Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...

ur rite.. boys who dont cry, not normal, gees they dont have to mocho all the time :rolleyes: . can i have a brownie? lol
Roxy said:
Why ? Guys are allowed to write in here.

personally i think guys who dont talk about this are fake and just acting like it bothers them just cuz "theyre supposed to. "

Just like when they say guys arent sposed to cry. <~~ If you dont and ur a guy i think your not normal..

Anyways i made brownies..

Brownie anyone ?

Walks in with chocolate cake..... Oh crap the only time i cook and i get beaten to it :"(
Enigma said:
Walks in with chocolate cake..... Oh crap the only time i cook and i get beaten to it :"(


We can share, you can have some of mine if i can have some of yours. there can never be too much chocolate when your craving it.

stupidsoul1 said:

Yes they do !!! You said it man...
Enigma said:
oh wells it worked for my sis thought it might for you's

Your as sweet as your wonderful cake.

Thanks for trying to help. Just remember what works for some might not work for others.

i know some girls who dont even get cramps.

I know some who carry one of those thermacare heat patches to use at work to help ease the ones they get

every woman is different.
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