Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...


New member
okay....i just noticed this thread...

why is the chick who made it "Roxy?"

look like she's in a prorn video?

omg....i tell respect

*shakes head*



New member
yup. i see that all the time at my school.

it makes me laugh.

and she's with her......feelings? (not to go all perverded hereXD)

she dosent go on lpf anymore huh?

The subject of discussion of this thread isn't weither or not Roxy continues to come here or not.

Please get back on topic before I take further measures.



New member
::.']I got put on anti-depressants the other day.Then I got my period this week and apparently the meds reacted with my loss of blood.
Same here. I got put back on my meds after a year off them cause I slipped into somesort of depressive state and that was made worse by the fact it was that time of the month (twice actually that month, every fortnight) and also my anemia. Added to that I also had a headcold from cleaning out the freezers at work (its winter here) so you can imagine... this last fortnight has been a bit of a blur for me. At least I'm not crying continuously anymore... that's something...

But I guess in part I can relate to how you feel in my own way. We all can.

There's some idiotic proffessor on TV the other day here telling us she's done a new study and reckons that what we go through during 'that time of the month' has nothing to do with our hormonal state or why we get down or feel weak or whatever, all of that, she reckons it's just stress and basically in our heads. Silly cow. I'd expect something like that from a man, not a woman...

Glad you're feeling a little better.





New member
i have to take a birth control to get it every month. and to the person who started this topic how old are you? b/c that could be part of the problem of why your not getting a monthly.


New member
WOW! This thread is still alive....You'd think a lot of women here have this monthly thingy.....o_0
It's a natural process, although some women don't get it or they alter it's patterns by taking medications and stuff.


Solid Snake

New member
Yeah, the only thing that sucks about is the mood swings....The cramps and bleeding can't be that bad, can it? I mean, I've been hit in the back with a nailed 2X4 and I've lost more blood in the past 5 years then most people lose in 30. o_0 I can somewhat understand childbirth.....I've had a metal bat go between my legs and slam Mr. Johnson...

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd.........I lost my point and question somewhere along the line. o_0 ..........DON'T HIT ME!!!!!!....Please?

What's the point in altering you're period besides birth control?



New member
Yeah, the only thing that sucks about is the mood swings....The cramps and bleeding can't be that bad, can it? I mean, I've been hit in the back with a nailed 2X4 and I've lost more blood in the past 5 years then most people lose in 30. o_0 I can somewhat understand childbirth.....I've had a metal bat go between my legs and slam Mr. Johnson...
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd.........I lost my point and question somewhere along the line. o_0 ..........DON'T HIT ME!!!!!!....Please?

What's the point in altering you're period besides birth control?
oh dear ***...teh cramps are ****>.< depends who yoo are really but mine i cant stand up when i have them...its feeling where yoo dont want to stand up/sit down/keep still/movw around

well mine are like that anyway...i have to drug myself up on paracetamol:D

woop for drugs and the pilland yoo do the birth control to help with yoor pain and blood loss>.<

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