gay marriage

i'm totally for Bush and stuff (dont judge me.. ahah) but i really hate the fact that he won't allow gay marriages. they're people just like straight people. i really dont see what's wrong with it. so what if they liked getting it in the ass? jesus. oh well. that's good, but it wont change America's ways. not for now at least.
THAT IS SO ****ING FAIR! i am so for gay rights. i mean, it's their choice and people shouldn't **** around in other people's status!

Its good in a way.Gays and homosexuals are treated pretty differently from others which is one thing i dont truely support.Its actually a very dumb act ,to ignore your gay friends.

Gay marriage being allowed in england is a good part them.its open.they have their rights on them.

Its totally forbidden in Islamic countries (See ; Pakistan) but there was news regarding a gay marriage being taken place at Muzafarabad .The gay couple died in the earthquake that was experienced on 8th of october .
First I must say that this is awesome. I am totally for equal rights... for EVERYONE. The fact that people have ever been limited with what they can do because of their sexual preferances is completely ****ed up. Same thing goes for religion, ethnicity, wealth, whatever. Its one of the many reasons why I hate the closed-minded/empty-minded George "Dubya" Bush. As long as hes in office, this will never happen in here in America. The land of the free, and the home of discrimination. I believe that it is true that people are becoming more open minded about different peoples lifestyles but its amazing and just pretty sad that there are still people out there who are willing to discriminate just because there are people who are different from them. It amazes me how many racist people I have encountered while playing Counter Strike. Ive seen the N-Word thrown around often as well as luckily seen others who counter with "You racist *******." At school, just yesterday and the day before, fliers have been posted up about the "Gay-Straight Alliance Club" Many of them have been torn down and on a few were written "homo" and "faggot." People are cruel. Its a sad world. *sigh*

Tack said:
Seems to me that religion dominates the way most people view the world, but you shouldn't let it cloud your judgment of others. Closed-mindedness has time and again proven a catalyst for conflict, as was JUST shown here.
Indeed, the religion factor. I absolutely HATE people who are so obsessed with their religion that they are blind to all else. Blaming everything that goes wrong in the world on a God saying that the people did something bad to anger him, her, it. Or those who say that gay people are un-christian or whatever and are gonna burn in hell since they are disobeying the bible. They are the only people I discriminate against, the discriminators. I have never been much of a religious person. I am a christian, I have attended chuch, but not every sunday, nor do I read the bible. I belive that there could be a God, but I also believe everything could somehow be scientific. I also believe that much of the bible is fictional and that it is more so a guide of how to live your life as a good person. It has good morals and stories, but I do not however take it as fact. As for now, how we got here and all is an unknown and so I just live my life whithout really thinking of these things.

Now, to step away from the whole religion thing and get back to the topic of gays and gay marriage. I was wondering if anyone here thinks that people are born gay. If its genetics. If so, then wouldent this prove that those who being gay is against god wrong since he,she,it would not allow someone to be born this way then. I belive that genetics IS in fact a part of whether or not someone is gay, but it is also belive that the decisions the person makes are also a big part of it. Im just looking for opinions here.

Now that I have ranted for a while, I begin to wonder if any of what I have just said makes sense. Hopefully it does, and just for the record. Im not gay. :p

These are my veiws. Respond.
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UnhingedMouse0 said:
First I must say that this is awesome. I am totally for equal rights... for EVERYONE. The fact that people have ever been limited with what they can do because of their sexual preferances is completely ****ed up. Same thing goes for religion, ethnicity, wealth, whatever. Its one of the many reasons why I hate the closed-minded/empty-minded George "Dubya" Bush. As long as hes in office, this will never happen in here in America. The land of the free, and the home of discrimination. I believe that it is true that people are becoming more open minded about different peoples lifestyles but its amazing and just pretty sad that there are still people out there who are willing to discriminate just because there are people who are different from them. It amazes me how many racist people I have encountered while playing Counter Strike. Ive seen the N-Word thrown around often as well as luckily seen others who counter with "You racist *******." At school, just yesterday and the day before, fliers have been posted up about the "Gay-Straight Alliance Club" Many of them have been torn down and on a few were written "homo" and "faggot." People are cruel. Its a sad world. *sigh*

