Game Suggestions


New member
With the NFL season darkening the proverbial door, I have to say that a full blown draft would be a disaster and a headache.
Right now, we are just four people with an interest in starting a league. Thus, wez' idea might be best suited for an "off the cuff" or "all of a sudden" league. Then recruit others to participate in the real deal next season.

Alternatively, we could do a full blown draft. I mean, Yahoo! Sports practically does all the work of the draft for you.

That said, I am down with whatever the consensus will be.
You guys'll like it.. it'll be fun. You get to pick an allstar line up every week...

Posted a thread in the community forum.. just post the line ups in there.



New member
How about we get an update to 8 ball or a different one. It locks up now with the new java.


Active Members
How about we get an update to 8 ball or a different one. It locks up now with the new java.
I haven't had any problems since I reloaded my OS. I have been searching for another and haven't found one as good.

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