Gandhi was a dumbass

ImWithStupid said:
Did you decide on Canada or Mars? :D

Mars... still shopping for a tent.. I think I found one I can afford. 360 E-Z payments and that baby will be all mine..
ImWithStupid said:
Home Shopping Chanel or QVC? :D

QVC... but bloody hell! I just got an email telling me I was denied since there's no jobs on Mars, thus, making me "not economically viable"..

Ever seen Fallling Down? :D

I'm close... hahahahahaha
Problems of Research into Adult/Child Sexual Interaction
by Eric Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie BulloughThe third example is a more modern holy man, Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was married at age 13 to a girl about his own age and at age 37 took a vow of sexual abstinence. In spite of this vow, he found a need to fondle prepubescent and early adolescent girls. He took such girls to bed with him to overcome, he said, his "shivering fits" in the night. His female companions, who came from his inner circle ? all certified virgins or young brides ? entered his bed naked in order to warm him with their bodies. Some of them also administered enemas to him. Among the young girls, there was rivalry as to who would sleep with him, and one of his girl disciples reported that his bed companions had a difficult time in restraining their sexual impulses since he often rubbed against them and touched them in erotic places. Although his closemouthed house guardians were fearful of public reaction if news of these "pedophilic" sexual interactions were publicized, Gandhi continued to engage in them until his death. Gandhi did not have sexual intercourse with them, but obviously the touching and feeling were very important to him. If he had lived in the United States, he would have been sentenced as a child molester (Bullough, 1981).

Why is it most pacifists are also pervs?
How did rape become a weapon of war?
By Laura Smith-Spark
BBC News

The UN has accused the Janjaweed militia in Sudan of using mass rape
Women's bodies have become part of the terrain of conflict, according to a new report by Amnesty International.
Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by-product of war but are used as a deliberate military strategy, it says.

The opportunistic rape and pillage of previous centuries has been replaced in modern conflict by rape used as an orchestrated combat tool.

And while Amnesty cites ongoing conflicts in Colombia, Iraq, Sudan, Chechnya, Nepal and Afghanistan, the use of rape as a weapon of war goes back much further.

Spoils of war?

From the systematic rape of women in Bosnia, to an estimated 200,000 women raped during the battle for Bangladeshi independence in 1971, to Japanese rapes during the 1937 occupation of Nanking - the past century offers too many examples.

So what motivates armed forces, whether state-backed troops or irregular militia, to attack civilian women and children?

Gita Sahgal, of Amnesty International, told the BBC News website it was a mistake to think such assaults were primarily about the age-old "spoils of war", or sexual gratification.

Rape is often used in ethnic conflicts as a way for attackers to perpetuate their social control and redraw ethnic boundaries, she said.

"Women are seen as the reproducers and carers of the community," she said.

Women were raped so they could give birth to a Serbian baby

Medecins Sans Frontieres report

"Therefore if one group wants to control another they often do it by impregnating women of the other community because they see it as a way of destroying the opposing community."

A report by Medecins Sans Frontieres says it first came across rape as a weapon in the 1990s.

"In Bosnia systematic rape was used as part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing," it said.

"Women were raped so they could give birth to a Serbian baby."

The same tactic was used in a "very strategic attack" by state-backed Pakistani troops during the fight for Bangladesh's independence in 1971, Ms Sahgal said.

Ex-"comfort women" in Korea hold a weekly rally demanding reparations

"They were saying 'we will make you breed Punjabi children'," she said, with the aim of weakening the integrity of the opposing ethnic group.

Amnesty this year accused the pro-government Janjaweed militias in Sudan's Darfur region of using mass rape in order to punish, humiliate and control non-Arab groups.

Such attacks cause women and children to flee their homes, lead to fragmentation of communities and bring the risk of infection with HIV/Aids.

Sexual violence is also used to destabilise communities and sow terror, Amnesty says in its Lives Blown Apart report.

