get it right asshats.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
lose ? the opposite of win, to misplace something, ONE FRICKING O
loose ? the opposite of tight, your mother/wife/sister, TWO FRICKING O?s
how can so many people get these two confused? IDIOTS

your ? a possessive, similar to mine, his, her as in ?your loose slut of a sister loses her mind every time she gets railroaded by your whole inbred, sh!tbag excuse of a family?, NO FRICKING APOSTROPHE
you?re ? a contraction of ?you are?, as in ?you?re a dipsh!t?, A FRICKING APOSTROPHE

its ? another possessive, similar to your, NO FRICKING APOSTROPHE
it?s ? a contraction of ?it is?, as in ?it?s fricking simple?, A FRICKING APOSTROPHE
Need a trick? Fine ? when using it?s or you?re, expand the contraction. If ?you?re head is full of sh!t? becomes ?you are head is full of sh!t? and doesn?t make any sense (maybe it will to you because you?re a fricking idiot), then you are using the wrong word. Queef.

to ? a preposition, as in ?turn to the right? or ?it?s time to go back to school?, ONE FRICKING O
too ? an adverb (know what that is?), synonymous with ?also?, ?as well? as in ?Really? I went to college too. I actually read a FRICKING BOOK.? It can also be used to mean ?to a regrettable degree? as in ?It?s too late for you, moron?, TWO FRICKING O?s
two ? a number, it comes after one

there ? an adverb, similar to here as in ?your tiny bus is over there?
their ? yet another possessive, similar to your as in ?it?s not their fault that you?re a fricking retard. It?s YOUR fault.?
they?re ? a contraction of ?they are? as in ?they?re not responsible for your complete ignorance of YOUR OWN FRICKING LANGUAGE. READ A BOOK!!?

By the way, grammar is spelled with TWO FRICKING A?s. So next time you want to flame someone for bad ?grammer?, at least spell it right.
Thanks for the grammar lesson but I've never been good at it. I dropped out of school because I was a stoner and couldn't keep a job. The only thing that saved me was to join the Navy at 17. You might think of me as an asshat or an ignorant sh!t because I can't spell and you're probably right.
It doesn't mean I don't have an opinion or might even be smarter than you in some instances.
This is the Internet and you will find all kinds of people here so get over it. I'm 52 years old and I'm not about to go back to school to please little s like you.
You sit there and worry about other peoples grammar and you'll go nuts.

Did I up anywhere? If so I don't give a !

Oh you should capitalize the first word in a sentence. Maybe you could use your own advice and "Get it right". :cool:
Lol, I was a drop out too, probably earlier than you, it doesn't mean I don't read and understand language.

As for the caps, this was a cut and paste, maybe I should have corrected it, I didn't deem it important...

Just something I found funny is all.
I've got another excuse too. My memory is slipping just a tad. I think it was those 400 acid trips. :rolleyes:
Hack said:
ooohhh, do the acid flashbacks ever coincide with the naval flashbacks?

Funny you should ask. After drinking some wine that my roommate had put ten hits of acid in and luckily I only took one small sip when he stopped me, I went on Quarter deck duty. It was extra duty for some stupid I did. I was on the other side of the Quarter deck in the dark saluting other sailors crossing over to another ship mored up alongside mine. Talk about a trip! Them where up on the 03 deck doing eco sounds and trying to freak me out. :D
oh man. that had to suck.

in 8th grade someone put about the same ammount in a teachers drink, sadly, he drank all of it.

he wound up in hospital.

never to be seen again.
snafu said:
Thanks for the grammar lesson but I've never been good at it. I dropped out of school because I was a stoner and couldn't keep a job. The only thing that saved me was to join the Navy at 17. You might think of me as an asshat or an ignorant sh!t because I can't spell and you're probably right.
It doesn't mean I don't have an opinion or might even be smarter than you in some instances.
This is the Internet and you will find all kinds of people here so get over it. I'm 52 years old and I'm not about to go back to school to please little s like you.
You sit there and worry about other peoples grammar and you'll go nuts.

Did I up anywhere? If so I don't give a !

Oh you should capitalize the first word in a sentence. Maybe you could use your own advice and "Get it right". :cool:

Well I screw up spelling all the time too. My problem is mostly rooted in the fact I have relied too much on spell checkers in all my business software and I share the writing perfection of two ladies at my main job who 'fix' all my mistakes for me, it is a running joke with us and I take care of both of them for their birthdays and Christmas with special gifts because they do such a great job.

What is communication?

Is it passing ideas and thoughts from one person to the next? I believe the important thing is not if you spell something right but if you got your intended message delivered or not. But maybe that is just me.

I have never had a lot of respect for those who try to be the Internet spelling police.

Acid stories,

When I was a kid about 12 years old, I went with my sister to a one of her friends house, we were going to help her with delivering some newspapers because the friend had to go to court.

When we got there the girls of course had to hang out in the bathroom together while the friend got ready to go so I was alone, I was thirsty and went raiding the fridge (this to most 12 year old boys is an artform) I found some leftovers and a big pitcher of "TEA". I made me a snack and a big glass of tea and proceeded to drink it. The tea tased nasty but I was thirsty and 12 so I looked past the taste.

About half a glass later they came out of the back and the friends eyes went wide when she saw me drinking the tea, lol.

Well it was what we call "shroom tea". I can't really remember all of what happened to me, I remember pieces like watching the papers fly as they were tossed and laughing constantly. I got into a fight with the car too.......

Overall my druggie experience was not a good one ;)
What is communication?

Is it passing ideas and thoughts from one person to the next? I believe the important thing is not if you spell something right but if you got your intended message delivered or not. But maybe that is just me.

I agree that communicating an idea is the important part, but...

Using proper grammar goes a long, long way towards communicating your idea effectively.

Using improper grammar impedes a reader's ability to follow your idea without reading multiple times to grasp what it was that you were trying to communicate.

Sometimes it's no big deal, but sometimes it can make all the difference in the world.
mercury said:
I agree that communicating an idea is the important part, but...

Using proper grammar goes a long, long way towards communicating your idea effectively.

Using improper grammar impedes a reader's ability to follow your idea without reading multiple times to grasp what it was that you were trying to communicate.

Sometimes it's no big deal, but sometimes it can make all the difference in the world.

I agree, taken to an extreme, anything can be bad. But in most cases, being critical about the wrong to, two, too usage is on that extreme scale of being too (did I use the right one Hack?) nitpicky in my opinion.

I look at the internet spelling police to be real snobs to be honest, they are complaining about the appearance of the words, not if your meaning has been understood correctly. It is like people who look down on other people because of their clothing, not what is inside the clothing.

Then again I am pretty ugly so maybe that is why I don't think appearance is very important, lol.
So do you think Midol might help with men?
Cause I've been a bitch all day too! I've chewed out what supervisor that was available and then the coordinator for my job.
I can get away with it because I can! They don?t have a clue as to what I do so they have to kiss my ass!:p

I?ve given them a break and told them how to cut hours to try and save the precious USPS and have taken on even more work. I worry about my customers and the service they receive, not just cutting hours. So when they bitch about the staffing I have to remind them of the security I provied.

Awww...tough day Snaffie? I don't know why...but I can't see you being too angry :) However...a Midol will make you feel less bloated so...if you feel you need one....
mercury said:
I agree that communicating an idea is the important part, but...

Using proper grammar goes a long, long way towards communicating your idea effectively.

Sometimes it's no big deal, but sometimes it can make all the difference in the world.

I always laugh when I read someone stating "Your stupid...........".