gay marriage

my best friend at work is gay and hes one of the most kindest caring ppl i've ever known, and as for bi ppl i don't think they do it for attention, i just think they like both women and men...its as simple as that.

i am happily engaged to my man but before i met him i had a thing for loads of women, i actually was more attracted to women than men but i've never been with a woman.
aw thats fantasic, i told my brother and mum just then and she like yeah i know and my brothers like ew thats gross to i smacked the back of his head and said stop being a closed minded pig and mum yelled at me for hitting him. =\
All the power to them, I say. It ain't one person's right to tell another who they can love, and just because (example) a man loves another man it doesn't make him any less human than the rest of us. After all, a rose by any other name is still a rose.
IMO Love is Love, Regardless of anything else i.e sex, age etc. Its a persons right to choose for THEMSELVES who they want to be with, and the only limit i can see is the obvious, and thats a whole other subject
At this point England is crazy! Look! Gay have disbeliefs in God because christian have been against it. However, marriage is christain thing. Wouldn't that make gays and christain hypocrites?
GOD DAMMIT!!!!! someone stop homesexuality!!!!
soon humanity is going to be extinct because of this aggravation.
Sorry if I offended anyone......
Okay...... ****. Maybe I kinda over did it there. Sorry.......... It finally hit me.... that I been getting frustrated about the diversity. Yet, I am talking about how homosexuality is wrong..... hmmmm..... ****! I am a paradox or a hypcrite myself. However, my opinion about the whole christain and homosexuals nonsense stands tall.
IMHO, it is quite hard to find that one, perfect person that you want to be with, and when you do, you can choose to either accept them whatever gender they are or to turn away and take your chances elsewhere. It's perfectly acceptable.

But thats just my opinion.
if you're in love, you're in love. you should love someone for who they are, not what they have between their legs (or on their chest)
i know that many people consider homosexuals as "queers" and "faggots" and that it's immoral for two of the same sexes to marry. But in my own opinion, I think they are still human, and we can't have any say over their chosen sexuality. So because they have their basic human rights, they should be able to marry anyone they wanted.
Homophobes bug me. Pretty much all of my family is homophobic and it bugs me alot! Let gays marry who ever the hell they want. People have no right to try and stop them from marrying, its just stupid! Why shouldnt they be allowed? If some straight couple werent allowed to get married because its "against the law", imagine how much controversy that would create! But in this case, its quite the opposite, all this trouble about keeping gay couples from marrying? its mental! Bah....
beautywithanaxe said:
At this point England is crazy! Look! Gay have disbeliefs in God because christian have been against it. However, marriage is christain thing. Wouldn't that make gays and christain hypocrites?
GOD DAMMIT!!!!! someone stop homesexuality!!!!
soon humanity is going to be extinct because of this aggravation.
Sorry if I offended anyone......
Um, dude, I hate to break this to you and possibly open a doorway in your mental state to other realms, but marriage is not a Christian thing.
Jews marry. Muslims marry. Buddhists and Hindus marry.
Please, man, I know your a newbie...but if you can't even get a fact like this straight you shouldn't even be arguing. Just makes you look close-minded and ignorant.
Not to say your wrong, but outbursts like that make you look like it.