Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians

That's sad, but when it comes down to it, the school has the complete right, and in some ways, obligation to uphold the standards that they set themselves by.

Still, I don't agreewe with the rule.
That's the beauty of private schools. If you don't agree with their morals you are under no obligation to register
Wouldn't it be interesting to set up a privet school wherein you taught bigotry, political manipulation, complete intolerence towards/action against other beliefs/religions, violence towards women and the superman theory. You could probably get away with it for quite some time. And even more interestingly if it were teaching instead violence towards men...white men in particular... Nothing like conditioning your own little army of intolerent monsters being supported not only by their parent's jack-assery but by the administration and other students attending the school, a group which is oh so VERY influencial in a child's developpment. Then ofcourse there is post-secondary institutes which turn the children (AKA the soldiers of narrow minded rich folk) into productive tools for inserting their beliefs unto the masses that are our socities.

Bob Johnson comes to mind...Now why is that?
ImWithStupid said:
There is obviously no argument since it is a private school whether they can kick this girl out.

The parents probably should have expected it and maybe if they had been up front with the administration at the school then they would have known to enroll their daughter somewhere else. Then she may not have to go through the stress of the publicity and looking for a new school.

I am not a homophobe but if you have an alternative lifestyle don't push the limits or test the waters using your children.
So your saying that a private school could say that no black people can be admitted, you know that would be challenged and rightly so. No private organization can make a rule like that. Gay people are treated as a special interest group in some states, therefore if pursued I question if this decision would stand.
Although I can't imagine that the student would feel good about remaining there. As a parent I wouldn't want my child in a school so backward as that.
I have tried to teach my daughter that the differences in us all make things more interesting.
The difference in Gay people and Muslims is that Gay people don't blow people up who don't beleive in them and they aren't trying to convert people to their way of living because their way is the only way.
Any group that beleives in live and let live, is all good with me. When a group starts sticking their nose into my life too far, then I get a bit pissed.
Yep, public school would be entirely different. So sick of gay christians. People have the right to believe what they want to believe, but why bother believing in an ideal which wholely rejects you. I wouldn't join a club then wish them to change their rules to fit me.
Lethalfind said:
So your saying that a private school could say that no black people can be admitted, you know that would be challenged and rightly so. No private organization can make a rule like that. Gay people are treated as a special interest group in some states, therefore if pursued I question if this decision would stand.
Just because a persons beliefs do not coincide with your own does not make the person 'backward'. In fact I'm sure those same people would consider your beliefs backward. The stance of the Christian Religion on homosexuallity is no secret, and any one who goes into a Christian should come to terms with the fact that it is not an accepted practice. Private schools do not technically need a reason to expell you. They could expell a pregnant girl for premarital sex. If there was a private school funded by the KKK they most certainly could keep blacks from attending. Girls schools can keep boys from attending, just as boys schools keep girls from attending. I know of several all black schools here in Ga.
Lethalfind said:
Although I can't imagine that the student would feel good about remaining there. As a parent I wouldn't want my child in a school so backward as that.
I have tried to teach my daughter that the differences in us all make things more interesting.
Personally, I think they were trying to make a statement, and I really get annoyed with people who do that. They do that just to try to stir sh-t up. The girls who fought to get into the military academy just so she could drop out within a month. The girl that fought to play in the men