Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

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Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
No they are fullfilling the command to "strike their necks" and "wage war agains the unbelievers"

So what are Christians fullfilling when they pummel a homosexual to death or beat the **** out of someone from another religion? What were they fulfilling when they started the Salem trials?

You take verses out of context that refere to ONE SPECIFIC historical event and then use that saying it's a general rule in that religion. You are an Idiot. The same can be done with your ****ing Bible, I've done it in atleast 10 posts. You for whatever reason refuse to SEE THIS.

They are not Christian.

Why? Because you say they aren't? Sorry buddy, but they ARE Christian. Maybe you don't want to admit it but it doesn't change that FACT.

No they do not.

Uhh...yeah they do dumbass, it's plastered all over their ****ing website.

Sure, idiots like AIG do, but muslims that know better like MJ, Cheetah of islam, and the others that you discounted. have admitted the violent nature of islam.

Ummm what the **** are you talking about? Show me one ****ing post where MJ posted that Islam being violent. He's admitted that passages can be misenterpreted as being violent, and thats one of the things that makes him better than shmucks like you and Cybacat. He can admit stuff like that, you REFUSE to even aknowledge the faults in your own damned book.

From it's founding????? You mean Jesus preached violence? Paul, John, Peter.... What are you smoking, Stupidamoeba? (I hope you enjoy the idiot box!)

From it's founding as in the instant it gained power and credence it started opressing those with different views, and has continued to do so until today.

That is true!

Well then according to your reasoning their, Christianity is a violent religion.

No they do not. Hate does not mix with any religion except islam... Hate is at the core of islam.

Oh bull ****ing **** man. Hate, violence, and fear mix with Christianity like peanut butter with jelly. Hell, even the stories you teach your children in sunday school are filled with death and murder. Noah and the Ark for one, seems lovely with all the happy animals on the boat, until you realized that there are hundreds of thousands of humans and animals being tossed under the waves, dashed against rocks, and finally succumbing to asphyxia right under that boat.

The first two crusades were started by the muslims... the inquisitions aren't very Christian by anyone's account (and didn't last very long) and the Aryan Nations are not Christian at all.

Umm...did you choose to ignore as many facts in history classes as you choose to on this forum? Where the **** do you come up with this ****?! Sure, isolated attacks on pilgrims to Jerusalem happened, but Pope Urban exploited and exagerated these attacks to gain support for his Holy war. Not to mention, really the first Crusades, "the peoples crusades" were ALL CHRISTIAN. Peter the hermit and the ilk leading peasants on a killing rampage towards Jerusalem, killing Jews, Muslim, and EVEN THEIR OWN CHRISTIAN BRETHREN! Plus, there were 7 Crusades, saying the first two were started my Muslims still means that Christians started the other 5.

Here, read some of this, maybe learn something instead of spewing out the same bullshit all the time:

And the Inquisitions weren't very Christian? How the hell do you figure that? They men that commited those atrocious acts in the Inquistions were ALL CHRISTIAN.

And again with the Aryan nation, denything that they are Christian doesn't mean that they aren't.

Yeah, and you say a lot of stupid ****, which is why you are going to the idiot box for a while.

Haha, comming from you. Do you actually think I give a rat's ass about the Idiot Box?

No, every religion EXCEPT islam is peaceful... (please stupidamoeba, don't get demoted back to stupidbladeofgrass status)

Good god man, that is the most asinine thing you've said yet. If Islam is the only violent religion, how do you explain that Christianity is responsible for numerous, numerous times more destruction and killings that Islam?

It may be able to be done, but you are too stupid to do it!

It may be able to be done? Where the hell have you been, it's been done so many times now that it's starting to get quite annoying having to repeat myself to brainwashed idiots like you. Hell, the first time you put me on ignore was because I did just that, posted violent out-of-context passages from your Bible and you couldn't refure them.

I'm tired of your stupid one-dimensional arguments... same answer read above.

Read above? What did any of your previous responses have to do with Christians commiting hate crimes on people from other religions and people who choose life-styles they view as wrong?

bully for them... they were harrassed by non-Christians... so what?

Oh come the **** on you idiot. It is CHRISTIANS doing this kind of ****, and they are doing it because these people do things that their ****ing Bible doesn't condone.

Just be tired, I don't care! if the truth bores you, then go live in an exciting fantasy land. It makes little difference to me!

Haha, me living in a fantasy land? Comming from the person who bases his entire life around a two thousand year old fairy-tale.

