Fribby's verbal gallery 2.0


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2004
the writers corner seems to be doing good so I'm going to test how good a thread like this might go.

and yeah, as I think, it seems like there's actually some feedback on loose floatin around in here...unlike some times when it's been hella bad.

alright, as you see this is number 2, here's thread number one:
don't visit that **** though lol, basically it's me posting my not so good stuff and people giving comments. I'd like to think I've grown better now lol
and I figured since it's been a year since I last was active with this stuff and how good it made me feel and how good the writers corner seems to be, that I'd try again. I'm getting back into poetry and raps, havin taken a break from that when I left. after all the reason I write in english at all is that I have friends on here lol

alright I'm not gonna bore you anymore, here's my first one this time round
this is called lpf right now, and was supposed to be to the beat of FM's Right now

right now, there's a person I know in Australia
who's sittin at their desk and thinkin they're a failure
and meanwhile I walk to school and curse-the-weather
which inspires me to put all those words-together
a certain somebody has friends that are two-faced
and the pain grows worse in the rain in the UK
a guy in the States workin hard but the truth-is
his job he finds stupid, only wants to make music
everyday's the same and he tries not to lose-it
makin excuses to get away from abusin
cause his dad-is-a-drunk and he's been bad-for-a-month
so sad cause he calls him a fag-and-it's-dumb
all-are-we-here cause there's no-place-to-go
we swallow-our-fears and we know-when-to-roll
but we hold it all in, in our real-lives
and we hope we find friends on the screen-all-the-time
maybe it's a dream that I have in my mind
but I still like to stay here all of the time

But no we're just taking it in
at another strange forum, surfin again
maybe I'll leave and I'll never come back
cause on the internet it all change just like that,
Like that

and I decided to throw in the only good ones from the old thread, so that you for real shouldn't check it out lol

this here earth life can some serious trouble
you all know what I mean, I'm not burstin any bubbles
I remember all those years I used to hop into puddles
but now it's more like depression, loneliness and struggle
I remember hugging grandpa, but now he's gone away
he died long ago from cancer, but hell, we all do someday
I flip the pages of a newspaper, all I see today
is the way that the hate has grown they say
I try my best to remain, the same no name
I don't like attention, it just brings in the pain
in my line of work, I don't have time to hurt
I only find the worst when the customer's kind of a jerk
this world is a place where you win or lose
the things we face depend on the path we choose
enjoying the stay, is the hardest task
we all look away, or we hide behind masks

the boy was born long ago
he's grown up now but
still behaves like a boy
but he didn't use to do that
when he was younger he'd take good care
of his mother
he was sensitive
he was gentle
but no more
he's grown up now, he has power now
the power to rule his mother
how absurd
he dominates his mother, who yet takes care of him
he takes advantage of her
treads on her
his mother's not old, middle-aged at most
but already looks as if ready to die
but not just yet, there's still more time
for the boy to abuse
but the boy is stupid, what will he do?
when the mother who raised him
heads to see her foremothers
in the land of the lost
and the boy left on his own
will he live?

A Bridge

a bridge
by the bridge is a boat
and on the bridge is a box
with a charm made of gold
a man comes by, makes a stop
he sits down
what's in that box?
he tries to open it but can't
so he stands up, sticks around for a while
then walks away, and never comes back
but he always thinks back
and he knows he should've had the crow bar in his backpack that day
Friðbjörn said:
right now, there's a person I know in Australia
who's sittin at their desk and thinkin they're a failure
and meanwhile I walk to school and curse-the-weather
which inspires me to put all those words-together
a certain somebody has friends that are two-faced
and the pain grows worse in the rain in the UK
a guy in the States workin hard but the truth-is
his job he finds stupid, only wants to make music
everyday's the same and he tries not to lose-it
makin excuses to get away from abusin
cause his dad-is-a-drunk and he's been bad-for-a-month
so sad cause he calls him a fag-and-it's-dumb
all-are-we-here cause there's no-place-to-go
we swallow-our-fears and we know-when-to-roll
but we hold it all in, in our real-lives
and we hope we find friends on the screen-all-the-time
maybe it's a dream that I have in my mind
but I still like to stay here all of the time

But no we're just taking it in
at another strange forum, surfin again
maybe I'll leave and I'll never come back
cause on the internet it all change just like that,
Like that

I love this one...and it's so should record it...could be the official LPF anthem... :D
thanks you guys ;)

now, I've been listening to a lot of Eminem lately, so let's see what the cat dragged in...

