the reason for thier low "danger" is because theyre illegal, not many will touch them, alcohol being legal makes it dangerous as people buy and consume copious amounts, if people have 1 drink theyre obviously no danger to anyone, having a small portion of acid will fry ur brain, theres a major differene between the levels of danger and how much you consume, idiots who get pasted on a saturday night do as much damage to themselves as someone doing a small bit of cocaine or w.e
and i dont think having them moderated or taxed is any different to just making them pure legal, because the system will be abused, lie psudeoephedrine from cold and flu tablets, cold and flu tablets are LEGAL but they can be bought in bulk to produce illegal drugs. as a pharmacist i hafto be wary of those who do that, because the cold and flu tablets are legal and rarely regulated yet can be used to create dangerous drugs on the street.
plus, any legalisation of drugs is a justification that its "good for you" on a certian level, put it plain and simply, drugs are NOT good for you in ANY amount, and we cannot be telling our kids or anyone elses that drugs are good in "x" amount, it should ZERO amount, thats the idea of those campaigns, no matter how useless some of you think it is
and i like the idea of posting up ideas on what to do, not just the shock campaign, it would be great to see a joint run campaign, because a pure shock tactic isnt going to work on its own, especially for those ALREADY on drugs