Truth!!!! You can't handle the truth!!!! (Jack Nicholson)

You say I can't handle the truth, but you refuse to realize it.
Crazywumbat said:
So what are Christians fullfilling when they pummel a homosexual to death or beat the **** out of someone from another religion? What were they fulfilling when they started the Salem trials?
a big resounding NOTHING

You take verses out of context that refere to ONE SPECIFIC historical event and then use that saying it's a general rule in that religion.
Where does it say one specifice historical event... only your stupid little minion AIG says that!

You are an Idiot.

The same can be done with your ****ing Bible, I've done it in atleast 10 posts. You for whatever reason refuse to SEE THIS.
Your average moron can do it, but you seem to be even dumber that the average moron, c'mon lets see a quote attributed to Jesus that says "strike their necks".

Why? Because you say they aren't? Sorry buddy, but they ARE Christian. Maybe you don't want to admit it but it doesn't change that FACT.
They aren't because they aren't. I know this is way too complex for you to understand, so I'll explain it like this.... You are a not an intelligent person, not because I claim that you are not intelligent, it's because you are simply not intelligent. Statements like "Christianity is violent from its inception" and "No muslim has every posted anything violent"... that is what makes you non intelligent. Just because you claim to be intelligent does not make you intelligent.

Uhh...yeah they do dumbass, it's plastered all over their ****ing website.
Arabic is also plastered all over their ****ing website... does this make them arabic? ... dumbass.

Ummm what the **** are you talking about?
Very simple concepts...

Show me one ****ing post where MJ posted that Islam being violent.
I just did... you illiterate retard... He admitted that killing apostates is acceptable, explained why it is good (it is still violent)...

He's admitted that passages can be misenterpreted as being violent, and thats one of the things that makes him better than shmucks like you and Cybacat. He can admit stuff like that, you REFUSE to even aknowledge the faults in your own damned book.
Another stupid statement... I have said all along that most morons can take text out of context, I said that YOU are tooo stupid to do it. You are definitely dumber than the average idiot.

From it's founding as in the instant it gained power and credence it started opressing those with different views, and has continued to do so until today.
Then tell us, when and where was the first violent act committed by Christianity? If you do not answer this question, I will press the idiot box issue for ever.

Well then according to your reasoning their, Christianity is a violent religion.
How many stupid statements arte you going to make?

Oh bull ****ing **** man. Hate, violence, and fear mix with Christianity like peanut butter with jelly. Hell, even the stories you teach your children in sunday school are filled with death and murder. Noah and the Ark for one, seems lovely with all the happy animals on the boat, until you realized that there are hundreds of thousands of humans and animals being tossed under the waves, dashed against rocks, and finally succumbing to asphyxia right under that boat.
The story of Noah and the ark is not about people killing people, it is about God killing people. God kills people everyday, one day he will kill you, stupidbladeofgrass... this is a fact that you can not ignore.

Umm...did you choose to ignore as many facts in history classes as you choose to on this forum? Where the **** do you come up with this ****?! Sure, isolated attacks on pilgrims to Jerusalem happened, but Pope Urban exploited and exagerated these attacks to gain support for his Holy war. Not to mention, really the first Crusades, "the peoples crusades" were ALL CHRISTIAN. Peter the hermit and the ilk leading peasants on a killing rampage towards Jerusalem, killing Jews, Muslim, and EVEN THEIR OWN CHRISTIAN BRETHREN! Plus, there were 7 Crusades, saying the first two were started my Muslims still means that Christians started the other 5.
Hey moron, there were 9... the first two were started by muslims. Just prior to the first crusade, the Byzantines were under a full scale attack, Jeruslehem had fallen to saracen attacks.

Do you discount the signifance of the moorish invasion of spain?

Here, read some of this, maybe learn something instead of spewing out the same bullshit all the time:
Dude, I have forgotten more about the crusades than you know! so shut the **** up!

And the Inquisitions weren't very Christian? How the hell do you figure that? They men that commited those atrocious acts in the Inquistions were ALL CHRISTIAN.
The inquisitions were not very Christian... do you know the death count of the Spanish inquisition? They were around for about 300 years and killed about 32,000 people. That is about 1 person every 3 days.

And again with the Aryan nation, denything that they are Christian doesn't mean that they aren't.
And claiming they are, doesn't make them any more Christian.

Haha, comming from you. Do you actually think I give a rat's ass about the Idiot Box?
Actually no, you're an idiot.

Good god man, that is the most asinine thing you've said yet. If Islam is the only violent religion, how do you explain that Christianity is responsible for numerous, numerous times more destruction and killings that Islam?
blah, blah, blah... why do you ask such a stupid question... listen , retard... go find the 1,000,000 posts already made answering this question... idiot.

