gay marriage

LPpinkfreak821 said:
Until you can maturely convince me that it is wrong for someone to state their sexuality & be comfortable with it then please be quiet.

Agreed....... but we dont have to worry about this one they are both still kids.
only a couple things ur brain controls all completely a few are :
1) breathing thats why u don't die while u sleep
2) keeping ur organs working
FireHawk said:
only a couple things ur brain controls all completely a few are :
1) breathing thats why u don't die while u sleep
2) keeping ur organs working

And your thoughts
and your memories
and your speech
and your everything....... no brain no nothing. Your brain sends the messages to everything on your body....... I fear that either your school is **** or you didnt pay much attention.
FireHawk said:
only a couple things ur brain controls all completely a few are :
1) breathing thats why u don't die while u sleep
2) keeping ur organs working
If I'd knock you on the side of the head right now and mess up that one single part of your brain which defines which sex you like, you wouldn't even know better.
FireHawk said:
i meant ur brian only knows certain **** when u r dosen't know language, speech, and learn all those
Oh so that information is stored in your toes? awesome.

No, it's stored in your brain. -.-
Actually Firehawk i got another point....... u know how subliminal adverts work right.... u dont realise the ads are their but your brain records them and you go out and buy the product its selling you without even realising that its been planted in your brain they even did an experiment where they had commands such as 'itch', 'yawn' and 'stretch' in the middle of movies where half the audience acted on........ so tell me your brain doesnt tell you how you act and i will give u a gold star.
FireHawk said:
u dumbass listen i said that u r born with
If you can only type posts containing offensive comment then the door is there *points*

The brain develops during your life you know, it can actually develop differently then most people would like / want it. 'u dumbass' :rolleyes:
Lenneh... I love you!

It wasn't right for you to say that to a female. I'm not sure how you were raised [obvioulsy not in eduactional wise], but you do not curse in front of a lady even if its over the computer. I'd ask you to apologize, but it would be pointless & a waist of time.

So, get over that fact that you are not mature enough to understand what we are saying & please dont curse when its not needed. You obviously dont understand your mind & you should probably pay attention more in school.
@ Lennah: I do agree it grows but my point was still what you were born with...

@Stenners: what the **** does this have to do with subliminal messages
It shows your brain controls your actions

but it was written in a complex way I must admit and you couldnt possibly draw a link between the two....... and I stretch the word YOU
FireHawk said:
@ Lenneh: I do agree it grows but my point was still what you were born with...
It doesn't matter what you were born with, it all depends on how it develops, a seemingly innocent 'event' can damage parts of your brain where your 'gay-ness' is decided.

Actually, it can go wrong in the mother's stomach I suppose, if she falls/is punched or any other thing it can all alter the brain.

lol, LPpink :p
Your brain picks sexuality and once its picked it has picked..... yea some people from past experiance do change but its most likely u choose in your child - early teen years when your brain absorbs information and developes quicker then at any time of ur life.
Stenners said:
Your brain picks sexuality and once its picked it has picked..... yea some people from past experiance do change but its most likely u choose in your child - early teen years when your brain absorbs information and developes quicker then at any time of ur life.

i would say ur agreeing with can change....and pick.....
FireHawk said:
i would say ur agreeing with can change....and pick.....

Im saying in some cases but of course thats still up to your brain, like being scared of hot objects cause ur brain associates it with pain.