Indeed, the religion factor. I absolutely HATE people who are so obsessed with their religion that they are blind to all else. Blaming everything that goes wrong in the world on a God saying that the people did something bad to anger him, her, it. Or those who say that gay people are un-christian or whatever and are gonna burn in hell since they are disobeying the bible. They are the only people I discriminate against, the discriminators. I have never been much of a religious person. I am a christian, I have attended chuch, but not every sunday, nor do I read the bible. I belive that there could be a God, but I also believe everything could somehow be scientific. I also believe that much of the bible is fictional and that it is more so a guide of how to live your life as a good person. It has good morals and stories, but I do not however take it as fact. As for now, how we got here and all is an unknown and so I just live my life whithout really thinking of these things.

Now, to step away from the whole religion thing and get back to the topic of gays and gay marriage. I was wondering if anyone here thinks that people are born gay. If its genetics. If so, then wouldent this prove that those who being gay is against god wrong since he,she,it would not allow someone to be born this way then. I belive that genetics IS in fact a part of whether or not someone is gay, but it is also belive that the decisions the person makes are also a big part of it. Im just looking for opinions here.

Now that I have ranted for a while, I begin to wonder if any of what I have just said makes sense. Hopefully it does, and just for the record. Im not gay. :p

These are my veiws. Respond.

I totally agree with you, UM0 on this one on every aspect. I actually enjoyed reading that heh...and for your info, it makes loads of sense so I wouldnt worry about that ;) .
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Now, to step away from the whole religion thing and get back to the topic of gays and gay marriage. I was wondering if anyone here thinks that people are born gay. If its genetics. If so, then wouldent this prove that those who being gay is against god wrong since he,she,it would not allow someone to be born this way then. I belive that genetics IS in fact a part of whether or not someone is gay, but it is also belive that the decisions the person makes are also a big part of it. Im just looking for opinions here.

I personally don't think that genetics have anything to do with being gay. I think its down to the lifestyle you lead and the people around you, and the influences you get from an early age.

Nice rant btw, it all makes perfect sense, and I agree with you on everything you brought up :)
I think that the United States needs to stop being so influenced by the church. I also think that more states need to leagalize gay marrages. But then you have the homophobic people like my dad and brother who if anyone ,Mainly men are different both of them will go what a fag. it pisses me off that they arent the least bit sympathetic to anyones feelings and thet they will say it to the person.
Pyro_Storm said:
I think that the United States needs to stop being so influenced by the church. I also think that more states need to leagalize gay marrages. But then you have the homophobic people like my dad and brother who if anyone ,Mainly men are different both of them will go what a fag. it pisses me off that they arent the least bit sympathetic to anyones feelings and thet they will say it to the person.

My dad and pretty much his whole side of the family is like bugs the hell out of me. When they say **** about gays, or whoever, I wanna rip all of their faces off.
you being a gay is nothing that you inherit.Thats just 3rd grade bullshit i dont support or abide by.See its an attraction towards the same sex.I believe,its NOTHING that you inherit or its in your genes or you can never bring the hereditary,inheritance,ancestral,patrimonial or anything similar on this issue.

next we have the religion factor.Me being a muslim has to believe whats written in the holy book and be firm on the marriages are prohibited in our religion.its the religion so we cant argue much but discriminating gays,treating them differently is a very low thing to do .

discrimination is a very i must say common thing being practicised.See you have a gay walking point fingers at him and say nasty stuff.that i believe is just a very lameass thing to do.

gay marriages should be restricitions on them.see thats their part.what will happen to them.they be the ones who shall follow the should do right on their part and thus at the end of the day i'd say gay marriages should be allowed.
I don't have a problem with it, I'm a practising Christian, I go to church, I pray regularly, I read the bible, but I think if it makes someone happy, why should anyone else have a problem with it. I'm guessing that Elton John and his husband are happy, so fair play to them. It's not my idea of fun, but each to their own.
In the American government, religion isn't the problem. Politicians who ignore the original Constitution are.

Women in regard to abortion, and gay/lesbian/transgender marriage... Religion is not a valid means of intervention as it is not a unanimous belief elected by the people that is clearly stated but completely disregarded in the original Bill of Rights.

Think about it. Jesus didn't say to the Republicans, you're in charge until I get back.