It may be able to be done? Where the hell have you been, it's been done so many times now that it's starting to get quite annoying having to repeat myself to brainwashed idiots like you. Hell, the first time you put me on ignore was because I did just that, posted violent out-of-context passages from your Bible and you couldn't refure them.
1st, they're admittedly out of context, 2nd I didn't read them...
Where does it say one specifice historical event... only your stupid little minion AIG says that!

And it's the truth.Why do you think many of the verses in the Qu'ran begin with ''O Prophet(pbuh)'',these verses speak directly to the Prophet Muhammed(pbuh).And I've seen you post this verse many times:

48:29 - Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel; like as seed-produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward.''

If you read the verses before it,you'll know there was an event that took place causing this verse to be sent down.Since I know you always leave the good parts out to cause maximum hate effect,I'll explain the event to you.

The Prophet(pbuh) and his companions were heading for pilgrimage to Maccah.As we know Maccah was ruled by idolators then.The ruler refused the muslims to go about their pilgrmage.They told them to turn back.Then the muslims got frustrated but the Prophet(pbuh) told them that they should turn back because he knew Allah had shown him(in a dream) that they would be victorious and they would go back into Maccah one day.

These are the verses that are before the one quoted above:

''They are the ones who disbelieve and hindered you from the Masjid Al-Haram(at Macca) and detained the sacrificial animals,from reaching the place of sacrifice...''

''When those who disbelieve had put in their hearts pride and haughtiness-the pride and haughtiness of the time of ignorance,-then Allah sent down His Sakinah(calmness and tranquility) upon His Messanger(pbuh) and upon the believers,and made them stick to the word of piety(ie none has the right to be worshipped but Allah);and they were well entitled to it and worthy of it.And Allah is the All-Knower of everything.''

''Indeed Allah shall fulfil the true vision which he showed to His Messanger(pbuh) (i.e the Prophet saw a dream that he has entered Makkah along with his Companions,having their head shaved and cut short) in very truth.Certainly,you shall enter Al-Masjid Al-Haram,if Allah wills,secure,having your heads shaved,and(some) having their hair cut short,having no fear.He(Allah) knew what you knew not,and He granted besides that a near victory.''

So MRIH,stop saying that there are no events that took place.Most of the Qu'ran is about the events that took place not about the present.And stop acting blind to it.I've explained it alot.And just because I'm the only that says it does not make me a liar or less knowledgable about my religion.
I don't lie about my religion.If I lied I wouldn't have faith!

The story of Noah and the ark is not about people killing people, it is about God killing people. God kills people everyday, one day he will kill you, stupidbladeofgrass... this is a fact that you can not ignore.

But I've seen you ignore this fact so much.Yes lives return to God each day,but why do you treat american and british deaths different from iraqi and afghani deaths?You know the answer,coz you have this adeology that your life has a greater value than any one else's.I guess you got your answer why many people hate the west.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
a big resounding NOTHING

Then they're doing for their own enjoyment?

Where does it say one specifice historical event... only your stupid little minion AIG says that!

Because you ****ing dumbass, when it refers to one battle, one war, one specific time when a certain group of people was attacking those Muslims, THEN IT IS REFERRING TO ONE SPECIFIC HISTORICAL EVENT. I thought even your dumb-ass could grasp that, but I guess I was mistaken.

Your average moron can do it, but you seem to be even dumber that the average moron, c'mon lets see a quote attributed to Jesus that says "strike their necks".

It doesn't matter if the quotes attributed to Jesus himself, what does matter is your ****ing holy book is filled with hundreds of hateful passages from other people AND YOU BASE YOUR LIFE AROUND THIS BOOK!

They aren't because they aren't. I know this is way too complex for you to understand, so I'll explain it like this.... You are a not an intelligent person, not because I claim that you are not intelligent, it's because you are simply not intelligent. Statements like "Christianity is violent from its inception" and "No muslim has every posted anything violent"... that is what makes you non intelligent. Just because you claim to be intelligent does not make you intelligent.

Ummm you ****ing dumbass who are you to say what they are and what they aren't? Maybe they don't fit into your specific view of what Christians should be, but they are very much Christian. They use your ****ing book to justify the things they do and the way they act.

Arabic is also plastered all over their ****ing website... does this make them arabic? ... dumbass.

Uhhh one thing you dumb ****, they aren't claiming to be arabic.

I just did... you illiterate retard... He admitted that killing apostates is acceptable, explained why it is good (it is still violent)...

