Friends With 'Benefits'


New member
isn't that just called regular *** with a partner? lmao
oh; forgot that part

you + person b = no emotional feelings for each other. not a couple.

a.k.a. one night stand (multiple times harr)



New member
oh a one night stand LOL shoulda said that the first time

I don't like them really...not that great....

However, they're good in some cases



New member
Ahhh I see.

Well I have no problem with it. I think it can be a handy thing.

Buuut, you have to know the limits and how far to take it.

I mean, don't let it become your life; or your sole factor in relationships. Nor should you take piety that seriously either. Especially at a young age.




New member
As long as you both no you don't have feelings for eachother. Cause if you did it would mess every thing up.
I was under the impression that as long as neither friend considers it any indication of feelings for each other you're A OK. People don't seem to understand that in the past, before we set up all this mono-amoury (not sure if that's a word, *** with only one person) people did this sort of thing all the time. *** can be regarded as a sign of affection and closeness and nothing more. We are merely programmed by society and our own expectations as seing *** as anything other than just ***.

I think it would be interesting :> It's never gonna happen to me, though xD;;



New member
its not alays *** though, sometimes it can be just kissing and stuff, or other sexual things like ******** and that.

I agree with it, as long as both individuals are aware of the conditions, and that its just the one friend with benifits, caus otherwise its unfair to the other friends with benifits that you may have. And the minute one person develops feelings, thats when it either needs to stop, or become a relationship.



New member
its not alays *** though, sometimes it can be just kissing and stuff, or other sexual things like ******** and that.
I agree with it, as long as both individuals are aware of the conditions, and that its just the one friend with benifits, caus otherwise its unfair to the other friends with benifits that you may have. And the minute one person develops feelings, thats when it either needs to stop, or become a relationship.
re: the bold

Wouldn't that mean you have feelings for them, ie: not seeing them get hurt.

Just thought I would be a pain in the **** :thumbsup:



New member
well whatever i still dont agree with it, *** & stuff to do with *** is ment for people you love and have feelings for, not just when your ***** and want to be plesured by a friend.


New member
im ok with it

i dont have a *** buddie, but i would love one :D i think any guy would

you know, someone to "play around" with

but when emotions and feelings starts intervening, it completely jeopardizes the whole concept

if your plaing by the rules, i dont see anything wrong with it



New member
I think it is up to an individual, i mean if i took the path some of my friends took the friends with benefits thing it seems like a pretty great idea to just have a bit of fun with.

but i wasn't brought up like that so it seems morally wrong to me.

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