Gas prices and how they affect your income.

TRrue, milk may cost more per gallon, but I use half a gallon of milk a week, a twelve pack of beer ever two months maybe, a gallon of JD in a lifetime if I am lucky. (BTW our gass cost $2.53 at the moment and I get milk for $2.99 a gallon so that throws the addition ther out the window)
To me, the real difference is in the way I live my life now.

When I was in San Diego, I drove about 300 miles a week. Here in Ohio, normally I drive 300 miles in a month and a half.

Although my 2003 VW Eurovan only gets about 18-20 mpg on the freeway with both of the A/C's blasting, I don't really mind at all. I gladly pay the increased price per MPG loss, to have the COMFORT and size of a large 7 passenger van.

Given that when I'm off someplace, it is usually to go out for travel or fun and usually consists of myself, the sweetie, the 3 sons, and a couple of friends tagging along. When I divide my MPG versus the amount of people I can drag along, it's worth it to me.

Funny thing though. When I got here in Ohio last year, the day I left CA I paid $2.97 per gallon for premium. When I arrived here in Ohio, I promptly paid $1.53 for the same thing and in all truthfulness; it was 93 octane here instead of CA's 91!

Yesterday, I filled up at $2.73 per gallon, so the way I figure it, I'm still $.24 cheaper than I used to pay 1 year ago but I drive a LOT less now.
I remember driving cross country a few times and always finding Ohio to have the best prices.Always made sure to fill up on my way out of the state. I think my yearly milage is about 7k give or take at the moment. Don't have much choice though, I do deliveries for my mom as a jpob sooo, I ain't carrying 200lbs od sea scallops on my damn bike!
Well if you are ever visiting the jersey shore our garage is a fresh/frozen seafood buffet

(we even have gag frogs legs for one weirdo guy) King crab flounder fillets 16/20 and U15 IQF shrimp, occasional monk but I can't look at it without tosin somethin, littlenecks anything really. (scallops are fresh off teh boat and sittin on ice waitin for ya ;))
Ya, my mom and I have to sit down tonight and look at costs of delivering and see how much we are going to have to charge extra for deliveries. We were really hoping not to have to but the pumps have won out
My boss at my pizza delivery job had to raise delivery cost $1 more for each zone to $2.00 for a zone 1 and $3.00 for a zone 2 delivery.

So now we get a dollar extra for every delivery for gas.

We figure if people are gonna bitch about paying $1.00 more for a delivery charge, then they are MORE THEN WELCOME to drive on down themselves and pick it up, and see for themselves which way is actually cheaper.

Concidering we are located on the far end of town and the person ordering the food would have to travel all the way across town, through all kinds of bullshit constuction, and with gas now well over $3.00 a gallon, then have to drive BACK to get home, it's MUCH cheaper to cough up that extra $1 charge we had to tack on.

Otherwise, what was happening is, we would get .75 cents each drive we took for gas + tips, we would all usually end up having to cut into our own tips to pay for gas, and as of late, we would sometimes be using our OWN regular money for gas, therefore, we were gaining NOTHING, we were losing money... a couple of us said we were thinking of quiting (myself included, I have a regular job, the deliverys are just for something to do) because of the gas prices. And without delivery drivers, nobody gets there food, so they had no choice.. and your right... it IS getting too far out of hand..

I really do feel sorry for some of these guys I work with who rely on the job to make a living, since gas prices are so high, people try to save what they have, and one of the main ways they do this, is THEY DON'T TIP the delivery driver... Sure, don't take into concideration that they have to ****ing drive all over town, that big ****ing .75 cents is sure gonna give em enough gas to get to your house and back won't it ??

So word to the wise for all of you who order a pizza or chinese or whatever, and have it delivered... TIP YOUR DRIVER !! If you don't then you will be forced to get off your ass and go pick it up yourself with your own damn gas being wasted.

If you wanna know how much to tip them, it's very simple.

Find out how much they get for each delivery.. which in MY CASE is .75 cents, then ADD TO IT the difference to make a gallon of gas.

So let's do the math then shall we ??

Gas = $3.09 a gallon - .75 = $2.34

Or, since we NOW charge a dollar more for delivery,

Gas = $3.09 a gallon - $1.75 = $1.34

Is that so ****ing hard ?? $1.34 more to avoid paying for gas yourself and having to pick up your own order ??

With just THIS math, drivers will break even, anything OVER $1.34 is the ACTUAL tip.

Keep that in mind next time you order out.
The only thing I get delievered is the OCCASIONAL Dominoes (my kid likes it I hate it). I used to deliever for them and I remember thinking that $2 is usually good (I live an easy straight 1 mile fromteh store) If I lived further or I am having a party I usually tip 5-10 if I can get everyone to chip in. (once you have been there, you sympathize more with the drivers)
As of this week, it has effected me by a great deal. I have to quit my job. For the past couple years I have driven an hour and a half to work. I make a decent living (for a college student anyways) And until this year, I hadn't felt that the gas prices really affected me. When it hit over two dollars a gallon, I started to think that perhaps I needed to find another job, but lack of work in the small town that I live in has made this difficult. Now that gas is over three dollars a gallon, there is no "maybe" about it. I HAVE to quit my job and find a new one because there is no way I can afford to drive to work. This is annoying because I have to take a huge pay cut if I am to work in this little town. It's frustrating.
Yeah gas prices are kickin our asses here in GA.
I mean we are paying 3 a gal. still and cant go no where cause most gas stations are sold outta gas. This is so stupid...i have to save all my gas just in case of emergencies
Living in a resort town on the beach I have noticed that although the traffic SUCKS ASS! it is still not as bad as you would expect. I have talked toa few neighbors that had planned to go away for the weeekend and tehrecent gas hike has kept them home
Gray~Gal said:
Yeah gas prices are kickin our asses here in GA.
I mean we are paying 3 a gal. still and cant go no where cause most gas stations are sold outta gas. This is so stupid...i have to save all my gas just in case of emergencies

Wow! its not that bad in DC yet. the prices are sky high, but many stations are still open. the ones that are open have really long lines though.
We have no lines but we are at $3.19- $3.29 That being said, we have some of the lowest gas prices in teh country do to all the smelly refineries and lower gas taxes (unfortunately slated to go up in a month)