Friends With 'Benefits'


New member
Hey guys

whats your opinions on friends with benefits?

Please vote and then discuss

EDIT: ****, I added a poll, but it didnt show up, so can you guys just post:

- Yes Its Cool, Im in that situation

- Yes Its Cool, Although Im not in that situation

- No I Dont Agree With It

- It doesnt bother me



New member
Yes Its Cool, Although Im not in that situation

FwB is cool as long as both parties know the rules

And everyone knows where they stand!



New member
Yes Its Cool, Although Im not in that situation


I think its cool. just as long as your only doing it with that person. personally i would feel liek **** if one day hes with me and every other day of the week hes with other grls. i would just feel liek a piece of meat. oh he defently has to be a friend. i couldnt do that with someone i hardly know.



New member
it's always good to have someone to go to; to fulfill.. certain needs. but if they end up getting too attached; watch out, it ***** things up badddd


New member
I don't agree with it.

Reason? One of the persons involved usually gets feelings for the other, and the other doesn't feel the same way, and then someone gets hurt. It hurts the friendship.

But that's just my opinion.



New member
Yes Its Cool, Although Im not in that situation.

As long as you both no you don't have feelings for eachother. Cause if you did it would mess every thing up.

I don't agree with it.
Reason? One of the persons involved usually gets feelings for the other, and the other doesn't feel the same way, and then someone gets hurt. It hurts the friendship.

But that's just my opinion.
I agree with teh Matteh.



New member
Your friends... but you do 'sexual' things. It's basicly a booty call.

Cool with me, I'm in the situation.

You should only do it if your emotionally ready for it though. I went through it with someone that I truely had feelings for. What a mess.



Active Members
I think its kind of ridiculious...its only asking for trouble. I think its also for people who are too afriad to commit to a relationship. Or maybe they just really like having ***. Whatever.

But I don't have a problem with that. People can 'do' what they want its a free country.



New member
I don't agree with it.
Reason? One of the persons involved usually gets feelings for the other, and the other doesn't feel the same way, and then someone gets hurt. It hurts the friendship.

But that's just my opinion.
i fully agree with you.



New member
You = *****.

person b = *****.

you + person b = getting unhorny together = booty call = friends with benefits.


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