Well firstly, you didn't just show me ****. You claimed he said something without anything to back it up with, and then you claim to just have shown me that? Get a ****ing clue.

Another stupid statement... I have said all along that most morons can take text out of context, I said that YOU are tooo stupid to do it. You are definitely dumber than the average idiot.

Yes, but when you take things out of context you shout about it like its a ****ing rule. You refuse to see that it is taken out of context. But when someone takes texts from your damned Bible out of context, you do quite the opposite, or in other instances you choose to ignore it entirely, something you enjoy doing quite frequently. Go ahead MRIH, close your eyes and everthing will be ok as long as you don't see it. You are definetly dumber than the average idiot's fecal matter.

Then tell us, when and where was the first violent act committed by Christianity? If you do not answer this question, I will press the idiot box issue for ever.

After Christianity gained dominance in the Roman Empire, it became clear that they regarded their God as very authoritarian in nature - and as a result, they proceeded to imitate their God and become exceptionally authoritarian themselves. Controlling society, they ruthlessly exterminated other religious beliefs, with only Judaism being permitted to co-exist with their own One True Faith. The exclusivist ideology which fostered such attitudes has continued on through today, with little alteration.

Pagan religion was first prohibited wholesale in 392 by emperor Theodosius. Heavy financial penalities were enacted, but it was not initially very effective. In Theodosius' code it was written:

We command that those persons who follow this rule shall embrace the name of Catholic Christians. The rest, however, whom We adjudge demented and insane, shall sustain the infamy of heretical dogmas, their meeting places shall not receive the name of churches, and they shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by the retributions of Our own initiative, which We shall assume in accordance with the divine judgment.

And later, with regards to Pagan buildings:

We command that all their fanes, temples, and shrines, if even now any remain entire, shall be destroyed by the command of the magistrates, and shall be purified by the erection of th sign of the venerable Christian religion.

This resulted in further legislation, culminating in the death penalty for non-Christians in 435. All citizens had to belong to the official "Catholic" Christianity - the only other permitted religion was Judaism, and Jews were isolated as much as possible from the rest of the population. As the geopolitical and military position of the failing Roman Empire gradually deteriorated, people readily turned towards the activity of trying to appease God - a reaction which is not unknown in contemporary society. Between 429 and 439 about 150 different laws were passed defining and defending the "Catholic faith." Church lands became exempt from taxation and bishops became immune to any sort of secular oversight or punishment.

The story of Noah and the ark is not about people killing people, it is about God killing people. God kills people everyday, one day he will kill you, stupidbladeofgrass... this is a fact that you can not ignore.

Well that's even worse, how can you claim that yours is a loving and forgiving god when he kills all of humanity save for one family? God will not kill me. I will die, but not because of a fictional character you fool.

Hey moron, there were 9... the first two were started by muslims. Just prior to the first crusade, the Byzantines were under a full scale attack, Jeruslehem had fallen to saracen attacks.

Wow, 9. So that leaves SEVEN that were started by Christians.

Dude, I have forgotten more about the crusades than you know! so shut the **** up!

You must have forgotten alot more than you're letting on, or maybe you just chose to skip all the parts that showed your presious Christianity in a negative light.

The inquisitions were not very Christian... do you know the death count of the Spanish inquisition? They were around for about 300 years and killed about 32,000 people. That is about 1 person every 3 days.

1 person every 3 days is not acceptable. Even 1 person every year killed because of fanatical Christians is not acceptable. So just because it was spread out, the deaths of 32000 innocent people is acceptable? Regardless of death count, this was an atrocious, and VIOLENT act carried out by your "peaceful" Christians.

And claiming they are, doesn't make them any more Christian.

But believing they are, and basing their life around the Bible does.

blah, blah, blah... why do you ask such a stupid question... listen , retard... go find the 1,000,000 posts already made answering this question... idiot.

How incredibly like you MRIH, sidestep the issue entirely.

1st, they're admittedly out of context, 2nd I didn't read them...

1st to show that what you do to the Koran can be done to your Bible just as easily. 2nd why am I not suprised...ignore what you don't want to see, it isn't true if you can't see it.
I did find out this weekend there is a congregation worse than Baptists!

Assembly Of God...these ****ers are so lame!

I D.J'd my step-daughters wedding party, and the groom's family are these Assembly of God ****s!

What a bunch of stiff, snotty, ****s! :mad:

Then aftrer the party, one of these assholes accosted my friend and bass player....I got in this peckerhead's face, and put the fear of God in him....

Now the groom's family dosen't like me. :(

Boo Hoo...what a great ****ing loss!
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