Fred: "Our basic rights come from God, not from government."


Patriot Games


Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms

Friday, September 21, 2007

"I'd like us to respect each other; I think we have very, very legitimate
and mostly similar views," Rudy Giuliani told NRA members on Friday.

WASHINGTON -- Republican Rudy Giuliani sought to reassure the National Rifle
Association of his support for a constitutional right to bear arms as rivals
Fred Thompson, John McCain and Mike Huckabee contended the former New York
mayor is no friend of gun owners.

In a direct appeal Friday to the powerful lobbying group, Thompson, McCain
and Huckabee stressed their backing for gun rights and record of siding with
the NRA. Giuliani, who once referred to the NRA as "extremists," tried to
explain his shifting views on the issue.

The NRA's support is prized as the group blankets its 4 million members with
ads, mailings and phone calls. Before the 2008 election, it hopes to
increase its numbers.

"I'd like us to respect each other; I think we have very, very legitimate
and mostly similar views," Giuliani told NRA members, who clapped politely a
dozen times during his 20-minute speech.

Giuliani also tried to explain why, as mayor, he joined a lawsuit by several
cities against the gun industry, arguing that manufacturers and distributors
made it too easy for criminals to get guns.

On Friday, he said the ongoing lawsuit "has taken several turns and several
twists I don't agree with."

Giuliani, an outspoken proponent of gun control during his eight years as
mayor, said Friday he agrees with a recent federal court ruling that
overturned a 30-year-old ban on private ownership of handguns in Washington,
D.C. He added that he would appoint judges who take a similarly strict view
of the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

Despite Giuliani's changing views, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre said: "All I
know is, I liked what I heard today. It's a good thing, if a politician sees
the light and supports the Second Amendment."

Thompson, McCain and Huckabee chose to highlight their record on gun rights
in a veiled criticism of Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
In 1994, Romney supported the Brady gun control law and said he wouldn't be
the hero of the NRA.

Romney became a lifetime member of the NRA in 2006. He addressed the group
by video Friday.

"Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand: I support the
Second Amendment as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every
American. It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all
the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights," he said.

Thompson, who makes a point of visiting gun shops and gun shows in early
voting states, received a warmer reception from the audience of about 500
people, some of whom stood and cheered when he said: "Our basic rights come
from God, not from government."

Thompson recently indicated that he wouldn't talk about his faith on the
campaign trail.

"It's not just a matter of promises made, as far as I'm concerned. It's a
matter of commitments that have been kept," Thompson said.

McCain criticized Giuliani outright, citing the use of the word "extremists"
in reference to the NRA.

"My friends, gun owners are not extremists; you are the core of modern
America," the Arizona senator said. "The Second Amendment is unique in the
world and at the core of our constitutional freedoms. It guarantees an
individual right to keep and bear arms. To argue anything else is to reject
the clear meaning of our founding fathers.

Anti-war protesters from the group Code Pink interrupted his speech and were
escorted from the hotel ballroom.

The candidates spoke to the NRA as gun violence occurred on another college
campus. Two students were shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State
University, and the campus was locked down as police searched for a gunman.

Such tragedies inevitably prompt politicians to argue over whether more or
fewer gun restrictions would prevent gun crimes. Giuliani said he believes
the best way to prevent such crimes is to enforce existing gun laws, not
create new ones.

The former mayor said his views on gun rights were tempered by the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks: "Sept. 11 casts somewhat of a different light on
Second Amendment rights; it maybe highlights the necessity for them more,"
Giuliani said.

Giuliani sought to make the case for his candidacy by highlighting his
front-runner status in national polls.

"You never get a candidate you agree with 100 percent _ I'm not sure I even
agree with myself 100 percent," Giuliani said. "You have to figure out who's
electable, who can win. Because if we make a mistake about that, this
country is going to go in a direction that I think you and I very much
disagree with."

Giuliani has said recently that what has worked in New York might not work
elsewhere, a notion that Huckabee scoffed at.

The former Arkansas governor said it was "absurd, laughable, that we would
have geographic boundaries on the tenets of the Second Amendment."

