my mum, i gave it to her and while she was reading it she teared up and cried aloud. Then hugged me and said it's the best thing she has ever gotten. ^_^ that made my day

Your taste isn't ****ed up, you are just able to see the emotions i try to get people to feel....thats a good thing

*hug* thank you so much Diana. that meant a lot to me
Awwww, i could never EVER be bad at you. You are one of the few that said Just One More is good/great. I appricate that a lot since people said it was that great.

The poem for my mum, i gave it to her and while she was reading it she teared up and cried aloud. Then hugged me and said it's the best thing she has ever gotten. ^_^ that made my day

Your taste isn't ****ed up, you are just able to see the emotions i try to get people to feel....thats a good thing

*hug* thank you so much Diana. that meant a lot to me
^^ Thank you for not being mad at me...*hugs*

Awww...that must have felt awesome...for both of you...^^

You are so very welcome...*hugs again*
Set Me Free

Verse One:
I’d be down​
I’d be lonely​
But then I’d see your face​
Bring me out of this place​
Take my hand​
Lead me to you​
A Smile on your face​
We’re heading towards grace


You make me laugh​
You make me cry​
You make me angry​
Yet I still love you!​
I’ll still love you!!

Verse Two:
You speak the truth​
You’d make me see​
How wrong I’ve been​
And you set me free.​
Hold me tight​
Without a fight​
You made me believe​
That I am free

Chorus x2

Dedicated to a certain person of mine.