Future Career

I'm going to be a writer. I'd love to write some novels or maybe some screenplays, stuff like that. I have yet to decide on a fall back career, but will probably be high school English teacher or get into journalism. Either way, I say f*** math. :p
Clogz said:
I'm going to be a writer. I'd love to write some novels or maybe some screenplays, stuff like that. I have yet to decide on a fall back career, but will probably be high school English teacher or get into journalism. Either way, I say f*** math. :p

Totally agreed. F*** math!
Weeeeeeell I wish I would have thought things through in high school. In the 10th grade, I started studying sciences and then when the time to go to college came, I didn'«t know where I should turn, because that was just a tad too boring for me. I always got the great grades, but it most of it just wasn't interesting. I applied for Psychology and Biology, ended up getting in Biology, now it's my 3rd year in college, and I'm hating it. I know this is not the life for me, but I should have quit earlier and try and get into another major. Now I'm planning on trying to graduate from this one and then try out some other stuff. What I'd really like to be: movie director, cartoonist, graphic designer, illustrator, writer... something more like this. Not a boring biologist stuck in a lab all day :p
[gabi_lp] said:
How come?

I just cant think about numbers n systems all the time! We could just learn that 2+2=4 and % .... n enough! =P

I've allways been good at it, i sucked at english lol thats why lol
ii have 4 choices-

1.interior designer
2.fashion designer
3.computer engenieeer

i dont want to become any of theese i want to be in a band like amy lee or any rock band

but if i have to choose...............computer engenieer

since i am pretty good at computer stuff
linkinparkbabe87 said:
I definitely want to be a photographer. Although, I'm not sure what kind just yet. Umm, a fall back career.. I'd say a Preschool teacher. I love being around little kids.

OMG, little kids intimidate the hell out of me, I get scared around them, all those questions you don't know the answers to really make you think like "why are we fighting in Iraq" "why would someone kill them self?" "how did animals get put on this earth?" It scares me lol.
ok.. i decided that if the CSI thing didn't work out for me.. i would become a director, actor, music video disigner thingamagig.. or a choreographer.. i luv to dance and to design things... so yea.. its all good..
Lawyer (probably whats gonna happen, i havent lost a debate yet, debate champ at school, and many other stuff, i love messin with minds too!)


work in UN


graphics design/animator/3D gaming design

someone who mixes music and finishes off tracks for bands

i also have a bussiness in my head which be part time, or i could just keep my portion of my dads bussiness:)