Gentilhomme's beef with MRIH


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
This was sent as a private message to me. I felt is was worth sharing because Gentilhomme makes a very good point!

I'm assumeing you're calling me gullible because I trusted the information being presented in the initial post. truth is i didn't even read the whole dman thing, but my posts were not in direct reference to the thread starter but to religious contradicitons in general, the Bible has them too; get over it. However if you had the decentcy to read my response to the farkin subject you might have noticed that i could care less about simple mistakes in the damned text. You may want to look past one simple comment bofore you get your panties in a tangle, loosen up. I sure as hell havn't ragged on you for the constant useless insults (and they are useless, they accomplish absolutly nothing.) so just relax, debate and if you don't like wht i'm sayin then argue against my points, don't just dool out bad rep and insults.

I am crass and rude (worse in real life). I will endevour to be nicer in the future!

My appologies Gentilhomme!
If I were you i'd give him some bad rep and call him a butt****er. I like ya just the way you are, dickhead.
I don't know if thats sarcasim or not.....I'm a little scared right now shudders
And its no so much a beef with you, its your insults. I've seen you make some good points but they are usually lost in a fog of 'well you're a dum fuk" and things of the like. If this is a genuine apology then you can most apologize by seeing that you don't make the same mistake in the future with me of other folks. Let us speak no more of the matter. :)
Gentilhomme said:
I don't know if thats sarcasim or not.....I'm a little scared right now shudders
And its no so much a beef with you, its your insults. I've seen you make some good points but they are usually lost in a fog of 'well you're a dum fuk" and things of the like. If this is a genuine apology then you can most apologize by seeing that you don't make the same mistake in the future with me of other folks. Let us speak no more of the matter. :)

Well....your a dumb ****. There, now you can add me to your buddy list.
Well MHRIH doenst post stuff like this very often. I really think he is genuinely sorry and wanted to make it up to you...Thats my theory. Do a search im sure these types of posts are rare, if not non-existant....

I was quite touched...It sounded like a genuine aplogy to me!
As far as I know, Gentilhomme has not declared himself a follower of ISLAM FAITH, so I will assume the apology coming from MRIH means he'll try not to pop a ****ing gasket as hard next time, but puts no guarantee in it if said discussion proves to be to his disliking in substance and value, at which time he will then use the protocol of his own mentality to put Gentilhomme onto a path of better enlightenment by the power of the "LINGUISTIC EXPERIENCE"..

Yep, that was the apology I saw, and I'll take it at that definition too.

Otherwise, if Gentilhomme WAS a follower of Islam, then the apology was meant to say that he is sorry he ran out of rude commentary, and will lash back harder next time because Gentilhomme makes him sick...

I know how us Mexicans think...
Any chance i'll get an apology,MRIH?? :D :D :D
Here is the best you'll get from me, AIG... ahem I'm sorry that you and 1 billion other people were duped into a religion of violence, hatred, intolerance and bigotry, through NO FAULT of my own.
Little note for ol Johny boy,

The apology was because he insulted me and gave me bad rep for something that i didn't do, but YOU did accually. Just to clairfy. (Look at the 'Condredictions in the Bible' thread)
Again,. thanks for the concern MRIH.
Gentilhomme said:
Little note for ol Johny boy,

The apology was because he insulted me and gave me bad rep for something that i didn't do, but YOU did accually. Just to clairfy. (Look at the 'Condredictions in the Bible' thread)
Again,. thanks for the concern MRIH.

Does this mean I don't get a christmas card from you this year? I was just qouting from your own paragraph when I said "dumb ****" so calm down sport. You will not get an apology from me, however. If you can't take a little ribbing why are you here?

Sincerely, Jhony(the guy that thinks your a *****)5.
Said nothing about taking a ribbing, MRIHs been at it since my VERY FIRST POST and has amintained a steady lvl through-out my time here, i don't mind it. i PM him cause he gave me bad rep, the gullible thing was tied into that as it was "Bad rep for being GULLIBLE!" when my post was not relevant to being gullible, the matter is cleared now and the only thing damaged is about 700rep points. Too bad. i'm bnot a tight ass, couldn't care less if you insult me but MRIH made a boo boo and i felt he needed to get the story stright. :)
Gentilhomme said:
Said nothing about taking a ribbing, MRIHs been at it since my VERY FIRST POST and has amintained a steady lvl through-out my time here, i PM him cause he gave me bad rep, the gullible thing was tied into that as it was "Bad rep for being GULLIBLE!" when my post was not relevant to being gullible, the matter is cleared now and the only thing damaged is about 700rep points. Too bad. i'm bnot a tight ass, couldn't care less if you insult me but MRIH made a boo boo and i felt he needed enlightening.

Gottcha. I bet you'll get your rep back up because you have alot of smart **** to say. Don't take much I say personally cuz i'm a *****. If i'm being serious you'll know.

Peace, J5.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Here is the best you'll get from me, AIG... ahem I'm sorry that you and 1 billion other people were duped into a religion of violence, hatred, intolerance and bigotry, through NO FAULT of my own.

Oh thanks.I'm also sorry that you took a man as God because he performed miracles with the help of God.
I'm sorry 1 or 2 billion people got confused about it.

The Holy Qu'ran says this concerning this issue:
'(Remember) when Allah will say (on the day of ressurection):''O Isa(Jesus),son of Mary!Remember My Favour to you and to your mother when I supported you with Ruh-ul-Qudus(Gabriel) so that you spoke to people in the cradle and in maturity;and when I taught you writing,Al-Hikma(the power of understanding), the Taurat(Torah) and the Injeel(Gospel);and when you made out of clay,a figure like that of a bird,by My Permission,and you breathed into it,and it became a bird by My Permission,and you healed those born blind,and the lepers by My Permission,and when you brought forth the dead by My Permission;and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you(when they resolved to kill you)as you came unto them with clear proofs,and the disbelievers amongst them said:'This is nothing but evident magic.''5:110

And what will Jesus say about these invented lies about him?:
'AND (remember) when Allah will say(on the day of ressurection):''O Isa(Jesus),son of Mary!Did you say unto men:'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?'' He will say:''Glorified are You!It was not for me to say what I had no right(to say).Had I said such a thing,You would surely have known it.You know what is in my inner self though I do not know what is in yours;truly,You,only You,are the All-Knower of all that is Hidden(and unseen).

'Never did I say to them aught except what You(Allah) did command me to say:''Worship Allah,my Lord and your Lord.''
And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them,but when You took me up,You were the Watcher over them;and You are a Witness to all things.

'If you punish them,they are Your slaves,and if You forgive them,verily,You,only You are the All-Mighty,the All-Wise.'
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I don't give a **** what the pig-**** toilet paper roll has in it! It's crap!

OH Quasimodo,how bitter you are.I pity You.

(ps:I'd like to keep calling you Quasimodo,you don't mind do you?) :D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You are definitely on the "ignore list" now.

You shouldnt shut out your nemesis....It makes better reading hearing both sides for the rest of us!