French men want to be pussies!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
A pole was conducted (I didn't catch from whom) with French men and women.
38% of the French men said if they could they would want to be the one to bare children. 65% would want to stay home and raise them.
71% of the women agreed.

Seems to me their already pussies they just want to go completely pussified.
And their women already know that.
Go figure!
RoyalOrleans said:
Those silly Frenchies!
Maybe it was the wording of the survey...And if properly asked they answered...I would be a whore and my wife would go to work.

Naaah! French men are equipped like their tanks three speed reverse and one speed forward...
HAHAHAHA that is so having babies. Wow, the mental picturse are just too great for words. Kinda disturbing, but hilarious. I picture French men in berets cussing with a heavy french accent, and trying to pop a baby with a handelbar moustache out their rear-end.

Yeah..I=messed up
Crispy Critter said:
Maybe it was the wording of the survey...And if properly asked they answered...I would be a whore and my wife would go to work.

Naaah! French men are equipped like their tanks three speed reverse and one speed forward...


Funny ha-ha, not funny weird.
Speaking of French tanks, the Leclerc (their main battle tank) is a very sophisticated weapon. It has also been declared one of the fastest tracked vehicles. Can anyone guess why? :D