Giuliani's cell phone rang in the middle of his speech; he said it was his
wife, Judith, and as the audience laughed, he answered it and had a brief
On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
> Friday, September 21, 2007
> "I'd like us to respect each other; I think we have very, very legitimate
> and mostly similar views," Rudy Giuliani told NRA members on Friday.
> WASHINGTON -- Republican Rudy Giuliani sought to reassure the National Rifle
> Association of his support for a constitutional right to bear arms as rivals
> Fred Thompson, John McCain and Mike Huckabee contended the former New York
> mayor is no friend of gun owners.
> In a direct appeal Friday to the powerful lobbying group, Thompson, McCain
> and Huckabee stressed their backing for gun rights and record of siding with
> the NRA. Giuliani, who once referred to the NRA as "extremists," tried to
> explain his shifting views on the issue.
> The NRA's support is prized as the group blankets its 4 million members with
> ads, mailings and phone calls. Before the 2008 election, it hopes to
> increase its numbers.
> "I'd like us to respect each other; I think we have very, very legitimate
> and mostly similar views," Giuliani told NRA members, who clapped politely a
> dozen times during his 20-minute speech.
> Giuliani also tried to explain why, as mayor, he joined a lawsuit by several
> cities against the gun industry, arguing that manufacturers and distributors
> made it too easy for criminals to get guns.
> On Friday, he said the ongoing lawsuit "has taken several turns and several
> twists I don't agree with."
> Giuliani, an outspoken proponent of gun control during his eight years as
> mayor, said Friday he agrees with a recent federal court ruling that
> overturned a 30-year-old ban on private ownership of handguns in Washington,
> D.C. He added that he would appoint judges who take a similarly strict view
> of the Constitution and the Second Amendment.
> Despite Giuliani's changing views, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre said: "All I
> know is, I liked what I heard today. It's a good thing, if a politician sees
> the light and supports the Second Amendment."
> Thompson, McCain and Huckabee chose to highlight their record on gun rights
> in a veiled criticism of Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
> In 1994, Romney supported the Brady gun control law and said he wouldn't be
> the hero of the NRA.
> Romney became a lifetime member of the NRA in 2006. He addressed the group
> by video Friday.
> "Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand: I support the
> Second Amendment as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every
> American. It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all
> the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights," he said.
> Thompson, who makes a point of visiting gun shops and gun shows in early
> voting states, received a warmer reception from the audience of about 500
> people, some of whom stood and cheered when he said: "Our basic rights come
> from God, not from government."
> Thompson recently indicated that he wouldn't talk about his faith on the
> campaign trail.
> "It's not just a matter of promises made, as far as I'm concerned. It's a
> matter of commitments that have been kept," Thompson said.
> McCain criticized Giuliani outright, citing the use of the word "extremists"
> in reference to the NRA.
> "My friends, gun owners are not extremists; you are the core of modern
> America," the Arizona senator said. "The Second Amendment is unique in the
> world and at the core of our constitutional freedoms. It guarantees an
> individual right to keep and bear arms. To argue anything else is to reject
> the clear meaning of our founding fathers.
> Anti-war protesters from the group Code Pink interrupted his speech and were
> escorted from the hotel ballroom.
> The candidates spoke to the NRA as gun violence occurred on another college
> campus. Two students were shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State
> University, and the campus was locked down as police searched for a gunman.
> Such tragedies inevitably prompt politicians to argue over whether more or
> fewer gun restrictions would prevent gun crimes. Giuliani said he believes
> the best way to prevent such crimes is to enforce existing gun laws, not
> create new ones.
> The former mayor said his views on gun rights were tempered by the Sept. 11,
> 2001, terrorist attacks: "Sept. 11 casts somewhat of a different light on
> Second Amendment rights; it maybe highlights the necessity for them more,"
> Giuliani said.
> Giuliani sought to make the case for his candidacy by highlighting his
> front-runner status in national polls.
> "You never get a candidate you agree with 100 percent _ I'm not sure I even
> agree with myself 100 percent," Giuliani said. "You have to figure out who's
> electable, who can win. Because if we make a mistake about that, this
> country is going to go in a direction that I think you and I very much
> disagree with."
> Giuliani has said recently that what has worked in New York might not work
> elsewhere, a notion that Huckabee scoffed at.
> The former Arkansas governor said it was "absurd, laughable, that we would
> have geographic boundaries on the tenets of the Second Amendment."
> Giuliani's cell phone rang in the middle of his speech; he said it was his
> wife, Judith, and as the audience laughed, he answered it and had a brief
> conversation.

OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?

If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.

Citizen Jimserac
> Our basic rights come from society, not from God. God doesn't exist.

How do you know? Did God tell you that?
On Sep 22, 4:22 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:

> How do you know? Did God tell you that?

I don't know but there is no evidence God exists. The physical
evidence points out that the universe is controlled by particles,
fields and the forces between them.
On Sep 22, 4:22 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:

> How do you know? Did God tell you that?

I don't know but there is no evidence God exists. The physical
evidence points out that the universe is controlled by particles,
fields and the forces between them. That's from a physicalistic and
naturalistic point of view.
Patriot Games wrote:

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. From the
prominent displays of flags and bunting to the ubiquitous lapel pins,
the fervor to show patriotic nationalism, both on the part of the regime
itself and of citizens caught up in its frenzy, was always obvious.
Catchy slogans, pride in the military, and demands for unity were common
themes in expressing this nationalism. It was usually coupled with a
suspicion of things foreign that often bordered on xenophobia.

2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. The regimes themselves
viewed human rights as of little value and a hindrance to realizing the
objectives of the ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the
population was brought to accept these human rights abuses by
marginalizing, even demonizing, those being targeted. When abuse was
egregious, the tactic was to use secrecy, denial, and disinformation.

3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. The most
significant common thread among these regimes was the use of
scapegoating as a means to divert the people
"uri" <> wrote in message
> Our basic rights come from society, not from God. God doesn't exist.

But you're previously stated that your personal philosophy is based on a
Smurf cartoon so ignoring you is remarkably easy....
"Citizen Jimserac" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
>> Friday, September 21, 2007

> OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
> If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.

I think he's sincere.

But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly in the
driver's seat.
"kT" <> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:

I wrote what? The 14 reasons to NEVER VOTE for Democrats???
On 22 sep, 21:22, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "uri" <> wrote in message
> > Our basic rights come from society, not from God. God doesn't exist.

> But you're previously stated that your personal philosophy is based on a
> Smurf cartoon so ignoring you is remarkably easy....

How on earth can you ignore a Smurf Cartoon?
On Sep 22, 9:22 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:

> But you're previously stated that your personal philosophy is based on a
> Smurf cartoon so ignoring you is remarkably easy....

No i just said that rights are given by society, not by God because
there is no evidence God exists. Also nature doesn't care about our
rights and is a very cruel place.
On 2007-09-22 07:22:34 -0700, Bert Byfield <BertByfield@nospam.not> said:

>> Our basic rights come from society, not from God. God doesn't exist.

> How do you know? Did God tell you that?

Didn't you get the response. god doesn't exist, therefore the
non-existant entity couldn't have told anybody anything.
Just as god(s) is/are man made, so are basic rights.

Check history and you will find that seperate from religion various
societies made some compromises and agreements on the individual's
standing in that society. Without that establishment of basic
rights/rules/laws/etc. the society fails no matter how powerful and
omnicient its god(s) might be. Your first references might be to the
Greeks and then the Romans, each societies governed on democratic and
republican princlples, establishing basic rights to all their citizens,
but unfortunately tied to a faith in gods and religion and doomed.

Our salvation lies in our rights having a foundation free from
religion. If we allow religious zealots and political power mongers to
control our government, we will be condemned to loose what rights we
have (we already have a corrosion of the rights we value) and our
little empire will join those others, to be read about in the history
On Sep 22, 3:24 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
> > On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
> >> Friday, September 21, 2007

> > OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
> > If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.

> I think he's sincere.
> But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly in the
> driver's seat.

No, I don't think Rudy is going to make it. Tom Friedman, who has a
LOT of good ideas,
said it best. Tom Friedman said that Rudy was the 9-11 candidate and
what we need is a 9-12 candidate.

