Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005

ONTARIO, Calif. -- A 14-year-old student was expelled from a Christian school because her parents are lesbians, the school's superintendent said in a letter.

Shay Clark was expelled from Ontario Christian School on Thursday.

"Your family does not meet the policies of admission," Superintendent Leonard Stob wrote to Tina Clark, the girl's biological mother.

Stob wrote that school policy requires that at least one parent may not engage in practices "immoral or inconsistent with a positive Christian life style, such as cohabitating without marriage or in a homosexual relationship," The Los Angeles Times reported in Friday's edition.

Stob could not be reached for comment by the newspaper. Shay and her parents said they won't fight the ruling.

School administrators learned of the parents' relationship this week after Shay was reprimanded for talking to the crowd during a football game, Tina Clark said.

Clark and her partner have been together 22 years and have two other daughters, ages 9 and 19.

Statement From School Superintendent
The school's superintendent, Len Stob, released the following statement:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding a student that had been enrolled at Ontario Christian School. The student is not attending Ontario Christian, as the family does not meet admissions criteria. The ministry of Ontario Christian is to promote discipleship of Jesus Christ as defined by the Bible and consistent with historical Christianity. The school forms a voluntary partnership with parents who seek the same discipleship. Therefore, the school requires that at least one parent be a confessing Christian and active in the local Christian church. In this case, the parent does not meet the criteria by participating in a homosexual relationship. We regret that this relationship was disclosed at the time of admission, as that information would have prevented enrollment and the occasion for misunderstanding.

The mission of Ontario Christian school is to provide for the children of Christian parents a Biblically-based, quality education that nurtures students to grow in knowledge, conviction and maturity; therefore, our focus is to equip students with the vision and skills to engage all relationships and culture under the authority of Jesus Christ.

( The word "not" was not included in the superintendent's statement.)
I understand that this is a private school and that they can reject whomever they want for whatever reason.
However, who are they to decide who is a better Christian than the next?
Why should this girl be punished because of her parents' sexual preference?
Sounds like she lives in a more stable household than most children of heterosexuals. How many heteros stay together for 22 years in this day in age?
I am sick of the discrimination. It's nauseating.
Well considering christianity, as an organization of sorts, generally frowns upon homosexuality I am not surprised. I know three girls expelled in their senior year from a catholic school because they got pregnant (two of them even married the fathers but were not allowed to stay at the school) You could also get thrown out if it was revealed you had an STD (no sex before marraige) but you COULD do all the drugs and drinking you wanted (they are not cadinal sins apparently) LOL
tizz said:
Well considering christianity, as an organization of sorts, generally frowns upon homosexuality I am not surprised. I know three girls expelled in their senior year from a catholic school because they got pregnant (two of them even married the fathers but were not allowed to stay at the school) You could also get thrown out if it was revealed you had an STD (no sex before marraige) but you COULD do all the drugs and drinking you wanted (they are not cadinal sins apparently) LOL
I suppose I'm not all that surprised. I'm just disappointed that their thinking hasn't budged a single bit. The thing that surprises me the most is that the GIRL isn't a lesbian. Her parents are. Guess that's just as bad in their eyes.
I wouldn,t be surprised if the personal thinking of the administrators was less uptight, but these schools get a lot of their money from the church and the church has an obligation to uphold the ideals they preach. I am more surprised the women chose to send thier child to a christian school. They HAD to have known what would happen
There is obviously no argument since it is a private school whether they can kick this girl out.

The parents probably should have expected it and maybe if they had been up front with the administration at the school then they would have known to enroll their daughter somewhere else. Then she may not have to go through the stress of the publicity and looking for a new school.

I am not a homophobe but if you have an alternative lifestyle don't push the limits or test the waters using your children.
I wouldn,t be surprised if the personal thinking of the administrators was less uptight, but these schools get a lot of their money from the church and the church has an obligation to uphold the ideals they preach.

I agree. If a chruch they were getting funding from found out, they'd probably cut them off a good bit. That probably has a LOT to do with it.
I talked about this at school, actually.

They have every right to kick her out, although they're flaming assholes for doing it. But... they're a private school, that's their choice. And although there ARE laws determining rights/policies that all schools have to have, not discriminating against kids of certain cultural niches isn't in there.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a terrible state of mind for the school to be in, being in a same-sex relationship at the moment. But hell, it says in the entry documents that you can't have homosexuals in your immediate family, and the parents did try to get her in there. They were setting the kid up for failure, if you ask me. That, and she mentioned it at a game, apparently.

So, it's bullshit, but they have every right to do it.
I'm all for Gay-rights etc, but I have to agree.
Maybe she should keep her mouth shut while shes attending a RELIGIOUS PRIVATE SCHOOL.
angie said:

I understand that this is a private school and that they can reject whomever they want for whatever reason.
However, who are they to decide who is a better Christian than the next?
Why should this girl be punished because of her parents' sexual preference?
Sounds like she lives in a more stable household than most children of heterosexuals. How many heteros stay together for 22 years in this day in age?
I am sick of the discrimination. It's nauseating.

If this had happened in the USA, that school and it's retard super intendant would be getting sued six ways from Sunday.

As far as I am concerned, the school and it's SI are both dispicable and should be closed down.

ImWithStupid said:
There is obviously no argument since it is a private school whether they can kick this girl out.

The parents probably should have expected it and maybe if they had been up front with the administration at the school then they would have known to enroll their daughter somewhere else. Then she may not have to go through the stress of the publicity and looking for a new school.

I am not a homophobe but if you have an alternative lifestyle don't push the limits or test the waters using your children.

If I wasn't such a nice guy, IWS, I would start an idiot-box poll involving you and this rather poor example of behavior.

Shame on you for supporting discrimination.

I'm not supporting discrimination. I don't agree with what happened. I am just saying that as a private school they have the right to exclude the family for going against the schools bylaws, especially since the rule about at least one parent abiding by Christian beliefs was already on the books, whether doing so is right or wrong.
If this had happened in the USA, that school and it's retard super intendant would be getting sued six ways from Sunday.

As far as I am concerned, the school and it's SI are both dispicable and should be closed down.


It has and does happen in the US. The govt cannot get involved in what a religious organization will allow. I mean it's not like it is secret what a religion believes about homosexuality. If you don't like what they believe then don't go. If they are not funded by the state or govt then the state andgovt can say NOTHING
Thats christianity for you.

"Your beautiful, god/jesus loves all his little fishies....

except some.....even tho he sais he does...we just refused to believe it."

What i want to know is why would a lesbian send their child to such a school full well knowing it states you cant have homosexuals in their family..

less they were wanting it to happen because they were lesbian attention whores...
Vortex said:
Thats christianity for you.

"Your beautiful, god/jesus loves all his little fishies....

except some.....even tho he sais he does...we just refused to believe it."

What i want to know is why would a lesbian send their child to such a school full well knowing it states you cant have homosexuals in their family..

less they were wanting it to happen because they were lesbian attention whores...

(Love ya Tizzy)
angie said:
(Love ya Tizzy)

throw in a double dose of PMS on the same cycle and were really in trouble!

Less they are artistic and it could be creative fingerpaint :eek:
angie said:
(Love ya Tizzy)

LMAO but no I am not so stupid, noe am I so hard up for $$ that I would set my kid up so that I could present a lawsuit in her behalf ;) But funny as hell (and damn scary. A lesbian version of me would scare the crap out of me)