I'm Yellow because I'm full of Pee Pee? No, that's not it....
I'm Yellow because I toilet papered Phreakwars trailer and trailer park? No, that's not it...
I'm Yellow because R/O ****** on my parade? No, that's not it...
I'm Yellow because I groped Tizz in the Premium Members Forum? No, that's not it, but it should have been!
I'm Yellow because all of the negative Brownie Points I've earned finally caught up with me? No, that's not it...
I know...I VOLUNTEERED to be Yellow (i.e. In the Idiot Box) for 24 hours so that Phreak could prove a point to Chairman Mao the ***** and the other lame ***** over at Brawl Hall. Our Idiot Box is a great tool, but it hardly bans a person from participating. It just dewclaws them for a little bit!