In other words, there are those who try to make 9-11 the defining
moment of our country, the day our country changed (like Rudy). But I
say NOTHING has changed, we are the same great country and we want a
president who will lead us into the future, starting at 9-12.

As with the heroic people that died on Dec. 7, 1941, we shall revere
and honor our fallen heroes that died on 9-11 to the end of time, and
everyone that died that day is a hero.

Citizen Jimserac
<> wrote in message
> On 22 sep, 21:22, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "uri" <> wrote in message
>> > Our basic rights come from society, not from God. God doesn't exist.

>> But you're previously stated that your personal philosophy is based on a
>> Smurf cartoon so ignoring you is remarkably easy....

> How on earth can you ignore a Smurf Cartoon?

The Justice League rules.

Smurfs are ass-popping ****-knitters.

Death to Smurfs!
"Citizen Jimserac" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 22, 3:24 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
>> > On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
>> >> Friday, September 21, 2007
>> > OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
>> > If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.

>> I think he's sincere.
>> But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly in
>> the
>> driver's seat.

> No, I don't think Rudy is going to make it. Tom Friedman, who has a
> LOT of good ideas,
> said it best. Tom Friedman said that Rudy was the 9-11 candidate and
> what we need is a 9-12 candidate.

But he's one vote. The Polls put Rudy in the lead... Since the campaigning
began Rudy has NOT ONCE not been in the lead. Like it or not that's a

> In other words, there are those who try to make 9-11 the defining
> moment of our country, the day our country changed (like Rudy). But I
> say NOTHING has changed, we are the same great country and we want a
> president who will lead us into the future, starting at 9-12.

Of course I think we're a great country but we're definitely NOT the same

> As with the heroic people that died on Dec. 7, 1941, we shall revere
> and honor our fallen heroes that died on 9-11 to the end of time, and
> everyone that died that day is a hero.

I can hold the flag as high and wave it as long as anyone.

The issue here, in 2008, is Euro-Socialism in America: Yes or No?

Its that simple. There are almost no Democrats left in America. They
became Socialists, or worse. Or they became "California Republicans," or

HitlaryCare is just a vote scam. Rudy's ideas are, are, are what? Does he
even have any?

This is the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen. There's not a bright
bulb in the bunch.

Buckwheat is a fool for SAYING we should attack Pakistan to get Osama but
he's brilliant for THINKING it. We need brilliant people but we can't
afford any fools, these are serious times and one wrong move - OR WORD -
could get somebody nuked.

Richardson? Empty suit.

Edwards? Empty suit (nice hair).

Hitlary? Genuinely evil.

Thompson? Very nice guy, but too damned dumb for the Big Game.

Romney? Apparently nobody likes Mormons. Who knew?

McAmnesty? 'Nuff said...

Rudy? His best selling point is he's not Hitlary. His ONLY selling point
is he's not Hitlary.

Jesus****ingHChristOnACrutch THAT is the best America can come up with?

Its pathetic.

Tampa is stomping the liberal **** out of St. Louis.... Hahahahhaah!!!
On Sep 23, 3:23 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "Citizen Jimserac" <> wrote in message
> > On Sep 22, 3:24 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
> >> >> Friday, September 21, 2007
> >> > OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
> >> > If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.
> >> I think he's sincere.
> >> But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly in
> >> the
> >> driver's seat.

> > No, I don't think Rudy is going to make it. Tom Friedman, who has a
> > LOT of good ideas,
> > said it best. Tom Friedman said that Rudy was the 9-11 candidate and
> > what we need is a 9-12 candidate.

> But he's one vote. The Polls put Rudy in the lead... Since the campaigning
> began Rudy has NOT ONCE not been in the lead. Like it or not that's a
> trend.
> > In other words, there are those who try to make 9-11 the defining
> > moment of our country, the day our country changed (like Rudy). But I
> > say NOTHING has changed, we are the same great country and we want a
> > president who will lead us into the future, starting at 9-12.

> Of course I think we're a great country but we're definitely NOT the same
> country.
> > As with the heroic people that died on Dec. 7, 1941, we shall revere
> > and honor our fallen heroes that died on 9-11 to the end of time, and
> > everyone that died that day is a hero.