this here is an example of adlib magic
rapid fast clap your hands for the gadgets
tap the source of your force fields shield the weapon
planted this franticness into your system I reckon
manic depression, therapy sessions, that's some ****
special meds spread the sickness, throw a fit
project innocence on these walls of silence
stylistic twisted minded yet absent of violence
face the facts, you can't change the past
track this **** back to how you always finish last
elastic plastic spoons for you to follow tunes
soon you'll see how lunatics sail to the moon
it's noon and you still don't bring it down
prepare to declare your stare against the frowns
clowns rapping makin up vowels and nouns
so it fits their spit and shitty sound

need somebody to fill in for grillin
see me step up like regis philbin
this ****'s the best, so pictureesque
sit at your desk and guess who's a mess
this lyrical miracle ain't about the topic
I just mirror my mind, unwind and make the profit
to quote a good song, I just don't give a ****
I'm just livin up and I think I did enough
back in black and retracting method acting
fact is, you lack this, you pack ****, and no tactics
think you're a strategist, all you are is a masochist
you don't have the fastest **** just because you draft your spit
messing with me is desecrating your own grave
think you're so brave, but in reality you've no game
noname with no fame, in a movie you wouldn't get a whole frame
you with your gold chains, that ****'s your sole aim

you're like a dealer hooked on his main supply
you change your rhymes in vain to try
to paint pictures with the same old lies
the day goes by, you rap, but there ain't no vibe
you march in and I still kill your stale sound
me vs. you is like kobe vs. someone from the playground
Oooh I remember that one about the person in Australia!! Good thing you decided to post this stuff Fribby! It's so charming... The way you express yourself is always charming anyway. Like I say to my sis, this is a gift! Some people have it, some don't... but you do. My bright intelligent friend... ;)
thank you very much jojo dear :)

a little something I wrote just now:

she's such a pretty woman
her body work of art
a thing that we both carry:
a strong but troubled heart

most beautiful of doctors
with warm and gentle touch
and although she's just a fiction
I adore her very much

she works in a prison
and sarah is her name
and if you're ever locked up
she can heal your pain

she has a smile of angels
which never comes to fade
buried in my memory
all through my last day
Friðbjörn said:
thank you very much jojo dear :)

a little something I wrote just now:

she's such a pretty woman
her body work of art
a thing that we both carry:
a strong but troubled heart

most beautiful of doctors
with warm and gentle touch
and although she's just a fiction
I adore her very much

she works in a prison
and sarah is her name
and if you're ever locked up
she can heal your pain

she has a smile of angels
which never comes to fade
buried in my memory
all through my last day
I liked this bro. Its really good
I love this one...and it's so should record it...could be the official LPF anthem... :D
Could not have put that better myself *stand on a chair and cheers and applauds wildly*

The way you write Vi inspires even me... I can't say I emulate your style as that'd be a lie, your style is unique to you, its yours (its sorta sometimes and I'd hate to catagorise it, but occasionally like an Eminem-Shinoda mash-up as far as rap goes, Em for the synical observations, Mikey for the heart of the matter) and it's very moving, very visual. That one about people from all round the globe was just whoa-in my face, smack bang, right there, loved it! I know its late and all but had to say something. Awesome stuff right there. No lie. If I didn't like it I simply would say nothing, right? ;)

The little one there about the girl, sweet. Kinda reminds me of two things, dare I say it; ER and Greys Anatomy. What that tells me is that I need to stop watching so much TV between work shifts and also I need to stop thinking and start feeling... I reread it a few times to get an essence of 'a person' behind that. Trying to put the poem into a context. It was sweet (I know, I've already said that) but I say that again because if nothing else it still gives me (the reader in this instance) an insight into the protagonist's (Man's) perspective. So that's clever. That's in essence what writing is all about - escaping reality and/or forging your own.
Kudos to that, my son ;)
Ooops. I mean 'Vi' haha

Well done
I liked this bro. Its really good
thank you :)

Could not have put that better myself *stand on a chair and cheers and applauds wildly*

The way you write Vi inspires even me... I can't say I emulate your style as that'd be a lie, your style is unique to you, its yours (its sorta sometimes and I'd hate to catagorise it, but occasionally like an Eminem-Shinoda mash-up as far as rap goes, Em for the synical observations, Mikey for the heart of the matter) and it's very moving, very visual. That one about people from all round the globe was just whoa-in my face, smack bang, right there, loved it! I know its late and all but had to say something. Awesome stuff right there. No lie. If I didn't like it I simply would say nothing, right? ;)

