Foxx's Poetry Corner

erm....thanks? i think. I write about vampyres because the topic is something i know very well. I cant help it, but thats normally what i write about when i'm in a bad/mad mood.

and i dont write about zombies because i just dont......i don't really like zombies extremely a lot like i used to...maybe i'll write one some time....maybe
WARNING!!!!: If you don't like reading my poems because they are about vampyres, stop now. This is a new style i'm trying, so deal with it or don't read.

As I stand in front of a broken mirror
I realize what has caused all the fear.
Blood stains my hair
My face is un-naturally fair.
I smile grimly as I stare at my face
As red liquid drips in a single place.
A reflecting piece of glass is in my hand
It’s shaking, wanting to taste the blood of man.
Two nights I’ve been this way
Hiding from the light of day.
A pair of red eyes stares back at me
When I realize my Master has set me free.
Free of the world I once called my own
Free to play, tease, drink, and roam.
If I wish to stay, I may
If I tired, I’ll sleep by day.
My Master tells me to listen and learn
And some day it will be my turn.
To ensure our race continues to exist
That we won’t be the last to wander the mist.
In these two nights, I have changed
My new speed improves my attacking range.
My newfound sight lets me see for miles
And I can hear even the softest child.
In the next night, my change shall be complete
And I’ll be capable of any feat.
I now know why people flee
They know not how it is to be free.
My master calls to me tonight
To feed the thirst in my own right.
Try to see the world through anothers’ eyes
Try to feel their happiness, their cries
Understand how they feel
Understand the way they go about lives wheel.
If you do these things today
Maybe you’ll understand different ways to pray.
Different religious views divide us,
Make us kill in the name of our gods’ trust.
Relief will only come to the human race
When all of us understand the differences of place.
We come from all sorts of backgrounds
But we are all still walk the same ground.
Don’t look down on another human

We are all the same sort of being.

**Tis a work in progress**
Hey nice to see you back round, I like the last two poems, but the first one it stilled seemed like a vampire one no? Dunno, I still think, as Jeezy said, you are THE mistress of Poetry
Visions Arise

I waslk alone throughout the land
Seeking meaning or perhaps a friend.
A rushing river blocks my way
and I'm soon loosing the light of day.
I sit on the rivers' misty edge
Thinking about what makes my mind dread.
I remember what those people have taken
But my eyes drift upwards to a cawing Raven.
He speaks to my mind
Calming any troubles he may find.
A Lynx suddenly walks to my side
And lays his paw on my right thigh.
A warm sensation of guidance swarms over me
These two creatures will surely help set me free.
A light comes through the clouds above
And these animals around me help my eyes see the love.
Our Time
Whenever I cry out
You’re there to comfort me.
If I ever get frightened
Your protective arms wrap around my frame.
You know all there is about me
All the good as well as bad
Even the scars that are upon my soul
And yet you still love me.
I look at myself with disgust
Yet you make me see the beauty.
I try to be strong and not care
But you’ve seen the part of me
Locked away deep within
The caring, passionate side of me
The one who hasn’t been shone
To none other but you.
You help me let her loose
Even if it’s for a short time.
You give her comfort and love
Protection and confidence.
Unknown to me,
You let my true soul arise
And with your help
Be accepted and certain
Your voice rings out in my ears
Soothing me, whispering my name
Speaking to all of me
Loving my entire being
Comforting me when emotions run high
And I shake from my feelings
No soft voice has ever caressed my ears
Like your gentle tone.
You accept me even when I ask otherwise
Because you know what I’d really want
You’ve seen my troubled past
And sheltered me from my pain
Scars upon scars you’ve seen
Yet you don’t ever look away
Comforting arms and soothing voice
Are the things I receive
When my frightful and painful past
Returns to me.
Whenever I talk to you
My troubles seem to vanish
Where they go, I don’t care
As long as I know that you are there
If my eyes ever meet yours
I’m sure I’d melt
That one of me that’s locked away
Would burst out for you
And I’d be helpless to stop it
Because my soul desires it
Dancing with Chains

The song of a Masters’ flute
The dance of his slave
Around the fire they’ll be
Tending to each others’ needs
If he says to dance for him
She will obey his every whim
And if she pleases her Master
He’ll give her jewels that have luster
Dressed to please her lord
She’ll sit at his feet and sing a chord
He strokes her hair with a gentle stride
Making sure she’ll never leave his side.
Others come to sit around the warm fire
Taking notice of the woman filling them with desire
The Master shares stories with the people
Feeding the woman at his feet a few samples
A small sip of mead he gives to her
Just enough to make her purr.
As the night turns to daylight
And the slave becomes weak, too tired to fight
Her Master guides her to his place of rest
To show her if he was indeed impressed
Unable to stop him
He always wins.​
The Darkest Dream

From the darkest dreams I awake​
Opening my eyes to the new day​
Out from the blackness I bring myself​
Towards the calling sounds of the one I love​
My mind was swimming in the horrors​
Almost lost in such a nightmare​
Yet somehow… His voice reached me​
In the farthest corners of that dream​
Bringing light and happiness to me​
Showing me a new outlook on my own mind.​
I awoke in a cold sweat​
Pain and suffering still show on my face​
I still cannot see anything save but the memories​
Memories of that dark nightmare that engulfed me​
He stares at me, forces me to look at him​
Making my eyes meet his​
His collective calm flowing over me like a cool rain​
That look brings me completely out of the dark​
His face shows me the love I will always have​
His voice sooths away any memory I may have​
Of that dreadful place in my dreams​
He vows to me that as long as he is with me​
I shall never again be plunged back​
Never again will I go into that blackness​
Nor shall I ever again feel that pain​
[FONT=&quot]Never again…[/FONT]​