> I can hold the flag as high and wave it as long as anyone.
> The issue here, in 2008, is Euro-Socialism in America: Yes or No?
> Its that simple. There are almost no Democrats left in America. They
> became Socialists, or worse. Or they became "California Republicans," or
> worse.
> HitlaryCare is just a vote scam. Rudy's ideas are, are, are what? Does he
> even have any?
> This is the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen. There's not a bright
> bulb in the bunch.
> Buckwheat is a fool for SAYING we should attack Pakistan to get Osama but
> he's brilliant for THINKING it. We need brilliant people but we can't
> afford any fools, these are serious times and one wrong move - OR WORD -
> could get somebody nuked.
> Richardson? Empty suit.
> Edwards? Empty suit (nice hair).
> Hitlary? Genuinely evil.
> Thompson? Very nice guy, but too damned dumb for the Big Game.
> Romney? Apparently nobody likes Mormons. Who knew?
> McAmnesty? 'Nuff said...
> Rudy? His best selling point is he's not Hitlary. His ONLY selling point
> is he's not Hitlary.
> Jesus****ingHChristOnACrutch THAT is the best America can come up with?
> Its pathetic.
> Tampa is stomping the liberal **** out of St. Louis.... Hahahahhaah!!!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Repeat after me: "President Clinton. Madam President."

Get used to it.

Been out on your 14-foot Boston Whaler recently? Be careful you don't
get swamped in the wake of real boats.
On Sep 23, 3:23 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
> > On Sep 22, 3:24 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
> >> >> Friday, September 21, 2007
> >> > OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
> >> > If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.
> >> I think he's sincere.
> >> But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly in
> >> the
> >> driver's seat.

> > No, I don't think Rudy is going to make it. Tom Friedman, who has a
> > LOT of good ideas,
> > said it best. Tom Friedman said that Rudy was the 9-11 candidate and
> > what we need is a 9-12 candidate.

> But he's one vote. The Polls put Rudy in the lead... Since the campaigning
> began Rudy has NOT ONCE not been in the lead. Like it or not that's a
> trend.
> > In other words, there are those who try to make 9-11 the defining
> > moment of our country, the day our country changed (like Rudy). But I
> > say NOTHING has changed, we are the same great country and we want a
> > president who will lead us into the future, starting at 9-12.

> Of course I think we're a great country but we're definitely NOT the same
> country.
> > As with the heroic people that died on Dec. 7, 1941, we shall revere
> > and honor our fallen heroes that died on 9-11 to the end of time, and
> > everyone that died that day is a hero.

> I can hold the flag as high and wave it as long as anyone.
> The issue here, in 2008, is Euro-Socialism in America: Yes or No?
> Its that simple. There are almost no Democrats left in America. They
> became Socialists, or worse. Or they became "California Republicans," or
> worse.
> HitlaryCare is just a vote scam. Rudy's ideas are, are, are what? Does he
> even have any?
> This is the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen. There's not a bright
> bulb in the bunch.
> Buckwheat is a fool for SAYING we should attack Pakistan to get Osama but
> he's brilliant for THINKING it. We need brilliant people but we can't
> afford any fools, these are serious times and one wrong move - OR WORD -
> could get somebody nuked.
> Richardson? Empty suit.
> Edwards? Empty suit (nice hair).
> Hitlary? Genuinely evil.
> Thompson? Very nice guy, but too damned dumb for the Big Game.
> Romney? Apparently nobody likes Mormons. Who knew?
> McAmnesty? 'Nuff said...
> Rudy? His best selling point is he's not Hitlary. His ONLY selling point
> is he's not Hitlary.
> Jesus****ingHChristOnACrutch THAT is the best America can come up with?
> Its pathetic.
> Tampa is stomping the liberal **** out of St. Louis.... Hahahahhaah!!!

Agreed. The choices are dismal. But there is one thing we CAN do.
FORCE them to speak up on their positions about illegal immigration,
stopping terrorists, gettting control over corporate lobbyists,
start upgrading our military to fight tommorow's wars instead of
wasting more money on WWll style projects.