The little one there about the girl, sweet. Kinda reminds me of two things, dare I say it; ER and Greys Anatomy. What that tells me is that I need to stop watching so much TV between work shifts and also I need to stop thinking and start feeling... I reread it a few times to get an essence of 'a person' behind that. Trying to put the poem into a context. It was sweet (I know, I've already said that) but I say that again because if nothing else it still gives me (the reader in this instance) an insight into the protagonist's (Man's) perspective. So that's clever. That's in essence what writing is all about - escaping reality and/or forging your own.
Kudos to that, my son ;)
Ooops. I mean 'Vi' haha

Well done
thanks...and yeah, wow, that's far too much credit you give me there...but it certainly is nice to hear :D

hehe, yeah when you think about it ER and GA do come to mind, although I've never seen the latter one. But I didn't take inspiration from those.'s good, if you ask me. there are certain things about america and its television that I dislike to say the least, but some things are excellent, like for inspiration.
glad to give you insight:thumbsup:

now hmm I wish I had more work now, but I don't. talking about inspiration etc, I can only focus mine into one "subject" at a time, and atm that's songwriting...
okay this's been dead lol
best revive it

I said I needed to be alone
when in reality I need company, and a place to call home

thought I could alter myself to please you
but did it happen? never seemed to
so I ask you to read through
read between the lines
the depths and widths of my mind

tell me that you find the same as I do
and that is that no matter how hard I try to
I can't change who I am
I am how I am
an insignifican man
man without a plan
goddamn I feel so bland

the guilletine drops, but the basket's empty
another empty threat
meaningless insult in a sea of curses
where I have now drowned
the guilletine drops, but the basket's empty
another empty threat
meaningless insult in a sea of curses
where I have now drowned
Now THIS here is awesome. Especially first line. That was way poignant to me. Struck a chord within. I dunno what more to say on that but for some reason this was powerful to me. I related to the first two lines, think all of us do on some universal level (especially us introverts ;)) but yeah, wow, that guiletine line... just wow.
:clap: Way to go Vi.

Uh, some crazy stuff you got there...

That first you posted is really it...:)
Others are okay...didn't really fall into them...

But that last one...darn, love that kinda stuff...awesome!;)

ps: I never knew for this thread, lol...not entering the writers corner often...
thanks everyone ^^ well appreciated

really surprised you like some of that so much...cause the stuff I posted last night was improvised on the spot in the

okay new stuff

this is one piece, mind you

he asked and we helped him
together we shut out the sun
we built a shelter
think it's best to rest in a place like this
no worries, only sunshine when you want it
so we came here together
and together we leave
unlike with life; you're born alone, you die alone.

but who said we shouldn't squeeze some fun out of this while we can
but no plans
no arrangements
no rules
no curfews
no restrictments, except those of the mind

in the distance a panflute can be heard
it's the shepheard running his flock of sheep
to new lands, like the ships of ancient times

and as the covers cover you,
you see how beautiful the nighttime sky can be
too bad you've been blinded by the sun
here's a new piece, should anyone read this anymore:
it's untitled

dig dig
dig up the bones
gotta get more money
gotta get there before it's too late
before the slashes appear
guess it's fate

too much money
too many problems
too big a mess
the everpresent stress

a faint piano in the background as we lie dying on the dirty bloody floor
we've been betrayed
they perform their customs habitually
cover it up
we've been betrayed
the left hand of god is left lame
rendered useless
we've been betrayed

I scream but I make no sound
for I am now dead
we have them to thank for
and ourselves
our own little dumb games
hmm alright since I haven't written a syllable in english lately I decided to translate my latest poem
it loses it dynamic somewhat in the translation unfortunately but yeah that happens
here it goes

March night

outside it snows as never before
my soul is restless
I'm beginning to sense
these two feelings
in tones I feel rich
richer than many
and the beautiful creature
visits me in my dreams
sometimes these nights
watch over me
as the snow gently
hits the ground
such is written in books
how sweet your scent is
but the chance is little
I am only one in this herd
the snow comes down and down
sweet peaceful winter
salutes my poem
I gaze upon this glory
but I hope that this storm
disappears in one blow
and spring be my friend
often I suffer from disadvantage