Giving a Bad Name...

It seems to me that the black couple set this up. They wanted a fight. But if he tried to provoke one there would be no takers because he's such a big guy. So this is how they do it. She goes in alone, he stays outside far away. She acts the way she, did-spitting in a employees face and yelling Mother ****er at anyone who dares to challenge her unacceptable behaviour. Meanwhile the silverback has crept closer to the take away. He now see's its time for him to go in, and acts like mrs silverback has been upset by all these awful honkeys. Its now time for him to be offended, he sees everyone is ill at ease and rightly decides no -one is carrying a gun. People act differently when armed. The silverback now kicks off with little expectation of harm to himself.

Next time you see a bitch silverback kicking off , take a look out of the window. Mr silver back is probably not far away.
Alot of you are reading to much into this. First off, white people do this same kind of **** all the time, so the fact that hes a black has little to do with it. Nor does it have to do with welfare or any of this other convoluted rubbish ya'll are injecting into it. We all dealt with bullies before, and to me that is the only reason he acted the way he did. That goes for his lady freind as well. She wouldn't have acted so untouchable if she were not acompanied by a giant musclebound ogre. He did that because hes larger then 90% of all the folks he encounters.

As to the issue of bystanders defending the guy. In most states you are well within your rights to use deadly force (A gun) to halt an assault on another person that may result in severe bodily injury or death. I can't remember who stated it in this thread but he was correct. Fists can be perceived as deadly weapons, especialy in this case. The assailant didn't just chin check the white guy for disrespecting his women. He was beating him beyond reason, which can and does often result in death. Every year people die from fist fights due to receiving blows to the head, the brain swells inside the skull and causes severe brain damage, even death. So ya, if one of the patrons had a weapon he could legaly draw his weapon and, after sufficiant warning, shoot the assailant.
Personaly, I find the actions of the bystanders cowardly. Their actions stand as a sad state of affairs in our society when several grown men would just stand their and watch that poor **** get beaten into dust particles. If the guy was asking for it that would be different. Even given the emense size of that bully, a few brave patrons could have done SOMETHING. I feel we have a responsibility to look out for one another in society.
I am fully aware this isn't a race issue. I have seen white guys come to the rescue to their bitchy, snobby ass girlfriend. It is sickening. But that still doesn't stop that big dude from being a simian on steroids.
jhony5 says:

As to the issue of bystanders defending the guy. In most states you are well within your rights to use deadly force (A gun) to halt an assault on another person that may result in severe bodily injury or death.

Thanks for the input J5ohn5. I was wonderering what the US state would say about the use of a gun in an instance like this. Several people have died in the UK because of powerful thugs punching them for no reason at all. And yes, their fist-power is deadly clearly.

This is what would go down in the UK. The small guy shoots the agressor dead. Small guy gets about 10-15 years in jail.

Alternatively, small guy gets beaten to death. Solicitor points out that no weapon was used, also there was no intention to kill. Plus the ****** had a nasty childhood, so we should all feel sorry for him. Agressor gets perhaps 1 year in jail
Jhony5 said:
Alot of you are reading to much into this. First off, white people do this same kind of **** all the time, so the fact that hes a black has little to do with it. Nor does it have to do with welfare or any of this other convoluted rubbish ya'll are injecting into it.
I have never seen a grown sober white man act like this. Perhaps I am hanging around the wrong people...
It is a difference in culture, and allowable limits. I have seen bullies in the white community, but they tend to bully using language, threat of lawyers, or threat of 'getting you fired'. We have had various discussions in many of my sociology and psychology classes, and the views of most of the blacks in my class are very different than that of the views of most of the whites. In a discussion of discipline at school, the whites in class were behind the teacher punishing the students, while the blacks in the class claimed that the teachers unfairly single out their children. One black woman was unset because her child got sent to the principles office for cursing at the teacher. Perhaps this difference in culture is more prevalent down here. One of my friends from Minnesota stated that she could not understand the attitudes down here until she had lived here a while.

Jhony5 said:
We all dealt with bullies before, and to me that is the only reason he acted the way he did.
Actually, lashing out is common among any group that feels as if they are treated unfairly. The bullies in my school usually can from a low income, authoritarian home. They were put down at home and made to feel inferior, so they needed to prove themselves superior in a different environment. It is this way with any group or person that is made to feel inferior, whether they are a minority or of a low social class.
Welfare and class does play into it as well. Domestic violence is more prevalent among low income families.

Jhony5 said:
Personaly, I find the actions of the bystanders cowardly. Their actions stand as a sad state of affairs in our society when several grown men would just stand their and watch that poor **** get beaten into dust particles. If the guy was asking for it that would be different. Even given the emense size of that bully, a few brave patrons could have done SOMETHING. I feel we have a responsibility to look out for one another in society.
I agree. Looking back on the situation, they should have done something, but it is different when you are actually in that situation. To be honest, they all looked shocked to me. Even after he left it took them a few second to get moving and come to the mans aid. They should have done something, and put in that situation again they probably would, but no one expects to be in a situation like that in the first place.
Hey my prediction held up pretty good.

Warrington England - Recently
A lad , 16 years of age has been given a fist beating. He has died of his injuries.

The agressor has been given 21 months detention. He will serve half of this time, then spend the other half free- but wearing a tag...
slip_knot said:
jhony5 says:

As to the issue of bystanders defending the guy. In most states you are well within your rights to use deadly force (A gun) to halt an assault on another person that may result in severe bodily injury or death.

Thanks for the input J5ohn5. I was wonderering what the US state would say about the use of a gun in an instance like this. Several people have died in the UK because of powerful thugs punching them for no reason at all. And yes, their fist-power is deadly clearly.

This is what would go down in the UK. The small guy shoots the agressor dead. Small guy gets about 10-15 years in jail.

Alternatively, small guy gets beaten to death. Solicitor points out that no weapon was used, also there was no intention to kill. Plus the ****** had a nasty childhood, so we should all feel sorry for him. Agressor gets perhaps 1 year in jail

In Texas it would be perfectly legal to shoot him for this. They couldn't find twelve people in the whole state who would convict someone for wasting this animal. California, Massachusettes or New Jersey would probably be more like the UK.
Outlaw2747 said:

The people in this video gives a bad name to blacks and women alike for starting this crap at a pizza shop. Old news but I thought it would be interesting to talk about. That guy is obviously *****-whipped and the stubborn bitch is just as guilty. She deserved the comment that the guy on the cell phone said. All this over a pizza...

HA HA HA - What about the people who just stood there and watched - they are just as bad.
cough cough


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HA HA HA - What about the people who just stood there and watched - they are just as bad.

Excuse me! Did you see the size of that orangatang? One minute, you're ordering a large pepperoni and the next a guy is getting punched out.

Evidently, no one had a gun in that crowd. ******s like that, you just ****ing shoot and be done with it.