Gay Ass Names

Princess and Precious are two girl names I despise. Any girl named that are USUALLY total bitches or sluts.
I'm quite comfortable with my name :p I may not like it, but at least it's not like, "Apple" or.. god forbid, "Mother****er"

I swear there should be a panel of judges that say to the parents,
"You STUPID ****. You can't name your kid that. THEY'LL KILL THEMSELVES."

Because honestly, some things are just so...dumb, you wonder if the parents considered how their child can cope being called something so stupid.
fullauto said:
Leiman T spinkwater
Oscar Scagagotz
Any name black people give to thier kids to sound african
Richard (dick) sweat
Captain wizzleteets
whatever builders name is! lol
Jesus.... lets leave that one alone out of respect...
Herman Tataglia
All hippie names like "sky clear-water" and "river mountain-breeze"... can't we leave SOMETHING for the indians... god... haven't we done enough?
anything X eg.... Malcom X.... AIG X... planet X

cough ahem....nevermind