In Colombia, rival groups rape, mutilate and kill women and girls in order to impose "punitive codes of conduct on entire towns and villages", so strengthening their control.

Act with impunity

The strategic use of rape in war is not a new phenomenon but only recently has it begun to be documented, chiefly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia and Sudan, said Ms Sahgal.

And even after conflicts are resolved, few countries seem willing to tackle what is often seen as a crime against individual women rather than a strategy of war.

In many nations the collapse of the rule of law leaves them unable to deal with allegations of rape, while in others women feel too exposed to stigma to accuse their attackers.

International courts have tackled some cases in Bosnia, where Muslim women were forced into sexual slavery in the town of Foca in the 1990s, and in Rwanda, but the vast majority of perpetrators act with impunity.

Women's lives and their bodies have been the unacknowledged casualties of war for too long

Amnesty's Lives Blown Apart report

Representatives of the 200,000 "comfort women" forcibly drafted into military sexual slavery by Japan from 1928 until the end of World War II are still fighting for restitution.

Far from colluding, women from Korea, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and East Timor were "severely coerced" into prostitution, says Ms Sahgal.

And whether a woman is raped at gunpoint or trafficked into sexual slavery by an occupying force, the sexual abuse will shape not just her own but her community's future for years to come.

"Survivors face emotional torment, psychological damage, physical injuries, disease, social ostracism and many other consequences that can devastate their lives," says Amnesty.

"Women's lives and their bodies have been the unacknowledged casualties of war for too long."

Why is it most non-pacifists are also rapists?
sheik-yerbouti said:
Wow. Thats news to me. I knew nothing of that.

Me either.. Hugo's diggin' deep and making leaps and bounds for the promotion of violence.

Everyone knows there's never been a non-pacifist pervert. Hahahaha

"Killer" as he became known to his fans, had a big year in 1957, releasing four rock n' roll classics ("Shakin'," "Great Balls of Fire," "Breathless," and "High School Confidential") all within a year. "Great Balls Of Fire" was recorded with thumbtacks stuck on the piano hammers, witch accounts for the special clicking sound on that recording. His songs were soon the "hottest" music around. They topped the charts in every category. Jerry Lee even beat Elvis Presley in record sales that year.

His marriage to Jane Mitcham had ended and on December 12, 1957, Jerry married 14 year old Myra Gale Brown, his second cousin. Cousins or second cousins getting married was a common practice in the rural Southern United States in the Fifties, but when Jerry Lee went to England in 1958, the press scandalized his marriage. He did a few concerts, but the pressure from the furious and judgemental British press became overwhelming and the tour was stopped. The scandal nearly ruined Jerry Lee's career. By the time he got back to the States, his records were being ripped from store shelves, his appearances cancelled and his record sales declined. "High School Confidential", from the MGM movie of the same name, sank to the bottom of the charts. Lewis stood up to the deluge, however, saying "I plumb married the girl, didn't I?".

Why is it most men born below the Mason Dixon line are also incestual perverts?

Yep, you plumb married her, Killer...

Hey teach, what year were you born. :rolleyes:

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Hahahahahaha.. Don't mess with Texas.. :D


  • bd2714872505e3f6e5d6a128bafe6f46.gif
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I think we have now come to the proper conclusion that Gandhi was a perverted extremist dumbass whose pacifist policies led to the massacre of tens of thousands .
hugo said:
I think we have now come to the proper conclusion that Gandhi was a perverted extremist dumbass whose pacifist policies led to the massacre of tens of thousands .

Hahahahahaha... clearly


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wez said:
Why is it most men born below the Mason Dixon line are also incestual perverts?

Despite it being a common practise in the Rural South, it was very prominent in royal families, the aristocracy, and other well to do peoples all over the world.
RoyalOrleans said:
Despite it being a common practise in the Rural South, it was very prominent in royal families, the aristocracy, and other well to do peoples all over the world.

No wonder the worlds so fukked up..