Citizen Jimserac
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 23, 3:23 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> "Citizen Jimserac" <> wrote in message
>> > On Sep 22, 3:24 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> >> "CitizenJimserac" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > On Sep 22, 8:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Giuliani: I Support Right to Bear Arms
>> >> >> Friday, September 21, 2007
>> >> > OH NO, another "god" candidate, eh?
>> >> > If Thompson is trying to do a Ronnie imitation, he is FAILING BADLY.
>> >> I think he's sincere.
>> >> But I don't think its gonna matter much in the end. Rudy is solidly
>> >> in
>> >> the
>> >> driver's seat.
>> > No, I don't think Rudy is going to make it. Tom Friedman, who has a
>> > LOT of good ideas,
>> > said it best. Tom Friedman said that Rudy was the 9-11 candidate and
>> > what we need is a 9-12 candidate.

>> But he's one vote. The Polls put Rudy in the lead... Since the
>> campaigning
>> began Rudy has NOT ONCE not been in the lead. Like it or not that's a
>> trend.
>> > In other words, there are those who try to make 9-11 the defining
>> > moment of our country, the day our country changed (like Rudy). But I
>> > say NOTHING has changed, we are the same great country and we want a
>> > president who will lead us into the future, starting at 9-12.

>> Of course I think we're a great country but we're definitely NOT the same
>> country.
>> > As with the heroic people that died on Dec. 7, 1941, we shall revere
>> > and honor our fallen heroes that died on 9-11 to the end of time, and
>> > everyone that died that day is a hero.

>> I can hold the flag as high and wave it as long as anyone.
>> The issue here, in 2008, is Euro-Socialism in America: Yes or No?
>> Its that simple. There are almost no Democrats left in America. They
>> became Socialists, or worse. Or they became "California Republicans," or
>> worse.
>> HitlaryCare is just a vote scam. Rudy's ideas are, are, are what? Does
>> he
>> even have any?
>> This is the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen. There's not a bright
>> bulb in the bunch.
>> Buckwheat is a fool for SAYING we should attack Pakistan to get Osama but
>> he's brilliant for THINKING it. We need brilliant people but we can't
>> afford any fools, these are serious times and one wrong move - OR WORD -
>> could get somebody nuked.
>> Richardson? Empty suit.
>> Edwards? Empty suit (nice hair).
>> Hitlary? Genuinely evil.
>> Thompson? Very nice guy, but too damned dumb for the Big Game.
>> Romney? Apparently nobody likes Mormons. Who knew?
>> McAmnesty? 'Nuff said...
>> Rudy? His best selling point is he's not Hitlary. His ONLY selling
>> point
>> is he's not Hitlary.
>> Jesus****ingHChristOnACrutch THAT is the best America can come up with?
>> Its pathetic.
>> Tampa is stomping the liberal **** out of St. Louis.... Hahahahhaah!!!-
>> Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> Repeat after me: "President Clinton. Madam President."

Repeat after me. Chicago Mafia. Rodham family boss. We've already had two
mafioso presidents. Isn't that enough?

You want a real president? You're out of luck. The Bilderberg group will
continue to run this country forever and THEY will continue to choose our
presidents. They always have a candidate in each party. If you didn't see
that in the first Clinton election and the GW Bush election you're blind as
a bat.

If there was supposed to be a separation of church
and state in the US Constitution, why did the founders
put the words "in the year of our Lord" in it?

On Sep 22, 5:32 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:

> Despite Giuliani's changing views, NRA chief Wayne LaPierre said: "All I
> know is, I liked what I heard today. It's a good thing, if a politician sees
> the light and supports the Second Amendment."

This LaPierre doo-dah seems easily distracted by political
Corrupt New York goobledeegook, even.

> Thompson, McCain and Huckabee chose to highlight their record on gun rights
> in a veiled criticism of Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
> In 1994, Romney supported the Brady gun control law and said he wouldn't be
> the hero of the NRA.

Well ain't that special?

> Romney became a lifetime member of the NRA in 2006.


> Thompson, who makes a point of visiting gun shops and gun shows in early
> voting states, received a warmer reception from the audience of about 500
> people, some of whom stood and cheered when he said: "Our basic rights come
> from God, not from government."

Another dumbass..
The last time I checked it was the Constitution that guaranteed
citizens' rights - not God.